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Everything posted by macahoom

  1. I did a 800km round trip a few days ago. Both PEA and EV Pluz (PTT) were 6.9 baht per unit, on-peak. The previous few times I used them, the price was 7.5 baht.
  2. What a ridiculous thing to say! So if I'm on the last stretch, have a load of money in the bank (more than enough to leave to my surviving half), I should just leave it in the bank and not buy the Porsche that I want which would give me a lot of joy? Nothing to do with status! You've got some strange ideas.
  3. When they test a petrol or diesel car, do you think the engines are running?
  4. I had one installed in our new house 14 years ago. My girlfriend used it once. Her comment: "I don't need that!" Hasn't been used since.
  5. A study conducted by AutoInsuranceEZ using data from the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) showed that electric cars in the US caught fire at a rate of 25.1 per 100,000 sales compared to 1,530 for ICE vehicles and 3,475 for hybrids.
  6. Famous, but only because of the film: Fargo, North Dakota.
  7. If installed correctly, they are perfectly safe. I have had 14 of them in my house for the past 14 years. The closest I've come to death by fan was when a bird flew into the living room and was hit by a ceiling fan which was switched on. I was lying below it having a snooze on a sofa. The bird was stunned, fell down, bounced off my shoulder and then fluttered away. They all have remote controls. Convenient, but they fail far too often and have to be replaced. I would go with wall controls if I was installing again.
  8. I am experiencing exactly the same thing. It is infuriating. Advertising is supposed to promote a business. This has the opposite effect.
  9. Megabyte? Michael Bolton? Mercedes Benz? Bachelor of medicine?
  10. I think Netflix, with their fresh perspective, make F1 interesting. I wonder if you've ever driven a "milk float".
  11. Crazy? They could swop the batteries in seconds, just like they change the tyres.
  12. Did you bother to read the title of this thread? No, I didn't think so.
  13. Over the past month or two, I've read great reviews for the MG4 EV. And then yesterday, I saw it was voted car of the year in the UK. My three and a half year old MG ZS EV is a great car and my plan has always been to hold on to it for many years. However, passing an MG showroom this morning I thought, "What the hell! Let's test drive an MG4 and see what all the fuss is about." Well, holy smokes! As wonderful as my ZS is, the MG4 blows it out of the water; renders it old hat. Dare I say it, it drives and feels like it's expensive and European. Handles beautifully. It's so good, I'm sorely tempted to buy one. The problem is, it's difficult to justify getting rid of my ZS. For a start, I'd get peanuts for it - no matter how good it is. I suppose I may as well test drive the BYD Atto3 while I'm at it.
  14. I'm surprised. This is not fast compared to other EVs; even my MG is faster. I would have expected a Merc to be much quicker off the mark. Maybe you quoted the figures because you're surprised too?
  15. Now look what you’ve done! Transam won’t be able to sleep tonight! Standby for hilarious witty comeback from him…
  16. What a load of baloney! Good grief, you have got some very strange ideas. Jealous much?
  17. In your world is anyone allowed to spend their money, delight in their purchases and enjoy their life?
  18. Someone who likes to have a new car every year and can afford it.
  19. Actually, an EV car can be plugged into a normal wall socket and charged at about 2.2Kw. It's referred to as granny charging. Many EV owners use this method to charge their cars.
  20. Yes, it really is ridiculous. Does the advertiser really believe such an annoying advertisement is going to persuade anyone to buy whatever it is they're selling?
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