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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. No way i would pay 37880 baht after accepting a quote for 10,000 baht. Even if the young lady offered more than a smile.
  2. The Chinese are always giving the world a variety of germs to contend with.
  3. A cooling off period could be a blessing
  4. Pinioccio PM has soon learnt the lying game
  5. The PM is Thaksin's yes man and does what he is told
  6. She can have Thaksins room as he will be vacating it soon
  7. To say the majority of Phukets residents favoured 4 am opening when the majority of the attendees had a vested interest in the entertainment industry is false reporting.
  8. There are many convicted criminals in the government including the de facto leader of the Phue Thai party. To ban Pia for holding inherited shares in a defunct company was a great injustice by the crooks and wealthy Hi So conmen who are now in power.
  9. Really... Some people would use an agent to wipe their backside
  10. Chinese human rights record is appaling ask any resident of Tibet or Hongkong. The royal thai police record of corruption is commonplace so asking the Chinese police to help out is a brainless idea from our stand in puppet Prime minister.
  11. What are the odds of two guys one from Norway the other from Denmark crashing together in a road accident at 3.0 am.. RIP.
  12. Free visas with open door policies and little verification make Thailand a haven for crooks.
  13. I had this problem at my house in Pattaya with offending bamboo. My missus went to the police station and was advised to cut the offending branches in line with our boundary. The police captain gave his card to present to our Next door neibours to confirm. If fruit bearing trees the fruit must be returned.
  14. Arabs and Indians like them on the big side
  15. What a load of rubbish and an injustice. This award for transparency should have gone to Thaksins doctors.
  16. The reason you where chosen as 'interim' prime minister by Thaksin is you where the person most easily manipulated until his daughter can replace you. No doubt You are a puppet and yes man.
  17. The government keep changing laws for personal profit without thinking long term. Cannabis laws a perfect example. Now bars can open untl 4.0 am in some areas but can not sell beer after 2.0 a m. Dumber and Dumber. Will they ever learn??
  18. You lied to the voters joined with the military and had to bribe the People with 10000 baht each to ensure the return of Thaksin. You without doubt are his puppet and should be ashamed.
  19. Wongamat area north Pattaya is to be avoided.
  20. Breast enlargement. A present we both share.
  21. This goverment propose mega projects as the potential for corruption to repay election expenses. Perhaps a greater priority than the merit of some projects.
  22. Phu Thai have always used populist policies to secure votes at a financial burden the county can ill afford. Remember the rice pledging brainwave cost billions was mlred in corruption and forced Thaskin's sister into exile. The promised givaway of 560 billion made two weeks before the election to secure Thaksins return is not fooling investors as they never had the money or any plan to fund it.
  23. Greed and corruption will overide any decision from a public hearing.
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