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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Anyone would think they're were being made compulsory!
  2. Yes I use pockets too, handkerchief, cash etc. But I'd struggle, and look rather ridiculous, trying to stuff all the things I need when I'm travelling into my pockets; passport, mobile phone, credit card wallet, Kindle, spectacles case, medicines, charger and house keys. I use the man-bag when not needing to take the laptop, when I have the laptop bag I generally leave the man-bag. I don't need the man-bag on a daily basis because normally I carry very little, mobile, handkerchief, cash and keys, and they do all fit comfortably in my pockets.
  3. We use it for very little, most stuff is email pdf paper free, but there are somethings that still come in the post.
  4. I really don't give a flying f$%k what anyone thinks, other folks hang-ups aren't my concern, I just like travelling comfortably.
  5. Bought it in Kimyong market Hat Yai for about Bht2000, it's 26cm long, 18cm wide with more pockets and pouches than you can shake a stick at.
  6. I have a leather 'man-bag' long strap cross-shoulder type which I use if I'm travelling without the rolling office. Holds passport, credit cards, phone, kindle, house keys - the sort of stuff you might put in a coat which of course you would never need in the tropics.
  7. Stocky


    We've always enjoyed the food and music at the Good View, nice sitting by the river. The Dash Thai restaurant is also good.
  8. Yes. but not normally in restaurants as part of the 'seasonal vegetable' offering; I like sprouts, but suspect more people don't. The Marichan Japanese restaurant is still running, but there's no Japanese opposite the Siam Nakarin Complex anymore, I can't remember one there. My personal favourite is still the Hashi, though I also like the Mushashi Isakaye too. .
  9. I don't think our postman can read. We get mail for the right number but wrong soi, other people get our mail (presumably right number wrong soi), sometimes they think to drop it off, but it's usually weeks late.
  10. "From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." ~ Edvard Munch
  11. Indeed, spread the load. Malaysian tour buses cause all sorts of traffic problems in Hat Yai where they just park up for the weekend. I noticed recently that several sections of Thumnoonvithi Road now have signs saying no tour bus parking, Songkhla Town has the same problem. Better they're allowed to travel out of the province.
  12. Indeed the UK is un-Presidented, we have Prime Minister, I think you mean unprecedented.
  13. Rubbish. Have you actually watched the series? Sure the early rounds include some clunkers but the standard of the competitors that reach the semis and final is exceptional; whilst not chefs by profession, the quality of food produced puts that of many 'professional chefs' to shame. Several of the winners and finalists have successfully changed career off the back of their success and become professional chefs.
  14. She is now, the title she won was MasterChef
  15. Excellent, I've never tried the pizzas there though they do look good. I had the duck confit which was splendid, there was even a brussels sprout amongst the vegetables. Wife had the pork stuffed with parma ham and a mushroom duxelles, and granddaughter had the pork tenderloin with mushroom and truffle sauce. Starters we shared the crab crepe, and Thai salmon tartar, dessert was fruit and ice cream, strawberries in cream (they were sharp), and a chocolate surprise. Service was good, and the food came in the right order, all in all a very pleasant evening.
  16. They've got rid of the huge great bar area, they've replaced the non-functional air con units but the peeling faux brick print wall paper and random saucepans remain, all part of the quirky look of the place. They've changed the tables, or maybe just got rid of the table cloths, I suspect the latter - allows for better cleaning, likely a Covid hangover.
  17. We re-visited to The Basil last night (Phone: 074-450-0009) (7.000930, 100.492144) first visit since Covid, glad to see it's still going strong. The food was excellent, and the service much improved and far better organised; much more The Basil, much less Basil Fawlty. Good value, three course meal for three (no alcohol as Vesak Day) came to Bht2,137. .
  18. Why don't these morons do things the other way around, everyone would be much happier, and safer, if they attempted suicide first.
  19. Hooters! Tweeters would be closer the mark
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