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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Lavrov now telling us not to believe our lying eyes. In an interview with the BBC, he says there is no war going on in Ukraine and, "We didn't invade Ukraine." Lavrov: "We didn't invade Ukraine"
  2. According to the article linked to below: Crypto bank’s freeze on withdrawals sends major cryptocurrencies down
  3. Cognitive dissonance much? You've repeated over and over that the French are not doing enough to prevent asylum seekers coming to the UK - or even that they're actively helping people traffickers get them to the UK and that the French Navy helps their boats to cross the channel. So which is it - it's too easy for them to get to the UK, or too difficult? You can't have it both ways
  4. You seem to be accepting @Mac Mickmanus's assertion that asylum seekers "prefer to stay in the UK." However, that's totally false. The actual statistics show the vast majority who arrive in Europe (92% of them) prefer to stay elsewhere in Europe. Asylum in the UK The same report shows that more than twice as many prefer to stay in France, than come to the UK.
  5. No, that's 96,000 who applied for asylum in France, and so are clearly not trying to get to the UK. Even If there were 10,000 trying to get to the UK (and you don't provide any evidence for that) that would still mean there are vastly more who prefer to stay in France. Stop peddling this falsehood that asylum seekers prefer to come to the UK. It's absolutely clear, and established by the actual numbers, that they don't.
  6. A flight (singular) may be going ahead, but even if it does, it will have only a maximum of 8 people on board. Even that isn't certain because as that article further points out: "Lawyers are understood to still be lodging appeals, under the Humans Rights Act and modern slavery legislation, to withdraw individual names from the Kigali-bound flight."
  7. The vast majority of them don't. 92% of asylum seekers who come to Europe prefer to stay in other European countries, according to the report below. Asylum in the UK As it states, the number of asylum seekers coming to the UK: Oh and just FYI, that report also points out that in 2021 more than twice as many asylum seekers stayed in France, as came to the UK (96,000 as compared to 44,000) so that again flatly contradicts your assertion that "they prefer to stay in the UK." Most of them prefer to stay elsewhere.
  8. Rwanda is not a safe country for refugees. And who says that? Why, it's the UK government, who condemned Rwanda just recently, for violating the human rights of refugees being kept in transit centres in that country. UK condemned Rwanda for human rights abuses months before signing deal to send asylum seekers there
  9. Keep them safe by sending them to a country with a well-documented record of human rights abuses in recent years, specifically in relation to the treatment of refugees there? A record that the UK government itself condemned just months earlier. UK condemned Rwanda for human rights abuses months before signing deal to send asylum seekers there
  10. Not sure what you are on about. You were the one talking about future availability, not me. I was pointing out that there are plenty of commercial EV vehicles around already. Also, your post did not refer to vehicles "on general sale in Thailand", it simply made the statement that commercial electric vehicles seem a long way off, apart from Tesla. Which is incorrect. But if you want to talk about right now in Thailand, other posters have already provided evidence of commercial vehicles that are available in the country already. Given that current availability here and the fact that there are already multiple international manufacturers currently producing commercial EV's who will undoubtedly be happy to supply vehicles here if there's a demand, the idea that there wouldn't be enough available well over a decade from now, seems to strain the bounds of credulity, if you ask me.
  11. The post of yours I was replying to wasn't talking about vehicles currently available in Thailand, it was one talking about the future availability and it made the general claim that "the electric commercial truck seems a long way off, apart from Tesla of course." Which as I said, just isn't true.
  12. Many (if not most) of the companies I listed are international firms, well-used to selling vehicles all around the world. If there's a demand for EV commercial vehicles in Thailand (oh, I don't know, if the government announces an intention to move to all EV's by a certain date, for instance) then quite obviously they'll be more than happy to supply them.
  13. Also, as the "Future Electric Semi Trucks" article mentions: Again, many of these vehicles are already available.
  14. That's just not true though, is it? Here's a partial list of companies manufacturing EV semi trucks for instance, generated by a very cursory Google search. Kenworth Stellantis Volvo Tesla Rivian BrightDrop Electric Last Mile Solutions Nikola Motors Daimler Peterbilt BYD Motors Mercedes 7 EV van and truck companies with big 2022 plans | Greenbiz Future Electric Semi Trucks (And though that link says "future," if you look at the article most of them are already in production). Electric Mercedes eActros HGV review And there are no doubt others I didn't find.
  15. I've been able to answer my own question. An article from "the source that may not be quoted" makes it clear that it is indeed the Krung Thai Bank app that is being used for online lottery ticket sales. So I guess you can use the app even if you don't have a Krung Thai account? Otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense. Although, TIT.
  16. Then I'm confused. If that's the case, why make your response to a post that said they were sentenced to life imprisonment? Especially when there were posts you could have quoted from, that gave the correct sentence.
  17. I'm not finding anything that corresponds to this in the Google Play Store. I can see a "Paotang" app but unless I'm missing something, it's the online banking app for the Krung Thai Bank and wouldn't appear to involve lottery tickets. Anyone know what the actual app is or how to find it?
  18. Except that they weren't sentenced to life imprisonment, they were sentenced to death. 2 Britons and Moroccan sentenced to death by pro-Russian court in self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic
  19. Then there is, as stated in the OP, the option of, "a separate facility for self-insurance."
  20. But again, while not convicted of a crime, Pinochet was wanted in relation to a crime the Spanish wanted to prosecute him for. Pompeo is only being "summoned to explain" to a Spanish court. So basically, just as a witness. There's no allegation of a crime, as far as I can tell. I don't think he can be subject to extradition just to provide evidence.
  21. Covid may be many things (including, in its latest iteration, being no worse than a heavy cold for most people) but one thing it is not, is the flu. It's a totally different virus from a completely different family of viruses and has very little in common with influenza viruses apart from being a respiratory disease with a superficial similarity in some of its symptoms.
  22. As @ozimoronsays, that's just not true. According to the Interpol website: About Red Notices Now of course, Pompeo falls into neither of these categories as far as Spain goes, so he couldn't be the subject of a Red Notice, but the fact remains that a person doesn't have to have been found guilty of a crime to have a Red Notice issued for them.
  23. Why not? The number of different sources reporting it make it look pretty definitive. As a number of links in subsequent posts show, even official Russian sources such as Komsomolskaya Pravda and a Russian National Guard statement, say that Sgt. Adam Bisultanov was indeed "the commander of a separate operational brigade."
  24. It doesn't show that though - it just shows that one specific woman lied - assuming you think the verdict was correct, which as it happens, I do.
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