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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Kherson is a trap. Ukraine didn't bite. Pro-Russian people are posting baiting videos of abandoned checkpoints around Kherson:
  2. the Russians are more comfortable admitting killing their own than admitting they were killed by Ukrainian forces. compare with the careless smokers that caused the sinking of the Moskva and the explosions at the Crimean airbase.
  3. compare how, using which criteria ? for golf players Pattaya is much better. if you like growing strawberries, Chiang Mai. if you like skyscrapers, you will have more luck in Bangkok.
  4. Facebook has been making some nasty changes, I am having issues as well using Firefox, and it's a known issue. Allegedly, clearing cache might help.
  5. https://www.newsweek.com/woman-details-how-sister-was-publicly-executed-speaking-against-russia-1757089 Russians hang nurse in Skadovsk for pro-Ukrainian views, reports FT Putin and his henchmen need to hang too.
  6. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/01/politics/iran-missiles-russia/index.html Iran is preparing to send additional weapons including ballistic missiles to Russia to use in Ukraine Someone please shutdown Iran.
  7. wow, I'm impressed, nice internet research by the Olgino guys ! took them over 40 minutes though. as always, my kind salutations to the Olgino comrades. respect where respect is due.
  8. check their next issues, maybe next year or 2024. they aren't the quickest for integrating neologisms.
  9. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Ruzzia#English maybe this is clearer, the two Z are clearly visible:
  10. far from the end result, on the contrary. For Ukraine and for the whole rest of the world we would call "free", the LOSING strategy would be to accept Ruzzia's invasion and its presence in occupied territories. And taking things even further, we also know that the current Ruzzia can't be negotiated with, because it lies and breaks treaties. "Hey we don't lie this time and we swear we will keep our word in future too". Logic, reason and sanity all advise the same course of action.
  11. I'm sure you can also tell us who is to blame for that. Hint: ships don't need to pass through Ruzzian waters, because Ukrainian territorial waters connect directly with Romanian waters, direct way to Bosphorus Strait.
  12. I did some reading, and it seems that aluminium-gallium is indeed still far from being an efficient method for hydrogen production ????
  13. defending against occupiers on Ukrainian territory cannot be seen as an escalation.
  14. so could you explain how electrolysis-based hydrogen production could be cheaper than aluminium-gallium based production ?
  15. I don't believe any electrolysis can be cheaper than the gallium-aluminium process
  16. well, in the article you linked they say: - research is needed to know just how big of a problem hydrogen leakage really would be - that leakage is/will be probably much less than first anticipated - leakage is not really expected to be a big issue let's hope hydrogen is a good solution.
  17. drone footage from the Ukrainian attack at Sevastopol looks like the Black Sea Fleet's new Flagship, the Admiral Makarov has been hit
  18. Ruzzia accusing UK of being involved is a good sign - it means the attack caused noticeable damage.
  19. I geolocated the location with smoke to 44.580305299874105, 33.41623956639925 it looks like training grounds for the army. I'm not sure the photos show anything of importance.
  20. you are giving in to the Russian narrative. the reality is that since Putin came to power, he has been pushing for Russia to "retake" formerly soviet-dominated countries. the largest NATO expansion has taken place after Russia already tried to subdue Ukraine and other Eastern European countries by meddling in their internal affairs, corrupting government officials and politicians, poisoning elected leaders and trying to rig elections. it's quite clear that a large part of NATO's appeal to these countries at the time was due to Putin's own behavior.
  21. hydrogen cars are the future, because Hydrogen can be produced without using electricity in the process (aluminium - gallium process). car manufacturers need to agree on standardized fuel cell formats.
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