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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Are the details of this confirmed yet? It's been two days but I still can't see anything about this on any media outlet other than the New York Post.
  2. Somebody said that, but it's not true. The age of majority in the UK is 18. Teenagers in Scotland have some increased rights at age 16 (the right to get married, for instance) but even there, the age of full majority is still 18. As stated on the UK Law Reform Commission's website: The Law Relating To The Age Of Majority
  3. Not the case for the UK, according to lawstuff.org.uk As they state on their website: Holiday without parental consent It is true however that some countries (Portugal for instance) will not allow unaccompanied minors into their country without written permission from the parents.
  4. I think many banks operate a grandfather system. I know mine (NatWest International) does. I've had an account with them for over 30 years (it was originally RBS International but they switched all personal accounts to NatWest a few years ago) and I've been able to keep the account I always had but I can't open any new accounts with them - I asked just last year.
  5. As the Prussian statesman and architect of the unification of Germany, Otto von Bismarck once said: While I don't like the lèse majesté law, I don't think it's the main problem facing Thailand today. If Pita and the MFP could moderate their stance and just go for limits on how it is used and for which cases it's applicable, that would (IMHO) serve the greater good, if it would allow for the formation of a non military-dominated government that would better reflect the will of the people as expressed through the ballot box.
  6. All but one of those require the account holder to be resident in the UK or have proof that they are about to move there.
  7. The various problems with lithium availability (and mining practices) are why so many people are researching alternatives. Here's an article outlining 7 possible alternatives to lithium for EV batteries. 7 Lithium Battery Alternatives These all sound quite promising, however as the article points out:
  8. You mean in terms of them finding the girl's body? Apparently not, it seems he continues to deny all knowledge of her or her fate. Her body was found following a tipoff by someone who saw her being led into a forest by an unidentified man.
  9. There's nothing I've seen that indicates he led them to the body. According the articles earlier in this thread, he has continued to deny any knowledge of her fate, and her body was found following a tipoff received from someone who saw her being led into the forest by a man.
  10. When they are direct, verbatim quotes from Comer (which they were) and moreover, were given to a Fox News host during an interview, then I'm not sure how it matters who's reporting on it.
  11. I think you may be getting your missiles mixed up. The UK sent Star Streak missiles to Ukraine about a year ago. World's fastest laser-guided missile deployed to Ukraine It's the Storm Shadow missiles we only announced sending them two days ago.
  12. Various commentators have pointed out that the most notable moments from this event were probably the numerous statements made by Trump that may well serve to deepen his legal jeapordy. He said things that would have prosecutors on the January 6 and Mar-a-Lago documents cases pricking their ears up and repeated his defamatory language against E. Jean Carroll - a move that could see her suing him again. How Trump’s CNN Town Hall Remarks Put Him in Greater Legal Peril
  13. Whereabouts in Hua Hin, do you know? I've already asked at the government hospital for instance, and they didn't have it there.
  14. No, he's saying that he has 3 separate pensions, each of which he receives monthly.
  15. And when pressed on this in an interview with CNN, Comer admitted straight up that they hadn't found anything illegal. Republican committee chair trying to dig up dirt on Biden admits they’ve come up dry
  16. Well, Comer's much-trumpeted presser promising all these "bombshell" revelations about the Bidens fell spectacularly flat, didn't it? As pointed out in an article in The Independent: Republicans offer no evidence of crimes at press conference on alleged ‘Biden family corruption’
  17. It's the export version with a 250km range. UK confirms supply of Storm Shadow long-range missiles in Ukraine That still gives them the ability to strike anywhere inside Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine, including Crimea.
  18. But "no evidence" means we have no idea whether she was kidnapped or not. It simply means we don't know what happened.
  19. Well, all I can say is that my daughter certainly didn't have a problem doing exactly that. She entered on her British passport, got a Thai passport issued while she was here and left on her British passport. She came back next time on her unused Thai passport (issued in Thailand) without any major problem. They asked her why her passport was unused, she told them and they let her in - simples.
  20. How do you know that? I haven't seen any reporting that establishes what happened. As far as I'm aware, she's still missing, fate unknown. Or do you have access to some updated info? If so, please share.
  21. It's hardly semantics. This whole thread is about how to get a Thai ID (and/or passport). To do so means following certain steps in order. The very first step is to have Thai citizenship. And I might be wrong, but the way KhunPer has worded it certainly makes it sound like he doesn't think she's a Thai citizen yet. Anyone reading his statements could easily come away with a misunderstanding of the basic principles involved.
  22. She already has Thai citizenship. She got it as a birthright through her mother, as stated in the OP. Getting either a Thai ID or passport are both contingent on being a citizen. You can't get either one if you're not already a citizen.
  23. RIP UbonJoe - surely the most knowledgeable and most helpful poster on this entire site. Whenever there was a visa-related question I always used to wait until the Oracle that was UbonJoe weighed in, to see what the correct answer was. He will be sorely missed.
  24. Even Chuck Grassley, one of the two main people pushing this allegation, admitted to Fox News that: Joe Biden bribery accusations So all we have are some vague claims about a "tip" given to the FBI by an as yet unknown source, containing some unspecified allegations about what may or may not have been illegal activity.
  25. I think you may be labouring under a slight misapprehension as to the purpose of the visit. They already know you're applying for an extension and they already know you claim to be living together with your wife, as a married couple, at a given address. They're there to ascertain whether what you're claiming is true. They don't need to ask you, they already have your application form, so (unless you plan on contradicting the info on your form) there's not much else you can tell them. As far as I can tell, they're basically there to check with people other than you (the witness and your wife) whether you really are living together at the address you've given them.
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