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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Lavrov should have been interrupted and put in his place as a liar. Why hasn't the crystal clear wording of the Geneva Convention (of which Russia is a signatory) been brought up when it came to discussing the Brits that were sentenced to death? Why weren't Lavrov's lies fact-checked ? Russia hasn't invaded Ukraine, yeah right. He should face an execution squad.
  2. my thoughts about it can be summarized by a comparison with speeding. speeding on highways is now legal in Thailand too. at 120 Km/h ????
  3. my opinion is that equality is inhuman, and perfect equality unachievable. nature itself is not perfect, as it allows for people with 2 visible gender attributes to exist (yes, you read that correctly, there are people born with both a vagina and a penis), as well as for people with more or less than the 2 normal chromosome pairs XX and XY. furthermore, both concepts of gender and fairness are human creations.
  4. okay, what about people who are born with both? can they compete in either ?
  5. wow. "gaming community" there was me expecting an ESL convention with PUBG or CS:GO, maybe LoL, but that is ... something completely different.
  6. nope. not when you have a motorcycle license, wear a helmet and have the paperwork in order
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61777224 Ukraine war: Former British soldier Jordan Gatley killed in fighting Thank you Jordan Gatley for your service and for your sacrifice.
  8. SHAME Der Spiegel: Germany blocks Spain from sending Leopard tanks to Ukraine. Der Spiegel reported, citing anonymous government sources, that Germany warned Spain that it “would constitute a departure” from the alleged informal decision by the West not to provide Western tanks to Ukraine. “If Berlin agreed, it would have been the first time a NATO member had delivered battle tanks to Ukraine,” Der Spiegel reports. (kyivindependent.com)
  9. I think your list of appellations lacks descriptive terms that center on a person's exterior aspect. I have difficulties with terms whose meanign shifts over time, such as "androgyne", which in the past was understood as describing persons whose appearance is neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine, without involving the person's own feelings about sexual identity. Also, what about gynandromorph. And then there are sexual orientations and roles. Many of the terms in your list are based on "genders", which is either unhelpful in describing orientations and roles, or normative and restrictive, borderline intolerant towards what doesn't fit into gender roles or gender orientations. A good example of this are persons who see themselves as "transwomen". Born male, they see themselves as 100% women within strict gender categories, hate any aspect of their body that doesn't conform to their vision (i.e. penis), do all operations to be as similar to as woman as possible. But they do not stop there, they are also completely intolerant towards others that don't fit into the classical male-female genders. For example, they see ladyboys who don't wish to have SRS as disgusting monsters. This particular example struck me, that's why I remember it and write it here. In my opinion, making more categories and labels is counterproductive, it just leads to having more boxes with which to subject people to more prejudice.
  10. Russia is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions, which give clear criteria for when prisoners are to be considered mercenaries and when they are to be considered prisoners of war. Both Britons very clearly fall within the "prisoners of war" category and cannot be considered mercenaries according to the Geneva Conventions which were signed by Russia. There isn't a shadow of a doubt here. https://www.ohchr.org/en/node/3383/international-standards
  11. surrender and let the Ruzzians destroy Ukraine. nope. not gonna happen. but they are right to be worried about War fatigue. luckily, something tells me that USA and UK won't abandon Ukraine. and maybe the German chancellor will at some point yield to his own parliament's pressure. anyway, people who advise surrender to Ukraine are either Ruzzian trolls or ignore reality in Ukraine and what will happen to that country after it surrenders. I can only ask everyone to write to your democratic representatives and ask for more support for Ukraine.
  12. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/10/7351750/ Kremlin denies prisoner of war status for two British citizens "condemned to death" in the DPR Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova referred to international humanitarian law, according to which the British nationals are not "combatants", and thus this status [of prisoner of war] cannot apply to them. => what "international humanitarian law" is she referring to, Russia is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions which are very clear about the status of the two men, which are not mercenaries. Ruzzians full of BS as usual, everything they say is a lie. She then went on to say "According to her, no appeals concerning Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner have been received from the British side by the Russian Foreign Ministry." What is the likeliness of truth ?
  13. 2 Britons and Moroccan sentenced to death by pro-Russian court in self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-09-22/index.html I guess they are more useful as hostages than dead, so I guess they will be put in limbo.
  14. a regime change is hardly a diplomatic exit, is it? also, I'm pretty sure that nobody will be satisfied if only Putin goes / dies / is prosecuted / is sentenced / is imprisoned / is executed ... Putin has thousands of accomplices, some of which are currently asking on Russian TV to "erase the last 30 years of Ukraine's history", while former Ruzzian president Medvedev wants "all Ukrainians gone".
  15. she's not wrong. but the blame for inaction in 2014 has to be shared by everyone, including the press. Of course the German position was paralyzed by visible neonazi elements at the Maidan. In retrospect, I notice just how politically convenient these neonazis were for Russia, both in 2014 and now.
  16. Sadly, Putin has put Russia in a situation from where it has no possible diplomatic exit. Neither Ukraine nor NATO or the EU can offer any significant concession to Russia.
  17. the only way is to educate these businesses by taking your business elsewhere.
  18. Ruzzia's war will deeply and for a long time affect all countries' future relations with Ruzzia because they will be known as liars and backstabbers and everyone will know that Ruzzia cannot be trusted. This will not only affect the current regime, but also all of its ideological heirs. The stain on the country's reputation will take a long time to scrub off even after the current "generation Z" won't be in power anymore.
  19. On 100th day of war, Russia says "work" in Ukraine will continue until all goals are reached Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov assessed the results of the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine on Friday, saying "certain results" have been achieved and work will continue until all goals are met. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-03-22/index.html let's be patient. some more months and after several rounds of adjustments to objectives, the goal of "successfully retreating from Ukraine" will eventually be met by Ruzzian forces.
  20. news from 5 hours ago: Ukraine now controls half of Severodonetsk after reclaiming ground, Ukrainian official says https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-04-22/index.html
  21. what's more, Putin's and Ruzzia's situation seems to be so bad that Macron is asking everyone to not be too hard on the Ruzzians: Russia must not be humiliated despite Putin's 'historic' mistake, Macron says https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-must-not-be-humiliated-despite-putins-historic-mistake-macron-2022-06-04/
  22. I am advocating keeping killing as many Ruzzian invaders as necessary until they give up. Ukraine will be able to beat the Ruzzians back into Russia if they get the necessary equipment. A significant number of Western howitzers along with 40Km range ammo might already be enough to achieve that goal, albeit slowly. AFAIK, Ukraine does not currently have 40Km arty ammo. But they are in the process of receiving HIMARS, which has a range of 90 Km with the basic ammo. Regarding "lies" from Ukrainian sources, you should watch less RT, because it seems more and more likely that Ruzzia's offensive is stalling: Russian Military Is Repeating Mistakes in Eastern Ukraine, U.S. Says https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/us/politics/russia-military-eastern-ukraine.html Putin the madman has apparently dismissed Dvornikov, the "butcher of Syria" from command: General Dvornikov ‘no longer in command’ of Russian Army in Ukraine https://sports.yahoo.com/general-dvornikov-no-longer-command-155200379.html https://english.nv.ua/nation/general-dvornikov-dismissed-from-command-of-russian-army-in-ukraine-russia-news-russia-invasion-50247453.html and as I already explained earlier, it is very important for world peace that Putin and Ruzzia do not obtain ANY concession from Ukraine or the West, otherwise it sends the wrong signal to China. The UK and the USA have understood that. There is no way out for your inspiring figure Putin the mad unfunny Clown.
  23. Ukrainian Armed Forces reclaim 20% of Sievierodonetsk – Luhansk Military Administration https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/3/7350399/
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