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Everything posted by ThaiPauly

  1. My doctor reduced my dose of Glucophage from 1600 to 800 mgs a day. Really has not made any difference. That was about 10 days ago so cannot be sure it may not have registered in my gut yet.
  2. Thank you Sheryl I was on 1700 mgs of Glucophage But the doctor has cut this dose in half. Salofalk, normally 1 x 500mg daily but now 4x 500mg. Then there is heart meds Like Avrostatin 2mg, Blopress 4mg Apolet blood thinner. It was tge specialist at Sriphat that carried out the endoscopy, they results show everything is normal, but he took a biopsy, and don't know why? I am seeing him for follow up in 10 days. I'm seeing my GP this afternoon to discuss further action including perhaps getting meds in case it could just be a parasite. I have had them before and the meds cured me. We will see where we go from here Thanks so much for your imput
  3. I don't mind Brocolli and normally eat it several times a week
  4. Thanks, I contacted my local pharmacy and they do not have any Do you happen to know the name? I will try my doctor next
  5. I try and eat 3 times daily, but small portions. I was on a keto diet with time restricted eating (18/6) 2 months before all this started. Don't know if that could have anything to do with it?
  6. Yes a stool sample was the first thing they asked for but initially I went about the stomach pain and the stool analysis was OK then, but I have not given one since the dioreah commenced. Think I will have to have one in my next visit to the hospital.
  7. I have had Ulcerative Colitis for ten years. I take Salafalk every day but have increased my dose ×4 My gastro doctor suggested this but it does not seem to have made any difference
  8. It's what Google recommends I eat for my problem My diebetis is under control
  9. Diet is eggs, white bread, mashed potato, bananas. My wife filters the water but I prefer to drink bottled water. Yes taking electrolyte once a day as I feel quite week, I can't even walk round my moo Baan right now before I got sick I could do it four times
  10. I have had the runs for six weeks. Also have bad stomach ache frequently. Went to see the gastro doc at BK Hospital here in CM . Initially she put me on 2 lots of antibiotics for 3 weeks Cevit being the main one. The tablets did not cure the problem so she gave me a CT Scan and said the results were "unclear" and I needed a "special" endoscopy that was only available at Shriphat Hospital. This endoscope can apparently see what other endoscopy in CM cannot and costs 30k. So I had it done Monday, doc said in a very brief conversation that he could find nothing wrong, but had taken a biopsy just to check. But I still have acute dioreah and stomach pain. He said I did not need a colonoscopy as I only had one 20 months ago. So what now? I am pretty much housebound, I have to sit down to pee as I "go" when I pee. Anybody with similar experience or ideas of what to do next? I am due to see the doctor at Shriphat again Monday week but I can't wait that long and he is not my usual gastro doctor.
  11. I had a friend who died at McKean Very peaceful end by all accounts.
  12. I had no idea that Baclofen could be used in this way! I have been prescribed it for stomach pain, and was told not to drink until my symptoms are better. Though I did wonder, being a daily drinker why I found temptation very easy to resist. For people that need it in Chiang Mai then Dara Pharmacy , nearly opposite McCormick Hospital have it and it's not dear, although I am unsure of the exact price
  13. Hi X Because I have a urethral stricture the scar keeps hardening which makes it difficult to pee. So he has to go in and stretch it so I can pee freely again. This procedure costs me around 150,000 including a 2 night stay in hospital. Coming up to the anniversary of my last intervention I can still pee freely but I get a constant pain. I have pleaded with him to do a uroplasty operation but he says my stricture is not the right kind to perform it on. So I just have to hope month by month that I can still keep peeing I have to put up with the pain, but thankfully it's not as bad as when I needed morphine to control it, now I can get by with one Ultracet on the days it's bad. Talk about bad luck for both if us!! Good luck buddy
  14. I'm sorry to hear this buddy. You and I certainly seem to be on a constant treadmill with our discomfort and pain. I find that I have urethral pain almost every day and there really isn't anything to be done. Charispong rings me once a month just to check up on me but he really doesn't offer any practical advice on how to deal with the constant bladder leakage which requires me to still be wearing diapers 11 months after the last procedure he carried out on me. So it looks like we are in this together long term. Good luck buddy, talk again soon. TP
  15. She has been to the Thai run hospital where I believe they gave her too much of the wrong medication that has contributed to her current sorry state. Hundreds of people there when we have been, Doctors are under severe pressure. Two or three years ago, we shan't return
  16. Hi Nancy We have been under BK Hospital physiologists and neurologists for 2 years now but her symptoms are just getting worse. She gets 20 minutes of 1 to 1 counseling once a month and lots of drugs that I believe do not interact with each other well according to my research Her current doctor said he would get outside counseling for her and would call with a name, but he never did. This is why I am looking for outside help now
  17. My wife has unfortunately developed Physcomotor Retardation. It's a horrible thing and medication is not working. She has been attending Bangkok Hospital here for some time to receive medication , but this is not working. I think she needs 1 to 1 therapy to help her deal with this depressive disorder. Can anyone recommend a decent councilor that she can see on a regular basis in CM? Many thanks
  18. #Admin please close this thread now
  19. He has operated on me twice. Glad that everything went well for you buddy
  20. That's very good Jerry Did they pay the hospital directly? I need some good news about WR. I would like to take out a policy with them but am a bit skeptical as they are so cheap and pay up for ore existing conditions. I have many Cheers
  21. What urologist did you see at Bumrungrad buddy?
  22. Bangkok Airways are very accommodating so I can't imagine it will be an issue However if it was Air Asia .....?
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