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Posts posted by klauskunkel

  1. "We will raise the issue with the Hua Hin/Cha Am Tourism Association. Relevant authorities need to explore measures that efficiently prevent such problem and ensure tourists' safety," she said.

    ...fast-forward 6 months: the relevant authorities (Police? TAT? Chalerm? AG?) have gone back to their productive routines after finding and delegating this matter to less relevant authorities...Everybody is back again exploring their respective nasal cavities...

    • Like 1
  2. it is a disgrace to this serving Police Officer that any poster would twist his tragic death for political 'brownie points' he died from a shot trying to do his duty and it does not take a genius to work out the Police did not shoot him to 'stir up' things

    he was one of them

    so let's get away from the 'Elvis is alive' and 'Aliens are here' rubbish and back to reality? show some respect RIP

    While I essentially agree with your post about the PO's death, I do not necessarily believe that "being one of them" really counts as much for the BiB, i.e. the high ranking ones. Just recall the incident with Ferrari Boy last year, he of Red Bull lineage who killed a PO driving drunk and coked-out: hours after the incident we hear about a Police Colonel advising the spoiled brat, not arresting him...

    Or, Chalerm's boy, murdering a PO and getting away, no problem... or, or, or, ...ad nauseam!

    On the other hand "being one of them" helps a lot once they murdered, extorted, raped a civilian...

    • Like 1
  3. some more facts:

    they have reserved seating on public transport

    if they are not at their temple, you can usually find them at Panthip plaza

    some wear Ray Ban sunglasses

    they are bald

    that's all I know...

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  4. Alan Morison is a hero. He sticks to his principle something Thais know little about. So the Thais really have no knowledge of Mr. Morison's motives. In truth Thai self centered thinking, principle of truth and honor don't enter in to it. The potential jailing of Mr. Morison will call more attention to Thailand's deplorable defamation framework, and putting him in jail may lead to a massive demonstration at Thai embassies around the world.

    However, those massive demonstrations around the world would not be covered by Thai media for fear of a defamation suit...

  5. Following the latest incident, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank said he seriously wanted to catch the culprits to clear any distrust and rumours that police officers may be behind these attacks.

    He "seriously wants to catch the culprits", not because they are criminals and it is his mandate to catch them, no, he wants to clear the police' name...

    well, news flash for the man with the meter long name (Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank - and I am sooo happy they abbreviated the Lieutenant bit), listen up Toopy: it's too late, it's decades too late, moron

  6. "Even if you want to get the best picture but you aren't safe, then it's not the best picture for you,"

    "For safety I always stand with the side with the advantage,"

    His job is to shoot video, so he can zoom when he records something.

    "Technology can help us to be safe so I don't have to walk near the fighting,"

    "I have decided to become a librarian...but I am afraid of the paper cuts"

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