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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I'm sorry Scampi looks like you haven't had your chips (just yet). :D

    Probably the similarity in the monikers Gentleman Scamp, Dashing Chap, Handsome Monkey I'm just waiting for Shining Knight, Wonderful Man, Splendid Bloke etc. etc. ad nauseam.

    That and your fixation with finding a new term for 'bashing the bishop' - Wankspangle or whatever it is you've come up with and Mr Dashing Chappy's admissions on 'throttling the chicken' with his misses.

    I'm still intrigued by both his and PvtDick's reference to Ritalin, curious :o

    As for Mr Crappy himself, I think Rod summed him up admirably:

    I was all set to take the piss out of Dashing Crap when suddenly his tragic tale touched my blackened heart and made me change my mind.

    What man could not help but feel deep sympathy for an arrogant white prick who boasts about giving his ex-bargirl lover everything his not inconsiderable wealth can buy and drools in anticipation of the glorious awe-inspiring regal moment when he rolls his BMW into her peasant village, yet talks about her and her family as if they were lumps of dogshit stuck to his boot heel ?

    Shame on you guys and girls for being so mean to this pompous racist <deleted>!

    Shame! Shame! Shame!

  2. In fact, she has little idea of my financial standing and that was very deliberate. I think the reason for that is obvious but for those of you without an imagination, I keep my money secret so that I can be reasonably sure of a relationship based on love and mutual understanding rather that one based on money... is that too difficult to grasp?
    So, in having a Thai wife/girlfriend, I have to forefeit any dreams/plans/adventures... sell my car and give it all to the family... become a prisoner in the village and hand complete control of my finances to someone with the fiscal skills of a monkey.
    You're absolutely right. She/They will have my trust when they've earned it, just as I have to earn their trust that I will not have many wives, will support her and her kids. (For me, that doesn't involve supporting her other family members. I don't work hard for my money to give it away to people who won't even give me the time of day when I'm there, except of course when there's something to be made from me)

    I'm sorry, but I don't believe you have any basis for a lasting relationship. You don't trust her, you keep secrets, you disparage her and have no time for her family, similarly they seemingly have no time for you.

    I suspect the reason the relationship has lasted this long is because you're living together on an impermanent basis. I'd be surprised if it survives your move to Thailand on a permanent basis.

  3. Struth! What did you expect when you included your comments on spanking the monkey?:o

    For my two Kopecks worth I'd tell you to give her the money, if you feel you need to make it clear it's not entirely free say you'd want your share of the rice crop, only fair if your buying the fertiliser. You can then make a present of the rice.

  4. No matter how many times I see the same story over and over again, I can't believe it! This old guy with his walking stick, false, teeth, and pipe seems to actually believe his Thai "girlfriend" "loved" him! The self-delusion of people who pay for pussy is endlessly fascinating. Everytime I hear about a Farang getting robbed or hoodwinked by the woman he "loves" I'm happy for that moment. And I applaud the Thai woman for getting everything she can out of these idiots who actually believe they have some kind of emotional relationship with the girls.

    LOSERS!!!!!    :D

    This guys really on the ball is'nt he :D

    Not the sharpest knife in the drawer! :o

  5. he must have driven it here, but why an Allegro?!

    Perhaps it was the irony of it all

    Well it wouldn't have been for any financial reward!

    Then again, getting it through the border wouldn't be a problem, a Merc or a BMW might raise suspicions, but an Allegro!

    You could nip back and forth to Malaysia and renew its 'visa' without a worry, apart from the likelihood of it breaking down. :o

  6. There used to be a green Austin Allegro with UK number plate that parked up in Soi San Sabai in Patong Beach, not far from Patrick's Bar.

    It's a few years ago now but when I'd see it I used to think, he must have driven it here, but why an Allegro?! :o

  7. I've had reading glasses for three years now, at the start of the year when I had my eyes tested and a new prescription I opted for varifocals, working in the office with frequent interruptions I found looking up to talk to people a pain as I'd have take my glasses off, or peer over the top of them; varifocals seemed a sensible option.

    They're not, I junked them after a couple of weeks I couldn't work with them, so I've gone back to a standard pair of reading glasses, I just have to peer over the top at visitors.

    The anti glare coating helps, I spend at least 8 and as much as 16hrs behind the laptop each day, regular tea breaks help as do a couple of drop of Viscotears now and again when my eyes get itchy.

    I ended up getting a pair of glasses with a single lens specifically for VDU (a bit longer focus than reading glasses), which I find easier on the eyes.

    I didn't know this was an options, I'll investigate next time I'm home, thanks.

  8. Christmas Ales/Winter Warmers are often a strange brew.

    The only one I can honestly say I looked forward to seeing on the tap was Young's Winter Warmer strong, but not a killer, the most dangerous I reckon was a beer called Red Nose from a pub called the Reindeer in Norwich, about 15yrs ago now.

    I think I had a hangover for a week! Then again I do vaguely remember that it slipped down a treat; just crept up later and beat the crap out of you. :D

    They later came up with a stronger Christmas brew called Sanity Claus, enough said! :o

  9. 13% gay and I too get propositioned wherever I go in BKK.

    The worst are the winks from taxi drivers.

    Yes.... but the question is, Do you act on it ? :o

    If by 'act' you mean wretch into a nearby sewer grate, then yes.

    And I certainly don't need any free 'rides'!

    I am told it might be because I am mistaken for a girl, rather than being mistaken for a gay person.


    Get your hair cut and don't shave... which might solve the problem! :D

    What about the high heals, short skirt and cutesy handbag? :D

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