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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Wrinklies in budgie smugglers - sorry that's a no-no
  2. Friends visiting me in Hat Yai this weekend from KL found that the Thai immigration on the platform was closed.
  3. I spotted a GWM Haval hybrid SUV in Hat Yai last week, an absolute beast of a vehicle.
  4. I'm guessing your ham radio hobby will need to take a back seat. I can't imagine a fidgety military will readily understand a foreigner with a radio transmitter. Take care. .
  5. Criticism of cryptocurrencies, particularly the nitty gritty of their fundamental value, invariably elicits little but blather in response and the 'if you can't understand how wonderful it is you must be a senile old fart' line of defence. .
  6. That sounds wise.
  7. Support? It's Bitcoin that lacks any support not my comments! Beyond someone else willing to buy it from you, what is the fundamental support for Bitcoin?
  8. La-la-land - bitcoin 'hard money' give me a break.
  9. Hardly, with interest rates at 0.75% they have plenty of ammunition in hand.
  10. They did, oil palm, this was the solution many southern farmers took when the rubber price fell. Lots of rubber plantations were cleared in favour of oil palm. The problem now is with the cost of fertiliser.
  11. Probably they have no need to sell rooms via an online booking site. I can see two showing on Google Maps, Sathit and The Room, both have recent review activity which would indicate they're open.
  12. Singapore Dollar is doing just fine against the Baht. Your problem is the GBPeso.
  13. I'm sure there are, have you looked on Google Maps?
  14. Air Asia are the only ones that fly direct, have flown the route a few times, it's a 2hr flight, what's more to say. There are options with Thai Smile and Vietjet via Survarnabhumi and with Nok Air and Thai Lion via Don Meueng, but that makes it a 4 or 5hr trip.
  15. There's never a shortage of gullible morons in this world.
  16. BBC not a problem with TOT from Hat Yai.
  17. Interest Rates by Country: Thailand 0.75% USA 3%-3.25% Malaysia 2.5% Singapore 2.34% Indonesia 4.25% Philippines 4.25% Vietnam 5% China 3.65% Is it any wonder the Thai Baht is heading south?
  18. I'd agree. The centre of town has suffered badly, and with the amount of units for sale, rent or just abandoned, I think we'll see whole blocks bought up, demolished and redeveloped. There's already been one wholesale demolition taking out the south side of Thumnoonvithi between Soi 1 and 2. Several hotels in the centre are never going to open again, and will either be demolished or gutted and refurbished. Nightlife in the centre of town is limited (was before the pandemic), there's more happening along and off Thumnoonvithi east of Sam Sip Met, along Klongrein 1 & 2, and around Poonnakan Rd (Kho Hong). The eastern side of the city is in better shape, new hotels and restaurants. Malaysian tourists are returning, weekends in town have been busy, and the food stalls at Lee Garden are full again. They've been trying hard with various street fairs mini concerts at the weekend to bring people into town. https://www.hatyaitoday.com/money-flow/ I've a Malaysian friend coming up from KL with his family this weekend, so will see what his reaction is like, they've not visited Hat Yai for four years. The pandemic just presents an opportunity for redevelopment. .
  19. "We're not in Kansas now"
  20. Health medical would be the main concern for myself and family. That and seeing my grand kids stay on the rails and get a good start in life.
  21. As maybe, but in Survarnabhumi domestic terminal most people (95%) were masked, the exception being some, but not all foreigners. On the flight everyone was masked, myself included, personally I don't have an issue with wearing a mask, it doesn't bother me. BTW Hat Yai is a tourist destination, just not one for westerners. Interestingly in Bangkok wearing a mask the tuk-tuk and taxi touts ignored me, they clearly mark masked farang as being local rather than a tourist, ditto 99% of pavement hawkers, touts and urchins. I'll stick with a mask ????
  22. I've got one of these as a handy emergency phone. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nokia-105-4g-2021-2-fm-1-i2491341521-s8793172974.html?
  23. TOT from Hat Yai is fine
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