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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I had to go to the bank to set it up the first time, but when I switched phones I didn't, but as the OP said, I did have to turn wifi off and use the SIM for data connection.
  2. I suspect it'll be their gt. gt. grand kids who might get the chance to sabotage them. Just a sad indication of the lack of urgency to resolve either the southern conflict or the antiquated railway.
  3. Check with the private hospitals, Bangkok, Sikarin and Rajindee.
  4. "Vaporiser Shop" - so this has replaced feeding the fishes - you vaporise your enemies now
  5. XE doesn't work from Singapore so no good for me.
  6. I like it on cheese on toast
  7. I suspect you do, though I did specifically say "especially January through to April", it's still December here.
  8. We were in Singapore and had the same thing with Tiger Airways, Hat Yai Airport was open so the flight was going ahead. We knew we'd need a boat to reach the house, so booked a flight to Bangkok and waited until the flood water subsided before flying back to Hat Yai.
  9. Surely you can plan ahead? I really fail to see the problem. I remember a time when it took a week for my bank to make a telegraphic transfer, for which I paid an extortionate fee, was mugged mercilessly by intermediary banks, and finally got screwed on the exchange rate.
  10. You won't see it, but you can feel it, especially January through to April.
  11. Yes, but 2010 was the first, and only time, our house has flooded. We had a meter of water in the house for a week. Thankfully the western relief canal is complete and Hat Yai hasn't had a bad flood since.
  12. I like the weather in Hat Yai, it's never cold and it's never unbearable hot, we always have a good breeze from the coast during the hottest months and evenings can be pleasantly cool. Yes we only have a short dry season, January to April, with February being the best month. Followed by a small wet season from May to September, which varies depending on the strength of the NW monsoon. Finally we get the NE monsoon from October to December, with November being the wettest month and the month we most often get flooding. Personally I like the variety of weather in Hat Yai, and I've been here seventeen years now, I like the monsoon, even though we were flooded out in 2010. Some folks are only happy when they're complaining.
  13. So they were just kidding.
  14. They did when I registered, I only get pdf statements from HSBC, it still has the HSBC logo on it and my Thai address which was enough to satisfy Wise when I set up my account.
  15. I like weather, living on the peninsular we get plenty of weather, "300 days of sunshine" isn't weather it's monotony.
  16. Indeed you are, the Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu claimed by Thailand after the Japanese invasion of the Malay Peninsular were returned to Britain after the end of the war. These three states were previously part of Thailand until the 1909 Anglo-Siamese Treaty, which saw them ceded to Britain. They also returned the Shan States to Burma as well as territory taken from Laos and Cambodia then French Indochina. Where the US did intercede was with Britain's claims for war reparations. These Thailand didn't pay, and indeed they actually benefited from a large US aid package.
  17. I've had 4 jabs, the last in August. However, two weeks ago after a trip to Malaysia, my first trip outside of Thailand in almost 3 years, I tested positive for Covid, I assume one on the new variants prevalent in Singapore & Malaysia. It was over in a week but unpleasant for a couple of days. I assume I'm now pretty bullet proof for a while, though for how long?
  18. Heaven's forbid anyone would think the south had its own history.
  19. I make regular Wise transfers to Thailand and elsewhere from both Singapore and the UK. Most transactions are completed within seconds, the longest has been about 4 days but that's the exception.
  20. I don't know why they bother marking pedestrian crossings on the roads, all it does is lull people into a false sense of security. They should add skull & cross bone warnings signs just to emphasise how dangerous they can be.
  21. Yes, if they didn't renew it, now THAT would be news!
  22. Life isn't fair - once you accept that as a fact, then everything else falls into place.
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