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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. A mate of mine shipped a container of his houseold goods to Thailand Two years ago, He did not pay any duties on his furniture, but they stung him for his electrical goods, he paid 50,000 baht tax on his washing machine, it is cheaper to buy your electrical goods in Thailand, stereo system etc. I am shipping a container over next year, hopefully no duty to be paid as the goods will be in my wifes name and i will make sure she is there to receive the goods. ( no electrical items).

  2. Thanks for all the advise, I have bought the land

    It does have power and water near the block

    I have stayed there for long periods of time before and i am sure i will enjoy my self there when i finally migrate to Buriram

    The plan is to build a house with a small shop to keep my wife busy so the main road frontage was an important factor in this

    Good luck and enjoy Buriram, maybe we will meet for a beer one day, all the best

  3. If it is on the main road, i would say yes it is worth 200,000 make sure it has services, electric poles etc, close by, in a previous post i have said, just bought another 2 rai 4 kms outside Buriram on the road to surin just off the main road, down the lane to our house, that cost me 100,000 per rai, also the closer to town the more expensive it is, i have bought land for as little as 15,000 per rai .

    Go for it, land only go's up. my wife and i now have about 100 rai in Buriram, and most of it has gone up in price over the few years we have bought it.

  4. I Bought a superb open face helmet of E-Bay, top quality all custom painted cost me 65.00 GBP, now i know my helmet, and lets hope this one does not go missing, it is an original Harley Davidson Helmet, superb. and well made.

  5. Issarn, great place, pretty girls, good life, great people always happy, and greet you with a great big smile, most of them have not got a lot, i respect the Issarn people, if they are ever in trouble, (my Family) i do my utmost to help, we are lucky guys to be in such a great place.

    With myself i am from a rural background in the UK, so maybe thats why i like it so much.

  6. That seems ok, if it has main road frontage, a good buy, there is 5 rai frontage on the main road by my wifes village, they want 1.5 million baht, still up for sale, been for sale for about 12 months, that is 4 kilometers from town on the Surin Road, we have just bought another 2 rai for 200,000 that is very close to the main road just down the lane, good luck, and if you are that close to the city, maybe we will meet for a chaing.

  7. As fw1 says, in order to pass comment and advise we need to know why she was refused.

    As one of the main criteria for a settlement visa is financial support without claiming public funds, the comment

    It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits
    is utter and complete rubbish and, I think, just sour grapes on you and your friend's part.

    As for your 3 "chaps" who

    have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits
    I suspect this falls under the heading of "I know someone who met someone in the pub who heard from someone at the betting shop who was told by someone in the Job Centre that......." Maybe they did all get visas for their partners despite being on some sort of benefit, but they would have needed a very strong case.

    Not sour grapes, quite true, one of the guys is now working as he is now paying me rent, the other 2 are still on benifits, it makes me sick, as a tax payer it took me 3 attemps to get a visa for my wife, that was 10 years ago, and my mete is going through the same old problem.

    the one guy who is now working, is another mate of mine, he got a visa for his Mrs no problem, first time, he has been living in Thailand for 3 years, he moved back to the UK, no job, no address to go to, and no cash, just the 500 Quid he brought over with him, the reason he has returned he has gone skint in Thailand.so something is wrong somewhere.

  8. It strikes me, you have more chance of getting a UK Visa for your Thai G/F or wife, if you are on some kind of benifits, the reason i am saying this, is when i applied for a visa for my Thai G/F, ( now my wife) 10 years ago, i had a ###### of a problem, the 4th time she got the visa, i produced business accounts, all details asked for by the embassy, since then i know 3 chaps that have brought there Thai G/Friend's back to the UK, they do not work the three of them are on benifits, they have all got the visa, first visit to the embassy, it seems to stink, i have wrote this post, as my mate who went to the Embassy last Friday, 2nd time, was once again refused a visa for his Thai G/F, she has a good job in Bangkok, he is a builder in the UK, owns his own house, paying taxes, self employed, own Business, doing well, he now feels let down by these civil servents us tax payers are paying for, maybe they are taking backhanders, who knows.

    It seems the honest hard working chap has less chance than those on benifits.

    What do you guys think about this.

  9. Hey, hang on a min, not a 'TYCOON', it is just a name that has stuck by some of the Thais in there village and a couple of ferrang mates, bit of a laugh really. so i thought i would spell it THAICOON, and use it for my user name,

    Also Kringle, the posts now have been deleted, but i have the tossers e-mail, so look out. Kringle next time i see you we will pay him a visit, how's it sound.

  10. Thanks Joster, you sound one of the decent chaps on this forum, Thanks.....

    These guys who do not leave there details, when slagging something or someone off, are complete cowards. or maybe jealous............................

  11. This guy Richard has left bad comments on the members photo album, before he makes sad comments he wants to know the truth, i just would like to know who this sad old guy is, i do not normally leave aggressive comments, thanks Dr pat pong.

  12. Anyone knows 007, Richard, If he wants to know the truth about the thai village in Buriram, i have put 2 million baht of my own money in the particular village for the poorest residents, a couple have opened shops, bought some land and we have had 3 bungalows built, when i visit i am highly respected, my wikes village in Buriram i have been visiting for 12 years, and in the last few years it has greatly improved.

    Also i have 7 neices and nephews, ranging from 6 to 14, i have bought a rai of land each for them for when they get older. they can build or grow something, even sell up to them, at least they are having a start in life.

    So, a*s*h*o*l*e RICHARD, WHAT THE ###### HAVE YOU DONE FOR YOUR FAMILY, or Maybe you have not got one, you are either a grumpy old git or a sex tourist. lets hear you.

  13. Rent would be a better choice for you at the moment, Before you buy anything, get to know your new wife and trust her, as there are some thai ladys out there with £ signs as eyeballs, believe me, i am one of the lucky ones, been married for 10 years, not much difference in our ages and have two great daughters, so i do not mind Buying property or land in Thailand, in the long run the kids are going to benifit, good luck, sorry about the lecture, there are a lot of horror stories out there.

  14. Hello

    I am a UK resident and interested in buying a house in Thailand.

    I am finding it difficult to find a UK lender to finance an overseas property and would like to ask if it is possible for a non-resident (alien) to obtain a Thai mortgage, home loan or loan against a Thai property.

    Might I add that I am engaged to be married to a Thai national later this year, could we co-borrow when married?

    Thanks for your help.

    If you are a uk resident, why not apply for a personal loan to buy a property in Thailand, you could buy a condo, or a bungalow or house, before jumping in at the deep end, ask your girlfriend to see what property the banks have to offer, i have just bought a superb townhouse through the siam commercial for 650,000 baht, repossesion, my wife and i bought it for an investment and will rent it out in the meantime, good luck

    Also you would not have to tell a lender for a personal loan what the cash is for, tell em changing the motor, it would be different with a Mortgage. try Lombard,

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