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Everything posted by tgw

  1. the mystery can be easily solved - at no point the BBC article says that the brigade commander and Adam Bisultanov are the same person.
  2. the clowns are still at it: Kremlin says US "adds fuel to fire" by supplying weapons to Kyiv "We believe that the United States is purposefully and diligently adding fuel to the fire," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a regular conference call. "Such supplies do not contribute to the Ukrainian leadership’s willingness to resume peace negotiations,” Peskov said. from https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-01-22/index.html
  3. Probably a guy who sat on the fence, maybe first secretly cooperating with the Ruzzians and then not knowing what to do. People like him did commit treason for example in Kherson by handing all bridges to the Ruzzians. Ruzzia has a lot of agents up to the highest levels in Ukraine's state apparatus.
  4. regarding the stolen grain, I don't understand why the Ruzzian ships are let through the Bosphorus without the stolen goods getting seized ?
  5. CLOWNS : Russian ex-president calls for stepping up repression against so-called ‘foreign agents’. Dmitry Medvedev, an ex-president of Russia and a deputy chairman of the Security Council, said the authorities need to strengthen control over people and organizations labeled as “foreign agents” by the government. Putin claims Russia ready to renew peace talks, repeats demand for sanctions relief. Putin claimed that “the Russian side is open to renewing dialogue with Kyiv” and repeated his demand that the West should lift sanctions to “increase food and fertilized exports.” (both headlines from Kievindependent.com )
  6. maybe it was another Ruzzian grandfather flying for Wagner ...
  7. thank you, somehow the video didn't show the first time I viewed page 2. sad accident. there are multiple causes for the accident. the bicycle rider was reckless: - riding a bicycle in road traffic in Thailand is reckless to begin with - didn't obey or understand the traffic lights - no light on the bicycle - did a manoeuver that other drivers would not expect but ultimate responsibility lies with the car driver who was apparently driving recklessly at excessive speed which made it impossible to avoid the impact. RIP Camille
  8. how to find the video? I was unable to find it.
  9. from Kyivindependent.com Johnson calls for giving Ukraine long-range weapons. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Bloomberg that more military support for Ukraine is needed, including providing multiple launch rocket systems. He added that Russia is making slow but “palpable” progress in the Donbas. yes, yes, yes ! I have been saying that for over a month already. Ukraine needs missiles with a range of 1000 to 1500Km to be able to strike Ruzzian military infratructure and ships. Please make it happen !
  10. Not to discuss specifics, but only as an example of what Ruzzian propaganda produces, one of the products being people being misled into supporting the candidate favoured by a hostile, fascist foreign dictator, among other things. This is on topic because that's exactly what Soros has been fighting against and one of the reasons why he sometimes intervened.
  11. 1- I wasn't pretending Western powers don't use propaganda, but in this situation regarding Putin and Ruzzia's actions in the last 15 years or so, there is a good side and a bad side. People underestimate the impact of the Kremlin's vile disinformation and influence campaigns. They destabilize Western societies and transform a number of our people into useful idiots (useful for Ruzzia, that is). 2- not sure how your link covering British propaganda during the cold war some 50 years ago is relevant today.
  12. Trump is off topic in this thread. On-topic is how Ruzzia used covert propaganda operations to push its agenda and poison the minds of many of our people. But here is a specific link for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections there are many other articles, but they are behind paywalls. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/new-study-shows-russian-propaganda-may-really-have-helped-trump-n1025306 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/19/opinion/trump-russia-2016-report.html
  13. my bad... https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-china-covid-disinformation-campaigns/31590996.html https://edmo.eu/2022/03/30/how-covid-19-conspiracy-theorists-pivoted-to-pro-russian-hoaxes/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood just an example: "In 2019, according to the science writer William J. Broad of The New York Times, Russia, working through its state propaganda network RT America, began a "firehose of falsehood" campaign to convince Americans that 5G phones were a health hazard, even as Putin was ordering the launch of 5G networks in Russia." everyone can easily imagine how they meddle in more serious societal topics. in short, they poisoned the brains of many people (2 friends of mine are affected) and sowed distrust of people in their government.
  14. Ruzzia has had its propagandist fingers in almost every topic that divided the West in the last decade and longer. They financed extremist political parties, they supported conspiracy theories, mask and vaccine deniers, etc. The more unstable the West, the easier for other countries like Ruzzia but also including China to push their agenda.
  15. If Ukraine wanted to negotiate, with who could they negotiate ? Ruzzia already guaranteed Ukraine's 1994 borders several times in the past, so who could Ukraine negotiate with ?
  16. from Kyivindependent.com: Russia says it expects Kyiv to accept its demands, including claims on occupied territories. Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on May 26 that the Russian-occupied territories were not territorial concessions. Ukraine has repeatedly stated that it won’t give up any of its territories. LOOOOOOOOOOOL ???? what a farce !
  17. the runway in the picture is Phuket. 27 is visible.
  18. no direct collusion doesn't mean the Ruzzians didn't try to influence the elections in Trump's favor. Putin wanted Trump because of his divisive politics from which the Ruzzians would have benefited.
  19. from https://kyivindependent.com/ Podolyak: Ukraine rules out territorial concessions, signing another Minsk Agreement. (link in Ukrainian) Presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak said that agreeing to give up territories is impossible and would only backfire as Russia would use the pause in fighting to prepare for further offensives. “It will lead to a larger, more bloody war,” he said. => exactly. one of the main problems for ending this war is that Ruzzia cannot be considered a trustworthy negotiation partner.
  20. from Kyivindependent.com: Akhmetov to sue Russia over destruction of his assets. (link in Russian Ukrainian) Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest man, said in an interview with NV, a Ukrainian media outlet, that he will file a lawsuit against Russia, demanding “proper compensation for all losses and lost business.” According to Akhmetov, the losses of his Azovstal and Ilyich steel plants in Mariupol due to Russia’s war range from $17 billion to $20 billion. => and there is me wondering, since Ruzzia insists there is no war, it might be difficult for them to invoke an "act of war" in their defense.
  21. Brexit was partially funded and also otherwise supported by a Russian intelligence operation run to divide the EU. Don't underestimate the extent of that huge Russian operation which also included Cambridge Analytica and background influence in Trump's favor. This could explain Soros' intervention. Where are the useful conspiracy theorists when we need them ? Watch this and set CC / subtitles to English :
  22. Harpoons are still short range weapons, I wish Ukraine would receive missiles with an operational range of 1000 to 2000 Km, so they could strike Russian ships, especially cruise missile launchers.
  23. you are correct - although denigration is similar and still a punishable offense in many countries even if true.
  24. the outcome sought by Ukraine and democratic countries is that Russia removes its troops from all of Ukrainian territory. Russia as a state is not threatened, neither is its territory. I guess sanctions will stay until there is a significant regime change in Russia.
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