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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. Thanks george, Not to worry i have loaded some of my pics onto the members photo gallery, i have registered, thats a lot better, and may get some votes, thanks George, still a brill site.......Ian...

  2. This is the message i am getting when trying to delete the Black Pictures.

    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

    The error returned was:

    Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.

  3. Not really sure, all i am doing is loading the pics from my pics on computer, some ok others turn out black, i am going to delete the whole album as they look terrible, maybe i should zip the files and see if that works. thanks Ajarn....

  4. Hi Guys,

    When loading pictures on the gallery, some load ok, no problem, others load as a black square, then cannot delete, you have to delete the whole album, how can you delete one picture, as these bad ones take up space and look bad on the gallery, advise please.

  5. Try this site, in Thai, but i think they have what you are looking for.


    Good luck

    I think this store is in Bangkok, but they will deliver to korat, i also am looking for a dirt bike, a yamaha quad i am looking for, i have 6 rai of land with a shallow pool and shail banks jumps etc, so thought it may be a bit of fun on a quad.

  6. I recently looked at 11 rai. The farmer who farms it said that they got 60 bags of rice off it last year. A bag is 100 kilograms and it sells for about 1000 baht per bag. The farmer gets half. I didn't get into seed or fertilizer expense so I'm not sure how that works.

    The bags are about 85 kilos, the normal procedure is that the farmer works on a 60, 40% basis, the 60% going to the farmer, the rice crop all depends on how much water you have etc, that is good 60 bags for 11 Rai, my wife and i have 85 rai of rice land in buriram, we had a great harvest last year, ;lets hope 2005 will be better.

  7. Cheap Houses, This was cheap, I bought a 3 bedroom bungalow with one rai of land 3 years ago for a sum of 250,000 baht, the thai chap and his Mrs owed the bank, so needed to sell this property quick, i bought it and resold it to a ferang 2 months later, this was in Buriram.

  8. I never carry my passport around if i can help it, the only place i have been refused entry in Bangkok, is the Nightclub, under the Novatel Hotel in Siam Square, they will not let a ferang in without a passport, i showed them a drivers permit, they still refused me entry, i was telling kringle about this and he could not believe, the last time i went there i had my passport. so got in no problem.

  9. I have a number of Debts owed to me in the UK, if somebody owes me a large sum of money, forget the courts, waste of time, i tend to try to sort it out myself, if it were 200,000, i think i would do it the Thai way. i think it is disgusting these people moving and not paying what they owe, so many Businesses have collapsed because of this, if she owes 200,000 i hope whoever it is, finds her, and sorts her out. thats my opinion.

    That is my sarky remark....................................

  10. I have a number of Debts owed to me in the UK, if somebody owes me a large sum of money, forget the courts, waste of time, i tend to try to sort it out myself, if it were 200,000, i think i would do it the Thai way. i think it is disgusting these people moving and not paying what they owe, so many Businesses have collapsed because of this, if she owes 200,000 i hope whoever it is, finds her, and sorts her out. thats my opinion.

  11. I have asked on the Issarn forum, i am looking for two Bulldog pups, what are these thai dog magazine websites ?, as i may find something in there, any info would be appreciated, I would rather go to a breeder. thanks guys.

  12. Hi, thanks for all the quick replies.

    Dave, I saw an english bull on Thai telly the other week. They're an unusual dog, how much did you pay for it ? Also, do you know if it is possible to buy a Staffordshire Bull Terrier here ?

    Also the cost of the Rotties, and any comments as to the temperament (especially around children.)



    Toddy on the forum has Stsffordshire pups, they are now ready at this moment, and also well bred, his wife has a bar in Buriram called woodstock & vine, the dogs are in Buriram,

  13. In Thailand there are certain Plants that control pests, Snakes in particular, also insects like ants, Somebody told me if you have Bamboo, Cobras will not come near, but the trouble with Bamboo, is the Bamboo Viper loves it, lemongrass is another plant that controls certain things.

    Does anybody know which plants can control pests. as i would like to plant these in my Garden in issarn.

    Thanks Guys......................................

  14. I was sent a package from Pattaya to Mid Wales, UK, with TNT, it was sent on a monday i received it at my door midday thursday, brilliant.

    I have sent packages the other way, taken between 2 and 3 months, crap uk postage, as when i have tried to track them it says on royal mail website, not yet passed to overseas delivery, so sometimes Thailand post aint to bad.

  15. I have 15 in Isaan .  43,000 per rai 

    Good luck  :o

    Hi Jeff, Where in Issarn are you selling this land, is it Rice land ? may be interested.

    Hello Thaicoon,

    The land is in Non thai . Sorry to say it is not for sale . There are alot of houses going up before you get to the parcel and I hear that they will have a paved road soon . Right now there is sugar cane , I rent out per rai and they do all the work. Next year , I want to try pig farming .

    That is what my wife wants to do, i have 10 rai of wooded area and a bit of a pond, she wants to fence it off and just let the pigs roam free, sort of organic, we did have about 10 pigs before, had a damm good house warming party and ate the lot, also got 70 rai of rice land, which i let my thai family farm and i get a percentage every year.

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