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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. October 9, 1970, I was three weeks in Vietnam. I had already experienced a rocket attack on the base, while processing into the company I was assigned to, the day after arriving at the airport in Nha Trang, 8 days before this concert.
  2. georgegeorgia on my mind ... Wait, isn't that a song?
  3. Ahhhh ... Good ... I didn't have to open the video's in a youtube tab to watch/listen to them. Not sure if that was a youtube thing or if it was my Opera web browser. Web browser did an update so it could have been the browser. But I am still suspicious it was youtube. No comment on your question of what a fool believes.
  4. I heard it was lizards of some kind. Here's one. This is the truth. Would someone with this honest face lie to you?
  5. 20 foot tall berms for backstops. If I fired straight up, I would miss my targets.
  6. Having lived in noisy and having lived in quiet, I prefer quiet with a view. That is the opinion I share with the forum. Speaking of quiet. I went to the shooting range yesterday (my Sunday), which is out in an industrial area away from surrounding domiciles with noisy children, motorcycles, cars with loud exhausts etc. Not much of a view but when no one was shooting, the only noise was the wind in the trees. When there is no wind, nice and quiet.
  7. What you want me to do, sell the condo and buy a noisy one or quiet one with no view? Nevah happen GI!
  8. How about having both at the same time. The condo my wife and I have has both.
  9. "Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed support for reparations for Black people as her presidential campaign kicks off in earnest." https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-repararations-black-peopel-1931159
  10. I did not see a weapon, I guess he was going to use those weapons that kills more people in the United States than rifles do ... his hands and feet! I did unholster a concealed firearm another time when I believed I was in danger of being attacked. But I don't think the Rottweiler, that may have been the one attacking children and other dogs understood that I would have shot it, if it had approached closer than it did. That happened in the state I currently live in, Pennsylvania. Rumor had it the dog belonged to someone in the rural neighborhood. I can't recall if the attacks stopped or if the police caught the dog.
  11. Yep, sometimes my humor falls on it's butt, just like those pratfalls of yore!
  12. He was an aquaintance, a friend of someone else that I knew. Somehow I offended him and he told his friend that he was going to kill me. This happened in California. I called the police (pre 911 era) and filed a complaint. The police wanted to know his last name and I did not know it. I described where he lived and one cop said, oh, that's so and so, I know him! Nothing ever happened from the complaint!
  13. The cheapest obamacare health insurance, a bronze plan, would have cost me $1,200.00 a month, could have only been used in 5 states, I needed permission from the insurance company before I could see any doctor, had a $12,000.00 yearly deductible, and would have only covered me and not my wife. The bronze health insurance plan did not cover medication. That would have been an extra monthly cost. So I kept the insurance I had when I retired, which I am now paying about $850.00 a month for, which covers my wife and I anywhere in the world, for any illness. My wife can see any doctor she wants, any time she wants, without getting permission from the health insurance first. I forget what the deductible is and my wife has a copay of about $25 -$30.00 per visit. I am covered by Medicare first and my health insurance second, but only in the United States. I use my health insurance in Thailand as does my wife. I pay nothing for medical treatment, just the monthly payments. If Medicare does not pay for it, then the health insurance does. The health insurance also covers medication. A three month supply of a prescribed medication costs me $10.00 for meds and $10.00 for shipping when sent to me from the mail pharmacy. That includes a medicine that cost me $350.00 for a 14 day supply when I forgot to renew it through the health insurance mail pharmacy. If I were living in Thailand, the mail pharmacy would charge me more than $10.00 for shipping I think.
  14. One of my aunts was diagnosed with having a bad heart. Doc told her she had six months to live. Turned out he was wrong by about 5.5 years!
  15. Why would there be a red notice for Lou?? Never mind, I will leave quietly!
  16. What do you mean, sniping, in this context? If by actual issues, you mean politics, yes, I am interested in politics. Not as much as some other people that I know, though.
  17. I am just going by what you wrote.
  18. Oh my. Are you trying to hurt my feelings just so you can feel better about yourself? You know I think.
  19. So, you do accept that the democrat politicians remove competent individuals and replace them with those that blindly follow the democrat ideology. Oh, I forgot to include the term, democrat propaganda!
  20. He is your "dear leader"? I thought you didn't like him?
  21. Are you sure it was nancy that decided that? Some of the stuff I read on the internet claims it was barack is the head honcho making the decisions. And there is this: "... Obama then makes it straightforward to Biden that they need to follow orders and stop pretending." "The awkward conversation ends with Obama saying, "I'm getting tired of it. It gonna be hectic next week and the week after that, I've only encountered that ..." Biden then agrees that "they can adapt." And just like that, the testy moment between the powerful presidents is over. (but it appears that it isn't known what exactly the conversation was about) https://www.nickiswift.com/1691050/lip-reader-not-fooled-obama-biden-close-chat-ethel-kennedy-funeral-exclusive/
  22. What, pray tell, is a magadonian?
  23. What is it that you claim did not happen? Why are you being nasty and calling me a derogatory name? Can you just not disagree with someone?
  24. I needed one at least once. I found out after a man broke into my house, which took him only about 5 seconds, that he broke into my house to kill me. When I pointed a 1911, .45 ACP pistol at him, he decided he should be elsewhere. Only the door and doorway were harmed during that incident!
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