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Everything posted by tgw

  1. McD and other junk food outlets in Thailand have dramatically increased their prices over the last 5 years or so. And since they re-opened after the pandemic lockdown, the quality is miserable.
  2. the error in the thought process is considering bitcoin as an asset. the idea bitcoin is built on is in its core frivolous: people with computers "mine" money. it makes no sense at all. the crypto technology though, the blockchain, does make sense and opens the path to real crypto currencies. but these will be privately issued and backed with commodities and real wealth assets such as real estate, in the same manner as a fund.
  3. spot on. as a private linux user you have little to worry about indiscriminate random viruses/attacks. things are different when you make yourself a valuable target, for example when you are an organization or using specialized software targeted by hackers. linux is as vulnerable as other OS, it's just seldom the target of viruses.
  4. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-bar-entry-major-british-personalitie/ Russia blacklists 39 Brits, including Keir Starmer, David Cameron and Piers Morgan Moscow has banned 39 British politicians, business people and journalists from entering Russian territory, in response to the U.K.’s support of Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced Monday. The list includes Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, former Prime Minister David Cameron, and journalists Piers Morgan and Robert Peston. The names were added to a list of over 200 British citizens, including Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab and Liz Truss, who are already banned from entering Russia. Wow, these Russian sanctions must really be hard. Sanctioned persons must be desperate ?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Kazakh_unrest Look at the timing. Putin sent troops in, to "maintain order". But after that intervention, the Kazakh government, instead of being grateful to Putin, instead multiplied affronts, such as refusing Ruzzian honors (medals), refusing talks with Lavrov, publicly announcing they would not support Russia against Ukraine, and also announcing they were ready to supply gas to Europe if transport was solved. quotes from the aforementioned Wikipedia page: " Putin described the intervention as a concerted effort to protect regional allies from what he described as colour revolutions instigated by foreign interference in allies' internal affairs." "3,000 Russian paratroopers arrived in Kazakhstan on the morning of 6 January, " "On 7 January, Tokayev (president of Kazakhstan) said in a statement that constitutional order had "largely been restored in all regions of the country." "On 10 January, military general and politician Zhanat Suleimenov committed suicide" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhanat_Suleimenov"He and many Kazakh politicians have been accused of treason during the unrest, including the former head of Kazakhstan's national security committee, Karim Masimov." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karim_Massimov "On 11 January, Tokayev said that order had been restored in Kazakhstan in what he described as an attempted coup d'état. The government also stated that "foreign-trained Islamist radicals" were among those who had attacked government buildings and security forces" => connect the dots. The military general and Kasim Masimov can't be suspected of being islamist radicals. So it was an attempted coup d'état by who ?
  6. never seen the NEXT branding before either. but google search only yields Thai hits. So my guess is that it is a boxed OEM CPU. the NEXT brand company probably buys them as a Thai OEM vendor and sells them boxed. oh well...
  7. err... there's plenty of misinformation on the left side too. but the video doesn't really take a side. it is showing the dangers of giving opinions any weight at all against facts and how opinions and votes (of whatever side !) should never influence facts.
  8. yeah, as with previous Ruzzian reporting on Ukrainian attacks in Ruzzian territory, such as Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov, etc. they always report it as if it was an unprovoked attack, with a slight incredulous tone that seems to say "it almost looks like Ukraine wants to declare war on Ruzzia" while Ruzzia is at peace... notwithstanding their "special military operation" of course. It's just more of this dishonesty and bad faith the Ruzzians have shown since the beginning of this tragedy, and even for longer, ever since Putin started his great Ruzzia ambitions. I am amazed at Putin's masterplan behind all this and at how long he has kept it up. But we are demonizing Putin, and while this is totally justified, I suspect we should demonize more people than just him. There appears to be a group of ex-KGB officers around him, it's not clear to me whether they control Putin, or the leadership is collegial, or if Putin is the ringleader. It all started in 1999 when Putin successively became Chief of FSB, Chair of Security Council, Prime Minister and acting President. Yeltsin built Putin up as a successor. My personal guess is that Putin had loads of dirt against Yeltsin. The Yeltsin clan ( "The Family" ) probably thought they can control him. I'm not sure they were ok with Putin staging terrorism and the Chechen war to get elected as president, and it's quite clear The family wanted to retain control over Ruzzia. But Putin and his ex-KGB cronies waged war against both the old guard "The Family" and the "New Russians"-Oligarchs. Putin played The Family against the "New Russians", and the latter had already either been eliminated or made compliant in 2003-2005, some remained alive and had to go into exile: Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky and many others. And then the ex-KGB turned against The Family. The leader of The Family, Boris Berezovky, was eliminated in 2013. But it didn't stop: https://www.dw.com/en/mysterious-series-of-deaths-among-russian-oligarchs/a-61719107 https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/suspicious-russian-oligarch-deaths-match-kremlin-playbook-sources/ Putin can't control all these fronts alone (disinformation, Trump, Oligarchs, Influence operations, Butina & co., Gazprom, assassinations, etc.). I guess there is a group of ex-KGB with him, and they act at least semi-autonomously. Maybe there is some sort of "council" directing their actions, and Putin is a member, maybe the chairman, similarly to what the mafia did, and Putin is their consigliere. This ex-KGB group is using Ruzzia as their personal empire, and they tried and are still trying to expand it. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/01/the-secret-source-of-putins-evil I wouldn't be surprised if Kazakhstan narrowly avoided a Ruzzian-led coup d'état in January.
  9. rather than expel embassy staff, just have Facebook and Twitter and all other platforms censor these posts, instead displaying a message that the content was moderated because of the platform's policy on fake news.
  10. https://kyivindependent.com/national/dozens-of-ukrainian-prisoners-of-war-killed-in-russian-captivity the barbaric cruelty is sickening. these evil people must be neutralized at all costs.
  11. there are precise legal definitions of a mercenary: https://www.ohchr.org/en/node/3383/international-standards
  12. this is quite funny, since members of Wagner are called "musicians"
  13. impassable works too. even better, then the offensive can go right over it.
  14. let's hope they are successful in destroying that bridge and then in encircling lots of Ruzzkies and taking them prisoners
  15. well, there is something like overdoing it. overuse injuries are common in almost all sports, maybe except Bridge and Chess. runners and tennis players get joints issues, boxers brain damage, weight lifters can snap tendons, etc.
  16. Boring for some. Okay. I can understand that. It never got boring for me. I taught golf for a while and saw that some players, even with practice, just don't make progress at all, remain completely unable to shape shots. That's a case where I completely understand that it gets boring. Where it gets mysterious is that some of these players kept playing. But ... it's not bad for the back, at least not with a correct swing ... or a correct back ????
  17. It really depends what use they will be put to. I bought my current laptop in 2015, it has an i7-4790k and GTX 980M with 8GB Video RAM, and it is still okay for most uses, except newer games.
  18. It seems like the system of international competitive golf is flawed. I don't know enough about it to hint at solutions, but I can point out what I don't like: - I don't like the European Tour's "new" name, DP World Tour. It sounds like it has been sold out. - Yes, I think PGA and DPWT have tarnished the Ryder Cup, they put restrictions on who can play. I think citizenship should be the only criteria for any player to participate in either team. I also think the Ryder Cup should update its format. Same for Solheim. - I don't like how PGA and DPWT think they can decide what tournaments players take part in. They can put up a minimum number of tour tournaments the player must play in order to stay on that particular tour, and that's it. Ideally, they would also automatically qualify top players to take part in top tournaments no matter where they play.
  19. https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2022/mar/03/wanted-dead-or-alive-russian-businessman-offers-usd-1-million-bounty-for-arrest-of-putin-2425831.html
  20. it's not a mystery, the Brexit campaign was built on lies and used Ruzzian money for its campaign, as well as the Ruzzian social media disinformation capabilities. Cambridge Analytica and similar groups were used to influence gullible voters. Same people who helped Trump. I suggest the "EU bills" be paid by Farage and friends, should be no problem with the 45 million GBP a day that the UK now saves... or does it ? Ruzzia planted its cancerous seeds into the West a long time ago. It's Putin's work, now it looks all clear, he was a KGB agent, a real spy, his job decades ago was already about finding ways to destabilize the West. And that he did since he came to power. He bankrolled diverse opposition groups, the extreme right, but also probably the extreme left, the jellow jackets in France, France's Le Pen had Russian money too, there are most certainly countless others. Add to that Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Trump and the massive troll campaigns against anything Western governments sponsor, etc. Anything to undermine the credibility of Western governments. The Ruzzians also trolled against Western measures against Coronavirus.
  21. there are at least 3 grain terminals in and around Odessa, so regardless of at which port the rockets came down, the attack occured at a grain terminal.
  22. from https://kyivindependent.com/: Politico: Pelosi asks Blinken to label Russia as terrorist state. According to Politico, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and warned him that otherwise, Congress will do so. Politico cited anonymous officials familiar with the phone call that occurred between Pelosi and Blinken earlier this week. US senators introduce resolution recognizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine as genocide. U.S. Senators Jim Risch and Ben Cardin introduced a resolution "recognizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine, which include forced deportations to Russia and the purposeful killing of Ukrainian civilians in mass atrocities, as constituting a genocide Meet Putin's new Ruzzia: the genocidal state sponsor of terrorism.
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