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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. And the fact we have 8.2 billion humans living on the planet now, 40% of which live in coastal regions.
  2. I'd certainly agree that anyone holding to this sort of dogma in the 21st century shouldn't be allowed to hold the office of President of the USA
  3. Geologist - metals exploration and mining, not oil, mainly gold, some diamonds, base metals and industrial minerals. Worked on projects in Africa, Asia, Russia, Europe and South America for various exploration and mining companies. Working as a consultant the last twenty years, in my mid sixties now, but still take on projects that interest me. It get's me out the house for a few weeks per year and keeps the brain sharp.
  4. Just about everything scan to pay with banking apps, big ticket items credit card, cash very seldom now. I only carry a few hundred baht in my pocket. .
  5. I've never been in debt in my life, beyond the current balances on credit cards which I pay off in full each month. Both houses, here and in the UK, were bought cash, cars and bikes I've paid cash. I stick with the principle that if I don't have the money then I can't afford to buy it; it makes life simpler and I sleep easy at night.
  6. No, the only arrivals card is now the digital one. https://imigresen-online.imi.gov.my/mdac/main Yes they require a flight number or other transportation number, but I presume if you're walking across the border it must accept 'on foot' or something equivalent if at a land border.
  7. Who dreams up all this <deleted>? How does this help granny living in Nakhon Nowhere?
  8. Wing 7 is based out of Surat Thani, with Hat Yai (Wing 56) as their forward operations base. They had 12 JAS 39 but they crashed one. Currently it's 7 model C and 4 model D, the new ones will be the E variant. Buying more Gripen makes good sense as pilots and ground crews are already trained on them, and you don't require a whole new spares inventory. These I presume the new ones are going to Wing 1, based out of Korat, who currently have old F-16. .
  9. I'm guessing they would only make the arrest at the final destination, when the bags are claimed and taken through customs, one would hope that if authorities at point of departure, or transit, have any suspicions they would pass them on. These tourists transited Paris CDG, so on the KLM/Air France flight to Birmingham.
  10. Birmingham is popular as a base for tourists wishing to explore the UK, centrally placed so easy to explore around the Midlands, Cotswolds, Peak District and Welsh Borders, far cheaper than London - which is only 90 minutes away by rail to visit.
  11. Scheduled to start next month (Sep 2024), the Phetkasem Road bridge over the railway line will be closed; this is the bridge near the Kim Yong Market junction, east side, and Police Station/Immigration Office, west side. They're replacing the existing narrow bridge with a new four lane bridge, construction is planned to take 16 months, so completion (fingers crossed) around Jan 2026.
  12. +1 for this stuff, it's a tiny tube but you only need to put a couple of drops (2mm) down. After 2 or 3 applications and they're gone. Far better than spraying.
  13. The Gripen is the obvious choice, Wing 7 already has 12 of them.
  14. "All that glisters is not gold— Often have you heard that told. Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold. Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old, Your answer had not been inscrolled Fare you well. Your suit is cold." ~ The Prince of Morocco (Merchant of Venice, Act II Scene 7 - William Shakespeare)
  15. Not just at the border. Kelantan-Pattani Malay is the majority language in the Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani, and widely spoken in Songkhla province too, whilst Kedah Malay is spoken in Satun. The Jawi alphabet is also widely used. .
  16. Well he looks like he probably just about still has a pulse
  17. Even then the Patani States largely accepted being part of Siam as they were left in peace, it was the policy of forced Thaification, instigated by Marshall Plaek Phibunsongkhram in 1934, that started the trouble
  18. Sorry you misunderstood, I thought I was quite clear when I said in the earlier post: "I wouldn't expect a 10 Bht bus here to change a 1000Bht note, but they'll give change to 20, 50 or 100, and if I get Bht5,000 from the ATM, buying goods in a shop, or meal in a restaurant, will generate the change I need."
  19. +1 That's a good idea
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