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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. "Should I go with "nostalgic", or "modern" for the occasion. Gotta ask Thaksin...":
  2. Guess they'll change the acronym to TRICS...
  3. Did you check-in with your passport? You have a yellow book, which you can use to get a pink ID. You can check in to hotel with pink ID and avoid the TM30 hassle.
  4. Yahoo Mail..., gonna change to gmail
  5. Spam is the first thing I check. Also, as mentioned, Notification settings are OK: Followed Content Automatically follow content Automatically follow new content I post Automatically follow content I reply to Method to use for content I follow automatically A notification when new content is posted Followed Content These notifications will be sent whenever there is new activity on things you are following and have opted to receive immediate notifications for. Notification List Email Mentions & My Content Mentions & My Content These notifications will be sent whenever someone mentions you or interacts with content you have posted. Notification List Email Reactions These notifications will be sent whenever someone reacts to content you have posted. Notification List Email please note that email options are all ticked in both Followed Content and My Content, not as shown in this copy/paste
  6. The last time I received an email notification on a followed thread, or a reaction to a post was last Sunday. Since then no more email notifications. I checked notification settings and it's OK. Newsletter email also OK.
  7. Well, he is 80, he could plead Alzheimer's... So could Trump,... and Biden and maybe that's what's wrong with all of that. The younger generations are too busy dumbing themselves down to produce a leadership, abandoning the sinking ship to the dying dinosaurs.
  8. "The uniform made me do it." It's the reason behind all those bad apples...
  9. ... and then there is the "graab", it has some unique nuances as well... conditioning the kids to conform, obey and accept without question all in the guise of "respect"
  10. You can get a bank statement at any branch of your bank, shows your address. Takes 10min, bank book, passport, 100 baht.
  11. Well, then you should sue Thaksin for defamation.
  12. One question he should have asked: How does transferring money prove my innocence, explain your investigation technique please? The problem is the inherent reflex of blindly obeying any authority figure, and no critical thoughts questioning that authority. It's a cumulative effect of education and culture, systematically designed to produce a pliable and conforming population.
  13. Not once has the EC, or the CC, accused the Military of actually overthrowing Democracy and thereby actually violating the Constitution. And these are the Institutions mandated to safeguard the Constitution and Democracy...
  14. Ah yes, Rumpelstiltskin! There was once a miller who was poor, but he had one beautiful watch... A fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm (modernized)
  15. I'm not handsome but I smell good... like a cookie.
  16. riveting stuff, lots of experts
  17. A strange sentence yours is. Oh, now I get it, Master Yoda
  18. Nah, it was scrapped because you don't know how to collect it.
  19. in order to be able to maintain something, that thing has to exist first and foremost
  20. Can't wait to fund all those politicians wit my tax payments next year...
  21. Dear DOL, there are two more items to reveal with regards to the above: Which Minister are you talking about (Interior, Justice, Prime, Any)? And what could possibly win such an approval from the classified Minister?
  22. File a lawsuit to dissolve the Election Commission, they have a history of undermining democracy in Thailand.
  23. You should have found a question mark at the end of that sentence.
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