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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Whatever, as said this would be better in the banking section rather than visas, as it has absolutely nothing to do with your extension which was granted, your issue is with the bank not immigration.
  2. Yours is rather an unusual case I suspect, if it was solely to highlight the potential pitfalls in repatriating money then perhaps the topic title needn't have references your visa. I think the vast majority of those on a non O marriage extension bring the money over and either leave it on deposit, or spend it through the year. Unless you're very lucky with favourable fluctuations in exchange rate you'll simple lose money coming in and lose money going out. As for knowing the future I would presume, seeing as your original post stated an intention to make Thailand your home, you're going to have to go through this rigmarole again in 12 months which strikes me, personally, as plain bonkers. But each to their own, I would suggest you try Dee Money to repatriate your money. .
  3. Why send it back? If you're now living in Thailand just spend the money on your living costs, then send money again ahead of when you need to renew your extension.
  4. There's a good article about Chuwit in Nikkei Asia, dated 6th April 2024, which says "Chuwit, 62, left Thailand late last year for chemotherapy treatment for liver cancer at a hospital in the UK" https://asia.nikkei.com/Life-Arts/Life/The-fast-life-and-slow-exit-of-Thai-showman-Chuwit
  5. Nikki does speak very good English apparently. I think my granddaughter's only had one Brit as her foreign English teacher. Previous teachers have been, in no particular order, Australian, South African, Moroccan, Canadian and British. The Moroccan guy Mr Habibi, was excellent.
  6. Try Tops, most have a bakery section and the quality/selection is far better than either Big-C or Lotus'ssssss
  7. Sadly it'll have been demolished and replaced with yet another luxury block of condos within ten years.
  8. Coughing up for wayward compatriots could become an expensive habit, but good on him.
  9. I'm fully aware the poster has previous, he derails just about any thread with a sniff of Islam down his weird rabbit hole of hatred.
  10. "They" comprise half the school's 700 pupils, it was just the one Muslim girl who took legal action, and quite rightly, given that she and her parents accepted the school's policy at enrolment, the court ruled against her. Unfortunately cases like this tar everyone with the same brush.
  11. By saying "outside of the South" there was an implication that those in the south haven't integrated and are seeking to impose their beliefs on everyone, glad you made the clarification.
  12. Curious perspective. Given that in the 3 southern provinces Muslims make up over 80% of the population, then who's the one not integrating?
  13. Actually my nearest on is on the main road at a petrol station, that doesn't serve alcohol, the one round the corner near the mosque does sell alcohol.
  14. There are some seriously paranoid folk in this forum. If you're that concerned go find a bunker in Tierra del Fuego.
  15. Yeah, but the USA has been around for less than 250 years!!
  16. But there were only two in existence then and they both belonged to the same side!
  17. And a few more for the Grecian 2000
  18. That guy on Soi 4 could have done with a potty
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