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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I almost spate my tea over the keyboard - you couldn't make this up
  2. Sure, and Putin won a free an fair election.
  3. Little point the silly sod will be cannon fodder in the 'Special Operation' soon enough - RIP Ivan.
  4. Which statin were you on? I had issues with pravastatin, which made me feel plain awful, so was switched to simvastatin which was OK. A couple years ago I was moved to atorvastatin which has been better at managing my cholesterol but at a lower dose than simvastatin, I've had no issues with atorvastatin.
  5. Bye-bye! I wonder what sock puppet Sam Stilton will think up next.
  6. Your posts are typified by a general sense of paranoia, if you aren't simply trolling (which I suspect you are), then I really think you need to seek help. .
  7. Extension renewal coming up, wife popped in to immigration today to pick up the forms just to check if there was anything new. Paperwork remains the same, the list of documents now states 4 photos required (up from 2), and the bank letter has gone back to within 7 days, from the previous same day requirement.
  8. A few times, for malaria and amoebic dysentery in Ghana, and typhoid fever in Malaysia. I've never been one to swing the lead. .
  9. Yes, but whether they do or not is up to them.
  10. Hong Kong, Malaysia & Singapore just moved the street carts into food courts and hawker centres, why is this such a problem for Thailand?
  11. These problems invariable concern transfers from the United States. Two transfers this week from Singapore, one on a Sunday evening, both arrived within seconds.
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