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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Except that they kind of are (though not completely) since they imply that no-one tried to intervene, whereas someone did. On hearing the cries, his uncle went to try and stop the beating, but unfortunately, "The group then reportedly took the boy away on a motorcycle ..." He was later returned, but was already dead.
  2. I've read through that report and I don't see anything in it that shows excess mortality at +83% for the 25-54 age group. I did find a Reuters Fact Check that documents false claims circulating on social media about an 84% rise in excess mortality for 25-44 year-olds, though. Is that related to what you're claiming? Fact Check-No evidence that people aged 25-44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality
  3. Does anyone know what the latest traffic situation is? We're due to drive to Suvarnabhumi airport from Hua Hin today and Google is saying 3h 48 min avoiding "road closures on route 35.” (normally takes less than 3 hours). Anyone driven that way this morning? Is it still closed?
  4. Actually it was Karl Marx who said it, although he did say it in reference to Hegel. The actual words (in translation) are: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Karl Marx 1852
  5. No country (as far as I'm aware) gives unlimited guarantees on bank deposits. According to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission website, in Australia: Australian Government guaranteed deposits seal So if you had $750,000 in an Australian bank, only a third of it would be guaranteed.
  6. The UK is on the list of "green" countries for which no Covid checks are carried out by the French, so that is definitely not a factor. French government Covid information Brexit is the only reason that there is a need for passport controls and so it clearly has everything to do with Brexit.
  7. You can also pay Electricity bills (PEA or MEA) using True Money Wallet or Rabbit Line Pay, if you have them.
  8. It's not really the EU punishing Brits though, is it? It's the EU sticking to the agreement negotiated with the UK (and which the UK signed off on) of ending freedom of movement between the EU and the UK. I get the distinct impression some people thought this would be a one way process - it's as if they thought the UK would be able to stop free movement of EU citizens into the UK but UK citizens would keep their complete freedom of movement into EU countries. This was never going to be the case, these kinds of restrictions are an inevitable consequence of no longer being a member state of the EU. You can't cancel your membership of an exclusive club and expect to still enjoy all the same benefits that you had when you were a member. It just doesn't work that way.
  9. That's not the mortality rate according to sources like the CDC and WHO. They put the mortality rate at between 1 and 10% depending on the clade. Monkeypox outbreak poses ‘moderate risk’ to global public health
  10. Those were simpler times. Everybody was a lot more relaxed about immigration back then - it wasn't till a while afterwards that the politicians made it into an issue. France wasn't particularly bothered about how long UK citizens stayed there at that time - I used to go over and stay for up to six months at a time without any issue whatsoever. I'm sure I could easily have stayed longer if I'd wanted. Other countries in Europe were similar, as far as I recall. Now immigration is a big issue pretty much everywhere, so there are many more checks and controls than there used to be, pretty much everywhere.
  11. I use the Kasikorn Bank app also. You can pay manually, or schedule an automatic payment whereby it will deduct whatever the billed amount is each month, on the date of your choosing.
  12. I just wanted people to be aware that just because they're not in what might be considered the high risk group currently in Western countries, doesn't mean their risk level is zero. For instance, this guy is reported in Thai PBS articles to have had sexual contact with a number of women while in Thailand which means there may be a risk of catching it from intimate contact of a heterosexual nature in this country. Thai police searching for monkeypox-infected Nigerian man
  13. That's only in this latest outbreak in (mostly) Western countries. Historically, and in the areas in Africa where it's endemic, that's not the case.
  14. Monkeypox potentially clears up by itself but not necessarily. For one thing, it's fatal in between 1% and 10% of cases, depending on which clade it is. Monkeypox - WHO info page
  15. Just to correct myself, and for the avoidance of doubt, a number of articles in the Phuket News and Thai PBS World seem to establish fairly categorically that he has actually been in the country since last October.
  16. If you're talking about going straight (rather than turning left) then it's not allowed. The people who do this are breaking the law.
  17. Looking at the Phuket News reports, they do seem pretty definitive. Which makes it all the more puzzling that the OP here (and the Pattaya News article it was based on) were reporting him as being recently arrived. I stand corrected.
  18. Probably not, because (unless all the official reports are wrong) he only recently arrived from Nigeria.
  19. No, that's not what they say. While most of the recent cases in Western countries have been in men who have sex with men, that seems to be something of an anomaly. Historically, monkeypox has spread equally easily among men and women.
  20. This is not a discussion about what may come about in the future - it is about what the actual, current requirements are for someone retiring to Thailand right now. You may well be right about what could be coming down the pipe, but speculation about what might happen in the future is not helpful to the OP who just wants to know what he needs at this precise moment in time.
  21. He had "decided to stop by Pattaya" for a while before going on to meet her, so she very possibly wasn't expecting him to show up straight away. Also, as has already been pointed out, she may have been the one who alerted the hotel about him in the first place, for all we know.
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