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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. Thanks everyone.

    Unfortunately no chinese visa in this one.

    Already tried to peel off a few laos ones- they must use superglue.

    So it seems I have a few options, although I don't know how Im going to actually get my new passport. My drivers license expired years ago. It has my old address anyway and I cant collect mail from there any more. I wonder what the resolution will be? I will try to break down in tears and mention Thai jail when the UK calls me.

    1) Singapore or malaysia or myanmar should only be a small stamp.

    2) Cambodian e-visa should allow for only a small stamp

    3) Extention for 7 days at immigration bangkok (possibly enough time, depends on what UK passport office decide about me.)

    OJAS - I really hope I dont get in trouble for using the existing passport meanwhile- but I have been advised from multiple sources this is SOP.

    I think I will go with Singapore, as I have a stamp in my passport from there and can see for myself its tiny.

    I also have the number of an agent who goes to Myanmar/Burma regularly if anyone needs it.

    My advice do not travel on your existing pp ie the one that has just been cancelled, if for some reason it is picked up on that the pp your travelling on has been cancelled, one suspects immigration in what ever country your in, will detain you and will start asking questions, not worth the hassle seeing as the PP office tell you specifically not to travel on it

    If you truely need to travel, emergency pp from the BE is the answer but its GBP 98 or there about

    Hi Soutpeel,

    I've always appreciated your advice. Assuming my passport takes until the 25th or beyond to get to me (worst case scenario but possible) how would you advise handling my overstay issue please? I don't think emergency passport lets me stay in the country- only leave it? My passport will be on its way to my Thai address, and If im not there to receive it, I suppose it will end up in the UK. Maybe I should just tell them to hold it until I get home and take a vacation!!

  2. Thanks everyone.

    Unfortunately no chinese visa in this one.

    Already tried to peel off a few laos ones- they must use superglue.

    So it seems I have a few options, although I don't know how Im going to actually get my new passport. My drivers license expired years ago. It has my old address anyway and I cant collect mail from there any more. I wonder what the resolution will be? I will try to break down in tears and mention Thai jail when the UK calls me.

    1) Singapore or malaysia or myanmar should only be a small stamp.

    2) Cambodian e-visa should allow for only a small stamp

    3) Extention for 7 days at immigration bangkok (possibly enough time, depends on what UK passport office decide about me.)

    OJAS - I really hope I dont get in trouble for using the existing passport meanwhile- but I have been advised from multiple sources this is SOP.

    I think I will go with Singapore, as I have a stamp in my passport from there and can see for myself its tiny.

    I also have the number of an agent who goes to Myanmar/Burma regularly if anyone needs it.

  3. Hi,

    I am hoping you knowledgeable gents can help me once again.

    My passport is almost full. I have half of one page and a quarter of another.

    I have already applied for a renewal in the UK. It has been delayed because the UK passport office wants additional paperwork I cannot provide (proof of address, but they have very odd options).

    Meanwhile my extention of stay expires on 15th Feb.

    I have been advised by passport office not to travel on my passport.

    I know that laos, vietnam, cambo, etc land borders all require whole pages. I dont know of anywhere that would be a safe bet given my space available.

    Options as I see it:

    1) Don't do anything, wait for new passport, then go to chaengwattana and maybe they will let me off with overstay fine (but for how many days?) and put some sort of stamp in my passport so I can leave the country.

    2) Travel on the passport against UK advice, but either find somewhere (burma?) that will have only small stamps, or.. hope for a nice immigraiton official?

    3) See if I can get a further extention in my passport based on this situation? I have included photos of my visa/extention in case anyone in the know can advise me how possible this is..

    4) I noticed an older toursit visa with 2 entries. The second entry was never used. It says "enter before 2nd jan 2014". The first entry was used before that date. Can I now use the second?

    5) (this one would be great) I have misunderstood my situation and I actually have an option Im not seeing!

    Thanks in advance.. and thank you especially to Her Majesty's Passport Office in Liverpool, who if they had produced my new passport after taking my money, rather than asking for additional documents that were not on the required documents list, could have avoided this whole situation for me.




  4. Don't worry- I was stuck on the same weight for several months thanks to dodgy technique and figured that was just all I could lift.

    Amazing the difference a bit of form can make.

    My problem now is my traps hurt from the bar- they hurt less if I place the bar higher such as almost on my neck, but then the form suffers.. whereas if I pinch my shoulder blades together, and let the bar lower on the traps, I get soreness. I am putting this down to it being unfamiliar with the higher weight, for now.

    • Like 1
  5. An update- the lady in question got to the immigration officer, who did have a problem with the dual passport issue. Although, I had suggested this might happen as they like to delay pretty girls. Anyway, she was told she should choose between one or the other. They wasted her time for a good 30 mins before she had to get "uncle" on the phone, or at least threaten to, and they eventually relented.

    The usual BS, but there we have the facts as they happened. She was eventually let on without further issue.

    Another good friend of mine, left the country with his Thai wife and child. He is American. He joined the foreigner lanes, and the wife/child went to Thai. He recommends this is a mistake. Anyway- interestingly- the official was hesitant to let the wife and child through until he could ensure the husband was OK with it. Nice to hear it works both ways, I thought.

    did she show both passports to immigtration (and why on earth would she do that?)

    Why didn't she just use the electronic gates. No one checks you there...

    I advised her to, on the advice in this thread, but she was apparently unable to use the electronic gates on that occassion.

    She did not volunteer the second passport, but upon finding no visa for Europe in her Thai passport, the Immigration official maybe asked because of this. Another possibility (we cannot know why he asked, only that he asked!) is that, because she looks obviously mixed race, he asked her due to her appearance.

    You know how chatty they can be- especially with the single ladies.

  6. An update- the lady in question got to the immigration officer, who did have a problem with the dual passport issue. Although, I had suggested this might happen as they like to delay pretty girls. Anyway, she was told she should choose between one or the other. They wasted her time for a good 30 mins before she had to get "uncle" on the phone, or at least threaten to, and they eventually relented.

    The usual BS, but there we have the facts as they happened. She was eventually let on without further issue.

    Another good friend of mine, left the country with his Thai wife and child. He is American. He joined the foreigner lanes, and the wife/child went to Thai. He recommends this is a mistake. Anyway- interestingly- the official was hesitant to let the wife and child through until he could ensure the husband was OK with it. Nice to hear it works both ways, I thought.

    • Like 1
  7. Likewise have lived through situations like this and never felt under threat, even walking around protest sites.

    This time might be different, but I doubt it.

    At any rate, you're not going to be home invaded indonesian style. Thankfully, none of the leaders have realised the political mileage available by blaming the foreigners (yet).

    • Like 1
  8. I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

    When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

    So you see, rudeness spans the world ....and ignorance is not limited to Thai's

    PS ...I haven't spoken to the ignorant rude Englishman since then (3 years)

    Sounds like the kind of thing I would say as a joke, along the lines "Who's this disreputable fellow walking along the street?". You're the ignorant one if you're offended by that.

    Yes! Talk about culture clash- in this case British and American! The guy was being a bit too British and the American was being a bit too American.

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