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Posts posted by grumpyoldman

  1. [

    if the person lobbing the grenade was shot then I agree, if the person doing the shooting was shot then I agree, however shooting an unarmed man for setting up a barricade is too far. I watched the army this morning on TV showing footage they had, only 3 protesters on this footage had firearms (I know there are probably more), however I want them to show me footage showing the dead with firearms, or grenades, or petrol bombs so I can be sure these people were an immediate threat.

    you got it, Seh Daeng.

    How about the guy who puts the baby on the barricade, he's unarmed right?

    Using his baby as a shield, disgusting behavior although you probably don't agree.......

  2. Do people still actually believe that this is only about Thaksin?

    I will be amazed if people still do not see the bigger picture here.

    Would you please spell it out for us Tony?

    It's amazing how so many 'educated' farangs are bent on blaming all that ails Thailand on an exiled ex-prime minister. Nobody is responsible for the army shooting civilians in Bangkok except the government. Illegal occupation of private and/or public property is not a good reason to shoot people. Neither is looting. The red shirt leaders may be selfish jerks dancing to Thaksin's tune, but it's NOT AN EXCUSE for the government to SHOOT PEOPLE. The government lies on the news everyday. So do the red shirts, but who should be the higher moral authority here? Most of you farangs come from western democracies... and most of you would support one political party over another. If you think the best solution to political impasse and or civil disobedience is to shoot those who disagree with you, then you should move to a place that supports that kind of thing (domestically) like Burma. The violence started when the army showed up... PERIOD. The rest of these arguments are pure political rhetoric, hearsay, and paranoia. Of course, if this continues, maybe you folks ARE in the right place.

    The red shirts lobbing grenades, not a reason to shoot people? Pulling army out of a truck and mob beating them, not a reason to shoot?

    If this were "peaceful disobedience" I'd agree with you, but this has been far from that.

    The government tried and tried, set a reconciliatory path with no commitment from the reds. Of course it's time to roll. Wake up! Enough is enough and I think you will find most Thais agree (not just "moral farangs).

  3. Blaming Thaksin for what has been brewing for many years is very shortsighted.

    Much of what is happening today is the result of decades of meddling,corruption and mismanagement in Thailand.

    Sure Thaksin has played his part of the villian with much aplomb and indeed he has plenty of dirt on his hands.


    However it doesn't take much digging to figure things out.

    Wake up Thaksin bashers there is more going on behind the scenes if you care to look a little closer.

    O.K. lets look closer, as a rural poor Thai you get 100-300-1000thb a day to risk your life as a red shirt protester while your fearless leader shops for expensive handbags in Paris. The same leader that gave you 500thb to vote for him.

    You guys that want to look at "the bigger picture", get a load of that picture. These people are being duped by a meglomaniac.

  4. As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

    In speaking with someone who was in Bangkok seeing a friend, another friend a red shirt rode up with his motorbike all decorated in red colors. This guy, unemployed, said he was getting 300thb cash everyday for just showing up at the rally, 1000thb if he decorated his bike and rode around with the others.

    1000thb a day, that's a better salary than most Thais make. Is it a wonder they continue?

    Yes, cutoff the money and I'm sure many will go home.

  5. I raised a Golden Retriever in my youth.

    One thing you cannot start too early is training using hand signals. People thinking their dog or dogs can understand what they are saying are insane.

    First hand signal- with index finger pointed out and a little knock on the nose is "no" !

    For potty training, show your dog the poop, may have to rub her nose in it, give her the index finger on the nose and a "no", and toss them both outside. Once she smells the poop outside, she'll get it. Also, be sure first thing in the morning and last thing at night you take her out to pee and for sure a "good dog" petting when she pees outside. She'll get it after awhile.

    Hand signal-closed fist for sit- give her the closed fist,push her butt down to sit, give her a little snack treat.

    Hand signal-open hand toward the dog "stay" (this one will take awhile,have to walk away, give her the "no" signal if she moves).

    Never too early to start leash training. Snap your fingers call "heel" and pull the leash so your dog is walking beside you at a heel. This is really great because once she's trained there you can chuck the leash.

    Teething-do they have those leather bone chews here in Thailand? I dunno.

    Anyway, good luck and start training your dog right away, once they understand the hand signals, Goldens are really smart.

  6. . Pizza company is typical American crap !

    Another biased criticism. I happen to like the Pizza Company and their thin crispy pizza. It is a little overpriced, but then what isn't in Ao Nang.

    Yeah, I'd like to know if klongmuang is a pommie, such quality cuisine in the U.K............what's the national cuisine there, Indian right?

  7. It's 6.20pm and so far there are no reports of cannibalism at Rajasaprong.

    Yet to hear from the Donner Kebab Party so far. :)

    But McDonalds is closed and Rambo Esaan is already getting hungry

    McDonald's delivers, unlike the red leaders, the PM, insert ineffective organization here.....

    Lazarus, the avatar is hilarious but a little brown spraypaint in PS could've smoothed out the corners on the right........

  8. I've met and spoke to him couple of weeks ago at an opening party, it was a nice bloke.

    "it" ? Wow that's quite the putdown TG, referring to him as though he were a cockroach.

    From where I come from it's innocent until proven guilty, I don't think he's been tried yet (except here amongst some posters). Frankly, it's "buyer beware" out there. You buy some solar panels, probably want to be sure they work before you pay.

  9. Frank was flat out one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet.

    I was lucky enough to share a few breakfasts with him at Don's old place, plus a few cocktails at the Asia bar.

    Frank knew he did not have much longer as he had mentioned that to me.

    RIP Frank

  10. There is a beautiful little island called Camiguin, off Mindinao but in July, the whole of the Phil is prone to Typhoons.....yearly average is 26. The whole country is prone, but you may be lucky.

    Thanks but I have read that some islands like Saman are outside the Typhoons' belt

    The only thing is: is it worth a visit for snorkelling?

    Sorry, I have never been in July.

    Maybe check Lonely Planet's website? Or there for sure has to be a diving the Philippines LP book.

  11. Pizza Company is not good, but unfortunately it's the best in Krabi Town.

    At least that was true a few years ago when I used to live there. Hopefully that has changed.

    Pizza Company, over-priced and poor quality ingredients.

    Sorry, I do not eat pizza very often, makes me FAT (or fatter than I already am anyway....), but try La Luna, I know the other dishes there are good.

  12. Ban jetskis? Yeah ok right. :)

    However these tourists should each be writing strong letters to their tour operator letting them know and demanding action. At least then might see some warnings given to tourists. The whole business is a disgrace.

    Same thing happened in Phuket to people I know about a year ago.

    36,000thb and they surrounded and held one guy hostage while the ladies had to go to the bank.

  13. can't help but sigh...all of your observations about the Philippines are true ( almost )...I really appreciate those who like the country for its people,places and culture. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those who hate the country, maybe due to bad experiences, I can't blame you but I think it's better for you to keep out of Philippine soil (or water).

    I'm a Filipina working in Thailand. Unlike most of you, I didn't come here to see the sites and scenes of Thailand. I'm one of those people who seek greener pastures outside of my country. I can't wait for the time to go back and be with my family.

    Just wish my country was as rich as your countries so that we will not have any beggars on the streets or so that the security officers in our malls, banks, and hotels wont have to bring big guns or so we don't have to work overseas and be separated from our families or so that we can prepare a beautiful and lovely place for you to visit...

    Just wish my country has a government that is as blemished-free as your governments so that we can live in a corrupt-less society or so that we can have better infrastructures or so that we can have better hospital care etc so that on your next visit..you'd feel comfortable...

    Sorry for the inconvenience and discomfort that you felt when you visited my country..It's really sad that my country was not able to satisfy your craving for clean, fun and exciting vacation...maybe we were just busy working so we can eat, we can have roof over our heads and we can have clothes on our body.... I think you really ought to stay in Thailand or some other countries in SE Asia.... We don't really need additional mouths to tell us how ugly and worst our country is....the People of the Philippines is already a handful....

    I like Thailand but will not write about it anymore....you have stated how amazing Thailand is over and over and I will not write about the Philippines coz I'd be bias....

    I like Thailand but I love the Philippines ( obviously !)

    So ..what exactly are you tryin to say?

    That she's tired as hel_l of hearing people bad mouth her country, especially those that come to conclusions after only spending time in Manila.

  14. So I have been travelling to Ao Nang for a few years now, last time there about two weeks back a couple strange things happened.

    First, I was in the high speed internet shop just back from the beach road, when three Russian, or Eastern European 20 somethings pulled up the computer next to me. Two were sitting next to me one behind me. My backpack is on the floor between us.At one point I feel some hair on my leg and I notice the one behind me making like she doing something with a USB stick, but I can see she is doing something with my backpack. Seemed to be struggling with the zipper on a compartment.

    I close all windows on the computer pick up my pack to go, barely brush the stick in their computer when they jump up and say "you have broken our memory stick, our photos are gone"!

    I basically say that's ludicrous when they say you need to give us money................uh huh...............the male of the group tries for a moment to get tough, I eyeball him a bit and he lets out some profanities and that's about it. Strange attempt at a scam I thought.

    Not but an hour later I'm on the wall at Ao Nang beach having a sunset beer, when a Thai lady pulls up makes a little conversation and then goes right into, "my Mom is sick can you give me 3000thb".........................uh huh...........let me just get that right out for you..............

    Just seemed strange for Ao Nang, in all the years I have been travelling there and never had things like these happen there, back to back, "backpacker scam" and "the family needs a new buffalo" routine when I don't even know the person

  15. Thanks a lot guys!

    The question is how good of a location Chalong is for a school? Is it better than Patong?

    The school would be mostly for the residents of Phuket not so much for the short term tourists.

    Chalong absolutely better than Patong, as KB mentions, get a place with some parking.

  16. Thanks for the information, they only do tours in phuket like a lot of others on the web.

    I am looking for a agent who does a package flights and hotel departing Phuket to bali returning to Phuket.

    Air Asia's site has Air Asia go where they do packages.

    I just saw Kuta Beach Bali for 950thb a night.

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