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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. The story is posted in the Southern Thailand News Forum which is advertised as: "Including Chumpon, Surat Thani, Songkla, Hat Yai, Pattani, Narathiwat. Explore the unique topography, language and culture of Thailand's deep south." .
  2. Neither province is in Southern Thailand, Cambodian rather than Malaysian border.
  3. Let me have the PromptPay details and I'll give him Bht2000; he can punch the muppet again. .
  4. They should organise a systematic cull of any stray dogs. Dog owners are warned to keep their pets at home on specific days and then anything outside running wild is shot. It's what they did in Namibia when I worked there, to keep rabies out of the national park areas.
  5. That was a suggestion made over 20 years ago by one of Thaksin's appointed governors in the south. Thought a casino on the border with Malaysia would be a great idea to boost the local economy. Not well received, not a smart idea in a majority Muslim area; gambling money is haram and the locals didn't want it.
  6. Could that not be construed as advertising alcohol?
  7. New as in relatively new by comparison; Khon Kaen is about 250 years old, Songkhla is about 400 years old, and Nakhon Si Thammarat is over 1,000 years old.
  8. Hat Yai is a new town, think Milton Keynes, it exists because of the railway which only opened in 1909.
  9. What were you expecting, the Eiffel Tower, herd's of wildebeest sweeping majestically over the plains? Hat Yai's a nice city to live in and raise a family, but it's not Rome, London or New York, most people who live here are aware of that.
  10. I almost fell off my chair reading that. I'm not sure which is more far fetched, Hat Yai becoming a new Singapore, or the Democrat Party returning to government.
  11. Mad F%^*&r Carlson was costing Old Scrotum Face way too much money.
  12. Nope. Not my experience, very seldom found hotels with slippery tiles in the bathroom, and in our house all our bathrooms have patterned tiles that are not slippery.
  13. Wife went to see them today. Apparently it was something of a scrum in there many, many people wanting to know why their bills were so high. She eventually got to see the right person, nothing can be done about the current bill, but they will change the coding for the next one. We may receive a house visit to verify that the property is now solely residential, which is to be expected.
  14. It was happily animist and pagan until the 'one god' squad turned up, so what's new?
  15. No, the previous owner used the ground floor as a shop (wedding costume hire), but we've never used the house for business.
  16. That's never going to happen, our monthly average for the last 12 months is a little over 800kWh. It's a 4 storey shophouse unit. Wife will talk to PEA about getting the meter type corrected. .
  17. I checked the comparable rates on the PEA website https://www.pea.co.th/en/electricity-tariffs The tariff is the same for both Residential (over 150kWh per month) and Small General Service, but I'm being hit for 1.5492Bht on the fuel tax surcharge, I saw someone say if was 0.9343Bht for residential.
  18. I've just realised our meter type is a 2125
  19. Mine arrived this morning, ouch! Last month 748kWh and Bht4,572, this month 1119kWh and Bht6,942. It's the hot time of year and we've family staying over Songkran, so to be expected.
  20. Why the confused smilies? Over 20 years of military action have failed to put down the southern insurgency. Perhaps it's time to have a serious go at a negotiated settlement. I don't support the use of violence, but understand the reasons why a minority have resorted to it.
  21. My position is that violence begets violence, the Thai government needs to reach a negotiated settlement.
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