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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Hobgoblin ale - now theres a nice one, rivalled only by the infamous "Christmas pudding ale"

    ahh a good pint o warm british beer! feeling homesick now  :o

    Wychwood Brewery heh!

    Not partial to the Hobgoblin, a little too claggy for my tastes, don't mind the odd one, but I find the Shires a nicer pint, IMHO.

    Not tried the Christmas Pudding Ale, though it sounds dangerous! :D

  2. Had to happen in Devizes. My original home town...

    At least the town now has two claims to fame, Blazing Bunnies and Wadworths, the best beer in the known universe, bar none.

    I might have agreed with you 25 years ago, 6x was truly a fine pint, but the move toward making 6x a national brand has taken it down the same road as Pedigree and Bodingtons, two fine ales spoilt by attempting to capture too big a market. Fullers London Pride I fear is going the same way.

    There are two breweries not far from Devizes that are favourites of mine when I'm in the UK, one is Freeminer from the Forest of Dean, 'Speculation Ale is splendid, and the other is the Wye Valley Brewery who produce several good beers of which 'Butty Bach' is my preference.

    I quite fancy a pint, but will have to make do with a bottle of Stary Droug Russian for 'My Old Friend' which is about the best local beer I can get in Siberia.

    Ho hum only 17 days remaining of this stint. :o

  3. Blazing bunny destroys English cricket club

    Fri 13 Aug, 1:17 PM

    LONDON (AFP) - A burning rabbit has destroyed a 150-year-old cricket club in England after being set on fire accidentally in a bundle of branches by two groundsmen, firemen said.

    The men, working at Devizes Cricket Club ground in the west of England, saw the rabbit escape, trailing its burning tail with it.

    Thirty minutes later, the club shed was on fire, and despite the best efforts of 11 firefighters, they were unable to salvage the shed or what it contained.

    The club estimated that the unfortunate rabbit caused 60,000 pounds (89,000 euros, 110,000 dollars) of damage when the fire burnt the 12-metre (40-foot) long shed and all the material used for the upkeep of the club.

    Devizes fire station commander Philip Flowers, 41, said on Friday that in over 20 years of service he had never fought a blaze caused by an burning animal.

    "We're 99 percent confident it was the rabbit that caused the fire," he said. "It was either burnt to a cinder or it escaped through a small hole in the corner of the shed, but I imagine it perished and went to bunny heaven."

    No remains of the rabbit were found, leaving a little hope it may have survived the inferno.

    Flowers stressed jokingly that "extreme vigilance" was now being taken with all rabbits in his jurisdiction.

    "We now know that even bunnies can create a lot of problems," he added.

    - So be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

  4. The first time I met my wife's parents I took a basket of fruit for mama, a carton of cigarettes for papa, several bottles of beer for grandma and toys and sweets for the various nieces, nephews and cousins.

    But these were all at my wife's suggestion, I would never have known that the person to win over was my future father-in-laws mother!

    Grandma is good fun, she's been to the States and has a taste for the occasional beer and what she says goes!

    So granny was the prime target. :o

  5. I haven't smoked for over 15 years and my Thai partner of 7 years, who has never smoked, is asthmatic, it's hereditary so my mother-in-law also dislikes smoking as do several or my wife's cousins.

    Fortunately this means my wife's family have a good understanding of the problems passive smoking causes, so the men, and one aunty, go outside to smoke, which suites all of us. :o

  6. I stick to what I'm good at (farang food) & himself sticks to what he's good at (thai food) I can't be bothered to cook thai as everytime I've tried in the past I've been laughed out of the kitchen :D  Although he will admit that I make a pretty good omlette!

    Zendesigner, now theres a blast from the past :o

    Likewise, I cook farang my wife cooks Thai :D

    ....errr that's when we bother to cook, restaurants are so good, and no washing up! :D

  7. Poor Americans. They get the blame for it all. We are such arrogant, egotistical, leachorus capitalists. There is no valid information here. What is the percentage of US citizens visitors compared to other Nationalities.

    My God, don't you people have a world to save or something.

    Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch.

    Lighten up, the post said 'Top 10 Worst Tourists, Good natured generalisations' I think I'm the only person who took a poke at Wilbur and Wilma and I'm sorry if I touched a nerve.:o

    If you want to see some figures there are some TAT statistics in this thread Visitor Numbers Americans are the 5th largest group of visitors after Japan, UK, Germany and Malaysia. You can also read a thread taking the piss out of the Poms at the same time, some balance for you.:D

    As for the "Europe should have been left to the Germans. Then all you bastards would be sprechen se deutsch", I'm sorry but if Japan hadn't forced America into the war we would probably all be speaking Russian!

    :D :D

  8. Oh no! I've found another one, the wonders of trawling Bored.Com :o ( Dancing Bush brightens up my mornings :D)

    Are You A Freak?

    How I did = 50%, and what they said:

    "Your scores are percentile between 1 and 100. The higher the number, the more your personality agrees with the associated comment. Your percentile indicates how you compare against others who have taken this test. Since you have an overall score of 50, this indicates that you have a higher need-for-uniqueness than 49 out of 100 people.

    Your results are split into these three categories:

    Need to be unique: You like to be a somewhat different than others.

    Need to NOT conform: You prefer to conform to others' standards, but don't mind acting differently occasionally.

    Willingness to express dissent: You speak your mind freely, without giving thought to how others will react.

    I think that means I put my foot in my mouth now and again! :D

  9. I know in particular of one Thai lady who is finally thinking of making her application for "subjectship" (No constituation-No Bill of rights etc ..another thread)

    When was the last time you looked at a British passport mine states clearly that I am a British Citizen. There is no need for a written constitution, Britains rights and freedoms are established though the body of law.

  10. Aged, fat, and balding, Pattayacus Barbeeracus spends 16-20 hours per day hunched over a bar stool. Highly social and rarely seen alone, this species can sometimes be found flattened on the pavement after jumping out of high rise buildings.

    To be correct this is actually the sub-species Patyayacus barbeerius lemmingensis noted for it's suicidal attempts at flight. The flight behaviour is usually the result of being spurned during mating.

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