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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. We've all had it here in Hat Yai. My granddaughter brought it back from school, she had quite a high fever, though neither my wife nor I did. We all had sore throat, cough, muscle aches and bronchial phlegm that takes an age to clear. Covid tests was negative. I assume it's some flu variant.
  2. Why? You need to understand the political history and the geography. Geographically Northern Ireland is part of the island of Ireland, it isn't part of Great Britain. Great Britain is the largest island within the British Isles, and comprises Scotland, Wales and England. Note the island of Ireland forms part of the British Isles, together with the Isle of Man, Inner & Outer Hebrides, Shetland and Orkney. Politically/historically Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, which comprises the Kingdom of England and the Principality of Wales (1284), Kingdom of Ireland (1542) and Kingdom of Scotland (1707). However, southern Ireland left the United Kingdom in the act of partition (1921) becoming the Republic of Ireland; the northern provinces voted to remain part of the United Kingdom and are referred to as Northern Ireland. .
  3. Are you looking to find them or avoid them?
  4. That's the problem Bob
  5. No it doesn't it says BRITISH PASSPORT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  6. Two thirds of a Magnum ice cream
  7. She'll skin him alive - hopefully
  8. That's not living, it's simply existing - IMO. As to the OP's question, I spend what I need to live a comfortable life whilst living within my means. I follow simple Micawbian economic principles ~ “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.” Return on investments covers the basics, the amount of days consultancy work annually is something of an unknown variable, so I adjust my discretionary expenditure accordingly.
  9. How can you miss a target that big?
  10. Routine? I get up, I do stuff, I go to bed. Some folk here really like to over complicate things.
  11. Not quite, as of the last Census (2021) some 1.6 million people described themselves as of Pakistani descent or Pakistani-born.
  12. The French are revolting, nothing new there
  13. Unless I'm connecting somewhere for something specific then Singapore
  14. HSBC Singapore to SCB today - took an eternity - 5 seconds!
  15. But that's monsoon season here, most Europeans come during the winter months
  16. Isn't it supposed to be low season May through October?
  17. Transfer this evening HSBC Singapore - Wise - Kasikorn instantaneous, the SMS from Kasikorn acknowledging receipt arrived the same time the one from HSBC SMS said the money had left my account. Most times there are topics about Wise problems it involved money from the USA.
  18. As I said SE Asia, Malaysia would be first choice.
  19. I do, and there are plenty of places we could go as a family, I have little intention of leaving SE Asia, though I see little that might make me leave Thailand.
  20. Coincidentally, we had a second visit from immigration just the last week, not from the main Hat Yai immigration office but from the office in Sadao. This I was told had nothing to do with my extension, which I'd collected a couple weeks before, rather they said their task was to check on the validity of marriages; checking for fake marriages. All very polite, a few photographs, some questions, sign a document saying we're married witnessed by someone not a family member. So this may become a regular thing? I still don't think the extension and 90 day reporting procedures are particularly arduous, I've lived and worked in a lot of countries and I don't find Thailand's rules to be especially difficult. Certainly it's no prison, I have a passport and I can leave whenever I wish.
  21. I have no liking for either.
  22. Mid sixties, full head of hair and a full beard, short back and sides and a beard trim every 5 weeks seems to work for me.
  23. In Jakarta I found myself staying in a condo block with no 14th floor but with two 8th floors an 8a and 8b.
  24. Any floor with a 4 in it is usually missing/misnumbered in SE Asia, the number 4 in Chinese sounds similar to the word for death. .
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