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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Very incongruous sitting as it did in the heart of KL, but it wasn't alone there was a Thai themed bar/restaurant on the opposite side of Jalan Ampang which was almost as bad, but The Beach Club was a total meat market and you were the meat.
  2. Strewth the 'Bitch Club', if you were still there at closing time you'd be lucky to get out with clothes on your back, the girls grabbing at you, desperate for a someone to take them home. Sad when I saw it'd closed.
  3. If I compare my expenditure on food, clothes and leisure then my spending has remained pretty much the same just looking back over the last five years. However, my base currency is the Singapore Dollar, the Thai Baht has depreciated some 23% over the last 5 years. So that implies inflation in Thailand over the last 5 years amounts to approximately 23% for me living in Hat Yai.
  4. Big Joke's wife is the daughter of the late Bancha Panitchapong, Hat Yai businessman (real estate and transport), her inheritance is over Baht 1 billion - he doesn't need to work. He started his signature campaign last week in Songkhla. https://www.hatyaifocus.com/news-detail/26571/ .
  5. Lobster thermidor is a French classic, not that I'm a huge fan of lobster.
  6. Lord Jim's at the Mandarin Oriental does an excellent buffet lunch
  7. I gave up on 3rd party AV software with Windows 10, the built in Windows Security software works fine.
  8. The western route, main highway, crossing at Sadao/Bukit Kayu Hitam is considered outside the conflict zone. Crossing at either Sadao or Padang Besar would be the easiest. Getting to and crossing at Betong would probably be the more interesting. .
  9. There's a missing decimal place, should be 4.6 million Malaysians visited Thailand, the total population of Malaysia is only 35 million.
  10. Dzafran Azmir, 28, told Reuters: "Suddenly the aircraft starts tilting up and there was shaking so I started bracing for what was happening, and very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop so everyone seated and not wearing seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling. Some people hit their heads on the baggage cabins overhead and dented it, they hit the places where lights and masks are and broke straight through it." https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/may/21/singapore-airlines-flight-777-300er-london-bangkok-turbulence .
  11. The group least likely to afford or have access to any smart device suitable for a digital wallet. Though no doubt there will be 'helpful' individuals that will assist and take a percentage. .
  12. Waaaaay earlier than that: the earliest evidence of wine production comes from jars at the Neolithic site of Jiahu in China, where residue analysis has identified a fermented concoction of rice, honey and fruit that site dates to 7000BC.
  13. Alcohol, for good or ill, has a social history going back thousands of years, and in the modern world it's a multi-billion dollar business heavily integrated with food and hospitality. Basically alcohol is too ingrained with most cultures and there's too much money involved for it to be banned or overly restricted. Attempts at prohibition don't last long. .
  14. August 50% daily chance of rain https://weatherspark.com/
  15. Certainly little evidence of RI (Real Intelligence)
  16. A Tuk-Tuk destruction derby would be excellent entertainment
  17. Beyond the fact that someone was found dead in a similar geographical location there is absolutely no relation to the original story. Ditto the other two cases absolutely zero connection.
  18. Yes it does, both Windows and Android
  19. Mammalian biology is indeed quite specific, you need a male and a female to create offspring.
  20. Expat? Twenty months, just a long term tourist with excess baggage. .
  21. Religion plays a significant part in that. Beliefs that include reincarnation are more tolerant, as it allows for some ambiguity. Whereas the Abrahamic religions don't, 'god created man and woman' has no room for ambiguity.
  22. Not easy to reconcile those two statements - but each to their own
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