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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. 20 hours ago, zzaa09 said:


    And yet, repeated loud and often enough to throw off the unsuspecting and dumbed down masses. 

    Distractions and sleight-of-hand. 

    Even the abiding media goes along, promoting as such. 

    Yep. Two sides of the same coin. A fabricated schism to create the illusion of 'choice'.


    There isn't one.

  2. 1 minute ago, MrJ2U said:

    Soi Dogs are a huge problem in Thailand. 


    Vaccinated or not.  They need to be neutered.


    There freaking menace to society.  Not much better than rats. 

    Agreed that they need neutering. But that's all.


    I've adopted local strays as pets and house dogs for nearly 30 years here. They make great guard dogs and keep other pests (rats, snakes, monitor lizards, etc) away from the house and garden.

    Most 'soi dogs' are just discarded pets. Save the hysteria for the feckless <deleted> that throw them in the street when they stop being 'cute'.


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  3. 33 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    OK. Some world conspiracy? What is the evidence of her working on behalf of corporations? Lockdowns?

    She is a member of the WEF. This is her page on their website: https://www.weforum.org/people/jacinda-ardern


    It's a conspiracy in plain view. If you don't know about this organization, maybe you've heard about their "Great Reset"? Watered down as "build back better", and other terms.

    This is a famous pic from their website, and basically outlines their mission statement:





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  4. On 8/25/2022 at 1:01 PM, JonnyF said:

    Ardern is ruining the place with her Woke politics and "single source of truth" nonsense.


    Couldn't pay me to live there. Australia is going the same way unfortunately. I'm more than happy here in Thailand.

    Ardern is another of those World Economic Forum "young leaders" (same as Macron, Trudeau, Rutte, etc) inserted into Government to do the bidding of corporations, and <deleted> their people over. They're doing a great job.

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