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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Poor kid. Well done to K. Anuchit for pitching in.
  2. I seriously doubt any "dog-lover" would object to to sterilization of strays.. They used to jab the dogs with strychnine to kill them, a few years ago. In front of horrified tourists.
  3. Will be interesting to see if any change to the horrendous traffic-accident stats here, from here on in.. Actually, the poster you're replying to may have a point. Some of the hybrid, hydroponic weed (skunk, etc), or synthetic THC ("Spice" etc) is so strong it's like a bad acid trip..
  4. I quite like it. I enjoy all the fear-mongering, Doctor-worshipping rubbish issued daily on the Line app. ???? Seems to be a reverse-placebo for the Thais.
  5. It was a very sensible law. Previously, I had bought bottles of Penfolds at 3PM and was always tempted to knock the top off the bottle and sit shirtless outside Villa Market, swigging from it whilst shouting at pigeons and passing cars.
  6. Ooh, they really are hanging on to this little nugget, aren't they? ???? Anyway, baby steps..
  7. Only people granted "immunity" are the vaccine manufacturers.
  8. Not heard much from Nong Natt for a while, so I did a bit of a search... Pure comedy gold, with nice t!ts. ???? Check out the rest of the link: Coconuts Bangkok - 2018
  9. I would think Dengue would be prevalent where there is stagnant water for mosquitoes to breed . I don't see how schools factor into this.? Dengue has just been under-reported due to the all-pervasive Covid pandemic since 2020.
  10. Maybe didn't see a doctor because he wasn't here legally? Poor fellah. RIP.
  11. "Special forces?" Nabbing a couple of illegal massage girls from Cambodia. No doubt justifying their set up and training at the taxpayer's expense. ????
  12. With all the roadworks on the Sukumvit into Rayong, there are wires and cables hanging down at main intersections. I drive through a couple just going to work.. It is a bloody mess and really needs sorting out asap.
  13. I bet Walmart and the likes of Amazon are quietly assessing the logistics of using their own monkey labour.. ????
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