The cheapest obamacare health insurance, a bronze plan, would have cost me $1,200.00 a month, could have only been used in 5 states, I needed permission from the insurance company before I could see any doctor, had a $12,000.00 yearly deductible, and would have only covered me and not my wife. The bronze health insurance plan did not cover medication. That would have been an extra monthly cost.
So I kept the insurance I had when I retired, which I am now paying about $850.00 a month for, which covers my wife and I anywhere in the world, for any illness. My wife can see any doctor she wants, any time she wants, without getting permission from the health insurance first. I forget what the deductible is and my wife has a copay of about $25 -$30.00 per visit.
I am covered by Medicare first and my health insurance second, but only in the United States. I use my health insurance in Thailand as does my wife. I pay nothing for medical treatment, just the monthly payments. If Medicare does not pay for it, then the health insurance does.
The health insurance also covers medication. A three month supply of a prescribed medication costs me $10.00 for meds and $10.00 for shipping when sent to me from the mail pharmacy. That includes a medicine that cost me $350.00 for a 14 day supply when I forgot to renew it through the health insurance mail pharmacy. If I were living in Thailand, the mail pharmacy would charge me more than $10.00 for shipping I think.