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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. Could be from North Africa or a Coloured South African, the descendants of Indonesian indentured labourers who were in the Cape Province.
  2. I understand that a lot of smaller units in the Big C 1 mall are closed, so is Central picking up a bit?
  3. Similar here at the Red. Cross in Bangkok. Possibly a bit more than 62 but not too much.
  4. Does it make a difference if the 800,000 is from previous savings, current year earned income or pensions.?
  5. Going off topic, but your comment i the now closed thread about the cafe seat fanatic brought a smile. Wonder if he is still about.
  6. It will save a lot of messing about if that is the official position next year. And thank you for your valuable and informative contribution.
  7. No, scooter accident was the stated reason. DUPLICATED POST SORRY ABOUT THAT But Blood already received and he is out of ICU but "a bit of a mess". Thanks to any and all who tried to assist.
  8. No, scooter accident was the stated reason.
  9. Where did I say I do not know him? As I said I took the info from another fb page. I thought it would have more exposure on here. If you are willing to donate it would be much appreciated. PM sent
  10. I am just passing on a request/appeal I saw on the Pattaya Loyal Rangers Supporters fb page, full details on there. But I am sure you are correct about the Red Cross.
  11. By Banglamung Hospital, Scottish guy and true gentleman in urgent need following road accident.
  12. You used that one the other day, boring, repetitive anti-Briish individual.
  13. And what would newbee identify as? Answers on a postcard please.
  14. Thanks for that, it is pre 2024 savings. Hope I can prove it to their satisfaction. The tax relief was a vain hope, belt and braces style. Thanks again.
  15. Mike I am expecting to transfer in approx, 600,000 baht to pay for hospital treatment (my status is extension of permission to stay based on non-O Retirement) any likelihood they would give tax relief on this. Yes I know, my fault for not having it here in the first place.
  16. I'd never noticed Belgians much before I came here. Same with Brummies.
  17. You think so.? Each to our own, neither of them look 100% to me.
  18. That effing h, the shame, the ignominy. Not me guv, it was the machine.
  19. Feel better now you've got a bit of spite out of your system.?
  20. The way you were extolling the contribution of the USA in WWII recently I thought that despite your nic that was where you are from.
  21. In your previous post I assumed "manors" was because your spellchecker was as good as mine. But you show that you don't know the difference and at the same time call another a no brain, well done. Or is that what you call real English?
  22. Quite correct, what a difference an er makes. Well done.
  23. I proudly passed English "O"Level in 19whatever, when pass grades and certificates where not flung around like confetti. Don't know why this thread has suddenly materialised after 6 or 7 weeks. From memory I think my original posts were an enquiry about literacy levels in schools and whether could of, should of and would of (as examples) were accepted as correct instead of could have, should have and would have. I was curious whether those using these phrases understand that they do not make sense. The response from gobs heights who had the temerity to question me should, I suppose, have been expected.
  24. You are a busy new member Mr gpg, I have not been on much for a few days so welcome.
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