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Everything posted by tgw

  1. As stated before, I suspect Putin is not in his right mind. But sick or not, and whatever the causes, my recommended treatment for him remains the same.
  2. they won't ... they just need to know what Erdogan wants for his payoff.
  3. I'm not sure if it's worth arguing about it - I read your post as : "common conception" but maybe Russia will fall apart anyway. Meaning : if Russia doesn't fall apart, the "common conception" might be realized. My point : Russia falling apart or not, there is zero chance that it will attack Ukraine again once Russia has been booted from Ukraine. The common assumption *could* not be massively wrong, it definitely is massively wrong, regardless of whether Russia breaks up or not.
  4. I'm pretty sure once this war is wrapped up, Ukraine will receive adequate military guarantees, probably a NATO membership. Ukraine's military will be the #1 fighting force in Europe, fielding a million of young, combat-experienced veterans. They will probably receive Western equipment such as F-16 jets and Leopard, Leclerc or Abrahms, as well as Archer, Caesar, PzH2000, Donar and Koalitzya, which would work well with Ukraines's distributed targeting and fire control system "GIS Art for Artillery" that defeats current counter-battery radars. and has 30 seconds call to fire delay. So Russia coming back to attack to Ukraine again? I don't think so.
  5. especially as it's Erdogan's son who manufactures them ... great marketing BTW.
  6. nope, I want to keep them online so they can be used for arty targeting.
  7. his issue is that Sweden and Finland are friendly to PKK. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/leader-turkey-opposes-letting-finland-sweden-join-nato-84691999 so what does that tell us ? it's probable that Erdogan wants to extract profit from his "reluctant" approval for Sweden and Finland to join NATO.
  8. "when a Western government doesn't do the right thing, criticize. when it does the right thing, question and criticize the spending." page 143, The Handbook for Internet Propaganda (4th revised edition), by the Internet Research Agency, Olgino.
  9. that doesn't seem to be the situation that soldier was in. some specifics about what happened are available on the internet.
  10. I don't know what the investigation will uncover about his character, maybe he's no beast at all. Let's hope a just and fair sentence be given by the court.
  11. from Kyivindependent.com : Russia may cut off gas supply to Finland on May 13. Key Finnish politicians have been warned that Russia may cut off the gas supply to Finland on May 13 due to the country’s potential accession to NATO, Finland’s media outlet Iltalehti reports citing anonymous sources. Do the Gazprom contracts contain clauses against Finland asking to join NATO ? Wouldn't stopping the gas supply be a breach of contract ?
  12. there is already a lot less red than after 2 weeks into the invasion ! the Ruzzians are practically at the lines they rushed to in the first days of the invasion, except around Izyum. they were helped by traitors, most notably in Kherson. the great concentration of forces at Izyum / Rubinzne is well known. There are bloody battles there right now. The daily bodycount published by the Ukrainian defense ministry has jumped, it was cruising around 100-150 ten days ago, now we see 350 - 400 every day. That's one BTG a day. The enemy troops destroyed during their attempt to cross the river "siverski donetz" (too lazy to check for spelling) do not seem to have been taken into account yet. from the satellite photos, it seems 1 or 2 BTG were destroyed with unsustainable casualties.
  13. well, even that's not true, there are many Ukrainian fighters operating under cover behind Ruzzian lines.
  14. seriously, what conclusions do you draw from 100 Ruzzian BTG being unable to advance ?
  15. why would anyone want to give away positions of friendlies ? lose lips sink ships !
  16. no, it's just another propaganda ploy - the Rashists would be too happy if other countries entered the war, it would give them an excuse to do their worst. In the meantime, they try to taunt Western public opinion into being dissatisfied with their governments and play on feelings, as well as driving a wedge between Ukraine's supporters.
  17. they haven't been abandoned, but they are unreachable at the moment. too many Rashists around. Ukraine tries to negociate their evacuation, at least of the wounded. Videos keep surfacing showing there still is fighting around the plant.
  18. "Witnesses told The Pattaya News the victim was driving at extremely high speed before losing control and crashing into a power pole." would you be able to refrain from driving at extremely high speed ?
  19. “One of the military ordered the sergeant to kill a civilian so that he would not inform the Ukrainian defenders about them. He fired several aimed shots through the open car window from a Kalashnikov assault rifle at the head of a 62-year-old victim. The man died on the spot just a few tens of meters from his house” , said the Attorney General. https://www.perild.com/2022/05/11/in-ukraine-the-first-military-of-the-russian-federation-will-be-tried-for-murder-in-the-sumy-region/ I wonder if "I was just following orders" will be a good defense ?
  20. aah ... "give us" very revealing post, thanks ! no, the traitors were not under the threat of immediate torture, since they were Ukrainian officials that were in office before the attack, and they organized intact bridges for the Ruzzians. Kherson whould have been easy to defend if the bridges had been taken care of.
  21. they should send the "light" collaborators to Russia, jail the others. I really really would like them to find the traitors responsible for giving Kherson to the Ruzzians.
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