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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Appearance is the thing that catches the eye first, but after that to keep my interest there must be some other factors- intelligence, humor, kindness, good cooking, etc.  :o

    You made this post in the Where Did You Meet The Missus, Yours, not mine! thread....

    One before current one: introduction from friends

    Current one: Internet  :D

    ....I just wondered how you can judge someone's appearance on the Internet? No doubt they can email a photo, but is it them and if it is, how recent? Indeed, how trusting, and possibly gullible, are you if you date using this medium?

    Just curious.

  2. Why does it avoid the word atheist? :D

    I suspect that this one is run by Christians and,therefore,try accommodate everyone somewhere along the line-even if you deny the existence of God,Devil,etc:God's house having many rooms,etc.Not a room to spare for an atheist though: probably wouldn't pay the bills.:o

    They seemingly don't have room for Satanists either :D

  3. 1. Secular Humanism (100%)

    2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

    3. Liberal Quakers (87%)

    4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)

    5. Nontheist (73%)

    6. Theravada Buddhism (68%)

    7. Neo-Pagan (65%)

    8. Bahá'í Faith (52%)

    9. New Age (49%)

    10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (48%)

    11. Taoism (45%)

    12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (45%)

    13. Reform Judaism (43%)

    14. Orthodox Quaker (39%)

    15. Mahayana Buddhism (38%)

    16. New Thought (36%)

    17. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (34%)

    18. Jehovah's Witness (33%)

    19. Sikhism (31%)

    20. Scientology (30%)

    21. Jainism (25%)

    22. Seventh Day Adventist (18%)

    23. Hinduism (16%)

    24. Eastern Orthodox (16%)

    25. Islam (16%)

    26. Orthodox Judaism (16%)

    27. Roman Catholic (16%)

    Why does it avoid the word atheist? :o

  4. Maybe a moderator could start something in Forum Support if they need our feedback, like Elsie says, the point has been made and they're probably working on something. I posted it in here as I thought it was the safest place and those that come here are the people I consider 'the dudes'  :o

    Stroll posted onto the end of the "Why Change A Winning Formula?" topic and George replied linking him to this discussion.

    So this is it.

  5. Can I get X Rate then?

    And it was ME who took it off topic. :D

    I stand corrected.

    I should have said they aided and abetted the deviation from topic. :o

    Maybe it should be in the Forum Support section, but FTH started it here and it seems to fit. :D

  6. I lurked around for a week just seeing what went on and I was underwhelmed.

    The forum is mainly made up of conservative Americans, most just out of nappies, with a couple of token Europeans, an Aussie who seems to talk some sense, and a UK university student who loves sucking up to the Yanks. Anyone with a contrary view gets ganged up on.

    I came, I saw, I left :o

  7. As usual a serious thread that finally could make a slight difference in moderation here is taking over by idle banter and the mods are no where to be seen or heard.....


    you can rate me cynical member from now. :o

    It was the Mods that took it off topic....

    ....makes you wonder :D

  8. My policy is much the same as Tornado's 10-15%, particularly if I really like a place; I want to make sure they remember me the next time.

    But if the food and/or service is bad then no tip, or a derisory one to emphasis the point!

    That applies everywhere, in the US I once had a waitress chase me into the car park because I'd left no tip, my reply was 'sorry, but I received no service'.

    One caveat, if a 'Service Charge' is already included I'll only give a tip directly to the waiter/waitress, and then only if they did a good job of looking after me.

  9. Johnny Moron...action replay...action replay..

    I think this thread is a good one cos my wife is aslo a whore. I know a lot of my mates laught at me cos of this but I don't care.

    Personally, I think a lot of peope are just jealous. After all, how many blokes who've married "normal" girls can say that their wives have taken it up the Gary Glitter from Africans, given head to Indians and done hand jobs on cripples.

    My wife's done all of this and more, and I'm proud of her for it.

    Listen mate, I ain't having a go at you or trying to be funny or nothin', but I get the impression that you're one of them blokes who don't like whores.

    If I'm wrong then I apologise, but if I ain't then let me tell you that there ain't a sweeter person on this whole earth than my beloved wife. Who cares if she's done more than a thousand different blokes; who cares if she starts grinning whenever someone offers her a cream pie or a tea bag; who cares if she blushes when our local carpenter tells us that we need to put a bit of oil on the back door.

    I don't care what none of you think. I love my little whore and I reckon most of you are just jealous cos I got something better than what most of you've got.

    I agree with you mate; I think all that stuff what you wrote is right and I think you're probably quite an intelligent bloke.

    My little whore also gets a lot of respect when we travel - especially when she covers up all her tattoos and stops talking about how big her ex-boyfriend's dick was.

    And I think that Mr Gentleman bloke is just jealous of people like us cos our wives've been done by more men than what his has.

    Don't get me wrong or nothing Mr Gentelman, but I reckon your wife is probably one of those women who thinks a facial is something you get down at the local cosmetic store.

    Hello Mr Meemiathai. I ain't very good at countin' but I see you've done eight postings to this thread already today so I guess you like whores as much as what I do.

    What I can't say for sure though is whether you're really into this scene or whether you're just an ugly bastard like me who can't get nothing better.

    One thing's for sure, that Mr Gentleman bloke is starting to annoy me a bit. I get the impression he's married to one of them boring "normal" women who thinks that John Holmes is a real estate agency. Seriously, I reckon if you talked to his wife about shaven pussies she'd probably think you were talking about kittens who've just had a haircut. What a loser!

    His references to John Holmes, cream pies etc. just crack me up every time.

    Truly a classic. :o

  10. Apirak Kosayothin #1 - is my boss' nephew so he'd get my vote if I had one. :D :D


    Did Apirak change his name from Abisit or are we talking someone else? :o

    The Democratic candidate for Governor of Bangkok is 43 year old Apirak Kosayothin, former TA Orange chief executive, one of his supporters is the MP Abhisit Vejjajiva - is that who you mean? They are not the same person.

  11. I will start a thread in the Forum Support Desk if you want to reply to this post but don't reply here...

    Are you blind Stocky???

    Actually, looking at your bunny eyes mate... :D:D

    Nah Scampi, this poor creature needs help, honest,

    ..... like a helping under a bus :o

    Anyway he tried, this ones different from the usual:

    I met this lovely kind girl in a bar last week, I love her madly and she loves me, she tells me so every day. She's asked to borrow Baht 15,000,000 do you think I should let her have it?


  12. The UK passport is surprisingly resilient.

    Mine's now in it's eighth year, it's almost full, this is a 48 page version, and it's spent most of that time in my pocket.

    It may be somewhat tatty and dog eared and the gold writing on the cover went ages ago, so there is nothing to indicate its origin until you look inside, but it hasn't fallen to pieces, and looks like it will last until I renew it.

    I don't always carry it with me Thailand, but usually do through force of habit, here in Russia it's obligatory, and I have no desire to spend any time in the local nick!


  13. Can't find the key to the city. I've asked everyone. Most think I'm crazy and say "Go Home, Crazy farang". It's not easy living in a foreign city not knowing who your friends are. Even worse, why the ###### am I here and Where the ###### is the KEY?

    Go Home, Crazy farang


  14. On the other side of the coin, how about a 'Reward Points' system for those who post the most constructively, behave themselves the longest and spell with the most accuracy?

    As an insentive we could have little stars next to our names and any member who earns five gold stars gets a free Thaivisa T-Shirt! :D 

    You could also have a 'Member Of The Month' scheme where the winner gets a tour of TVHQ and gets to be mod for a day and have lunch with a mod of their choice. :D

    You speak in jest? :o

    Teacher's pet status would just make you a target for some.

    Count me out of the 'Brown Nose of the Month Award'


  15. If someone breaks the rules they receive a warning from a mod, with maybe a probation period of 10 days, then if they break another rule in that time ban them.

    Post a list of warned / banned members and list offense for all to see. It doesn't have to be a Hall of shame, it would serve as a constant reminder of what we can and can't do - like flamming.

    Would you be happy with a more clear admin policy, a 10 days ban for members sabotageing the forum with crap or posts violating the Forum Guidelines

    (I have not discussed with other admins/mods yet, as this is only a preliminary working model for the future).

    A clearer and more structured system would help, i.e.

    - Initial warning, explaining the infringement

    - Second offense with a 10 day suspension

    - Third offense with 30 day suspension

    - Fourth offense would result in a permanent banning

    Any such actions would be posted in the Announcements section of the Forum.

    It would also help if the rules of what does and does not constitute an offense where clarified, I like Random Chances was unaware of any rule that set a 'quality threshold'; god knows I've posted some inane <deleted> in this forum. What constitutes swearing is also unclear. I'm an offender, largely by using words that don't piss the robotic guardian off, or by jumbling the letters, bizarrely somebody using, what is to me, an inoffensive word like d.amn or h.ell is made to look like a foul mouthed squady!


  16. I don't know whether we can pin it on the influx of Ajarnites but the sudden increase in crappy........

    "I met this lovely bar girl last Friday we got married on Monday, I found out she was actually a man on Tuesday morning and now he's left me and taken all my money. What should I do?"

    ........topics seems to stem from the implosion of their Forum. :D

    (Though maybe it is all a secret plot hatched by Darth Wolfie. :D )

    Whatever the cause I don't like it, and would like to see the Forum restored to its former self. Whatever BC may or may not have done at least his harmless topics kept things ticking along in a relaxed manner, now you have to wade through heaps of shit, resist the urge (it's an itch, I must scratch it) and not to rise to the trolls, just to find a thread worth joining! :o

    I think FTH's suggestion of clear warnings and a transparent process towards a member being banned is a good idea that should be implemented.

    The only good news is I've been able to concentrate on my work this week :D

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