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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Songkhla as well as I discovered this week doing my 1 year marriage extension.
  2. Time and effort better invested in finding a lasting solution to the southern unrest. Little point trying to stimulate the economy and attract investment whilst the unrest remains. He's done sod all in the nine years he's been in power.
  3. Yes, I have two Linux boxes that run happily with HDD. However, my three Windows boxes all have SSDs.
  4. When wife and I did our wills then the solicitor took photocopies of the witnesses Thai ID cards together with name and address. As for the question of one or two wills, then one for each country you have assets. I have wills for Thailand, UK and Singapore.
  5. Went for my 1 year extension based on marriage today, appointment made using the LINE app. We seem to have a new Police Captain, a pleasant young man rather than the grumpy lady we had previously. However he does seem to go through everything with a fine tooth comb, maybe this is fallout from the recent Chinese illegals. We got caught out on two issues, and had a lucky escape on a third. Firstly my TM30 wasn't up to date, the wife hadn't registered my return from a trip to Bangkok, I thought the rules had changed, they insisted maybe in Bangkok but not in Songkhla. That was easily fixed with trip to the office next door. Second issue was despite the guidance sheet saying 2 photos, one outside the house with the house number and one inside showing how you live, the new guy wanted another two photos taken inside the house, though he was happy for us to drop them in later in the week. Lastly the lucky escape was my bank passbook. We went to the bank this morning for the letter and statement, I asked they update the passbook and I saw the clerk do it, but she missed the latest term of the timed deposit. I should have paid closer attention. The wife rescued the situation by saying she'd heard the clerk say there was an issue with the computer. The letter was correct as was the statement, and I pulled up the balance on the bank app. So he let it go, he could have made me go back to the bank. Took 2.5 hrs, the office wasn't busy, and it would have been 2hrs but for the time to do a new TM30. Masks seem optional, and it was pleasant sitting in the air conditioned office rather than outside in the tent.
  6. Songkhla being another. Went to do my 1 year extension today and they told me my TM30 was incorrect because I've travelled to Bangkok since the last one (registered on return from Malaysia). I politely suggested that the rules had changed, but the response was in "Bangkok but not in Songkhla". Wife had to pop into the other office next door to register a new TM30, thankfully they didn't impose a fine.
  7. So long as the new SSD disk is bootable all you need do is change the boot sequence in the BIOS as you suggested.
  8. Did anyone catch the number plate of the car that almost caught it - I was pondering my lottery choices.
  9. I can't imagine there would be. You'd probably need to take a minibus to Satun and then another to Wang Prachan.
  10. I think they mean he applied for a 1 year extension based on marriage accompanied by his Thai wife. He's probably not bothered subsequently because as a Bahasa speaking Muslim he would blend in pretty well in the local community, and I doubt immigration give Narathiwat a high priority; not going to risk the Sa-Mart BMW down there.
  11. From the article: "Both pedestrians had left a beer bar nearby before crossing the road and being hit by the sedan." At 2am, I'd suspect the latter. You really do need to be extra careful crossing roads in Thailand, day or night, but especially at night after a few beers. .
  12. The upcoming Thai 'election' is about as farcical as the blood stained sheet.
  13. If you read the full article it goes on to say, "However, police say they found suspicious evidence such as marks on Andrews’ neck to suggest he had been strangled, a belt strap, and medication. Investigating officers, therefore, coordinated with forensic officers to collect evidence from the scene." So possible foul play.
  14. During the low season makes sense, and four months is better than nothing.
  15. Depends on what they do in Indonesia. Air quality in Malaysia, Singapore can get bad between June and August with slash and burn clearance in Kalimantan and Sumatra. If it's really bad it can extend into southern Thailand too. They're already getting concerned in Malaysia. "KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 — The haze occurrence in the country is expected to be worse this year compared to the last three years since plantation and industrial activities have returned to normal operations." https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/04/16/minister-haze-will-be-worse-this-year-as-plantation-industrial-activities-return-to-normal-after-covid-19/65038
  16. Can you not change hotels? Or if on a long stay rent a PO Box?
  17. Depends where you live, down on the peninsular the air is generally very good, so I don't consider I'm sacrificing any years of my life expectancy due to poor air. My diet in Thailand is probably better than it would be in the west, and my life is fairly stress free. So over all I'm probably adding to my life expectancy rather than subtracting.
  18. It isn't classified as formal employment. Thailand's 'Unemployment Rate' only considers those registered as employed and paying taxes, which comprises approximately 60% of the working population. The informal sector, which includes most of agriculture, makes up the other 40%.
  19. Samila Jer Seafood Hat Yai (Phone: 0987797577) (7.009011, 100.473551) On Sangsri Soi 2, just off Supasarnrangsan Road, turning opposite The Bed Hotel, with second entrance on Sangsri Soi 4. The old Samila Seafood closed during COVID, the restaurant has reopened with new owners, though the kitchen and restaurant staff are much the same. Renamed Jer Seafood the format is the same, large shed like building, fish tanks at front of shop. The old formica tables and plastic chairs have been replaced with large round tables with a built in lazy Susan, and thankfully some study wooden chairs. The menu hasn't changed much, seafood and more seafood, all very fresh, you can pick your fish from the tank. Service is quick, food is excellent. One complaint is the menu lacks prices for everything, notably the beers aren't priced. Pays to ask, I can imagine prices might rise and fall depending on the customer. Meal for four adults and two children, seven dishes including a whole fish, crab and two prawn dishes, beers and desserts was a fraction over Bht2,000. .
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