As you know mate, in some very unlucky people they do and continue to cause problems 3 years after the operation and I now have to accept that I have these issues for life.
I have had 6 cystascopes one of which caused a urethral stricture and I now have that for life. They try and lessen the pain by stretching the urethra. The pain was so bad that I was taking morphine I got off it by using methadone and am now only taking OTC meds, but I have pain most days , I try and get through without taking them but it's difficult. I also have to permanently wear a diaper as my pee constantly leaks, this leads to frequent UTI's
The procedures work for a while then the scar tissue hardens and needs redoing.
It would be difficult for me to recommend a TURP procedure to anybody it can ruin your life if it goes wrong or you have an incompetent surgeon.
But how do you know your surgeon is competent? That's a tough question?
This of course is just my personal experience and I have plenty of friends who have had a TURP and are perfectly fine.
But a stricture can be caused by any rigid contraption being inserted onto your penis, so just be aware of that.