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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. What's the point of any discussion, you've already stated "I will not be convinced to wear one".
  2. Depends on the currency you are transferring. I've run the numbers for both GBP and SGD - and Wise wins regardless the amount being transferred because of the difference in the x-rates offered. But for USD, yes there is a cut-off at 10k, above which SWIFT is cheaper; this time because the margin on USD x-rates gives Wise less advantage over the banks.
  3. Because the ones that don't hit something don't report an accident, just get towed out or drive out
  4. Personally I think tourists should follow the mask recommendation, if they can't do that then holiday somewhere else. HOWEVER! Relief is at hand (pfnarr, pfnarr) a report today in the local Hat Yai news says from mid-June masks are only required in three instances: the venerable, poor ventilation, and crowds. This will apply to blue tourist areas and green coded provinces.
  5. A report in Hat Yai Today says mask wearing will no longer be necessary from mid-June (no more specific than that), except in 3 instances: - When visiting the vulnerable - Indoors in poorly ventilated premises - At activities that involve a large number of people https://www.hatyaitoday.com/mask-can/ This will apply to the 14 green coded provinces and the 17 blue tourist provinces - which includes Songkhla.
  6. But you don't, so provided your eggs aren't all in one basket but suitably diversified, you have absolutely no need to panic.
  7. I'm still invested, I maintain cash reserves to cover two year's expenditure plus an emergency fund. So no need to sell anything, indeed I've been buying a little on the way down. I started my portfolio 30 years ago, so got jitters out of the system a long time ago. .
  8. Afghanistan? Rubbish. It's just a simple head scarf - a hijab or tudung; it's not a niqab or burqa, a hijab covers the head only. Most Muslim schoolgirls wear them here in the south, it's not a problem. The issue is the school fussing because the school is in the grounds of a Buddhist temple. I thought there had already been a ruling to say the school was wrong.
  9. Indeed, I'm sure he can barely sleep at night for the worry
  10. We live in a shop house on a normal soi in an unfashionable southern city, no car, no flashy clothes, no airs or graces.
  11. Immigration called this afternoon to see if they could call round. Better than the first time when they arrived unannounced. Just one officer in civvies, who was very polite and spoke English, a few photos (not in the bedroom this time), sign the visit document, with witness signatures from a couple of neighbours and job done. They didn't visit last year, is there any protocol as to when you warrant a home visit?
  12. Why isn't this in the Ko Samui or Phuket sections of the forum?
  13. You've obviously not tried the Moscow Metro in summer.
  14. I think you're confused with Marie Antoinette. I have a nut allergy so always proceed with extreme caution, I also always have antihistamine tablets with me. Like everyone else I fail to understand how you can miss seeing a whole prawn in your salad.
  15. Interesting. I think we just have different ideas of what constitutes "nonsensical bureaucracy", and levels of tolerance. I spent an hour or so completing the forms, the wife spent half an hour at the amphur getting the confirmation of marriage certificate, half an hour at the local photo shop, there was half an hour at the bank, and then ninety minutes at immigration. With travel times (nothing is that far in Hat Yai) all told a maximum of 5 hours of my time, and it only happens once a year. Having spent 43 years as an expat, variously in Asia, Africa, Europe (inc. 5 years Russia), and South America, I guess I have developed a tolerance and don't find Thailand's hoops and hurdles to be particularly onerous. Horses for courses indeed.
  16. I think it's horses for courses and very much depends on circumstances and the immigration office you have to visit. Hat Yai are pretty straight and straighforward, other offices are less so. But yes, if you can meet all the requirements you don't really need an agent.
  17. Amen to that. Thankfully the carpark gets a reasonable breeze, but it isn't comfortable sitting there for an hour and a half.
  18. The problem is inconsistency, the marriage extension checklist says "A photocopy of the passport — Every used page from the first one to the last one is required". First time they took all, last couple of times they've returned the non-relevant page copies. I'm tempted to just give them the relevant pages next time. However, all it takes is a change of command and suddenly it's strictly as per the checklist and it's off to the photocopier. The retirement checklist (attached) just says "A photocopy of the current passport" so it's ambiguous ~ confuamazing Thailand. 2.22 Retirement.pdf
  19. I used the Krungsri branch near corner of Phetkasem and Sam Sip Met. Empty and very helpful, had letter and statements all done in 30 minutes. Immigration is still out in the carpark under a tent, paperwork in at 1pm, 2pm they came looking for the money and to take a photo of the wife & I. At 2:20 it was sign the documents (done in the car park this year), all finished by 2:30. All smiles, no missing documents, no questions, all very straightforward; thank you Songkhla Immigration. This is the latest checklist which is now available in Thai and English. 2.18 Thai wife.pdf
  20. I still hold the gold I bought in 1980. My point was that gold can go down as well as up.
  21. ???? I bought gold at USD600 in 1980, it promptly fell and didn't see 600 again for 27 years.
  22. They're not charging you to get your card back, they're charging you for a new card.
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