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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Well this all centers on what the OP means by 'HiSo' I think for most of us HiSo refers to those who inhabit the stratified air of the super rich. Then you are down to the middle class then the bar girls then the dirt poor. Forget the HiSo's for those, unless you are super rich yourself you are never going to meet them let alone anything else
  2. Did you read the article? I think she was saying the fact she 'had' insurance was what saved her, and was simply telling others buy it. I think she said something to the effect. "200 pounds at the time seemed like a lot of money but it saved me 20,000 pounds"
  3. I'd be a bit careful hanging around the school gates day after day. You may get a visit from the cops!
  4. I would kinda agree with this. First time I ever came to Thailand was when we were living in Singapore, our son was quite young at the time. We went to the Thai Riviera, Pattaya for a long weekend. I was, shocked, horrified by it all, probably more just by the brazenness of it all, totally in your face My wife was quite sanguine about it all, "they're just making a living" Of course I was bringing my American view of kerb crawlers, primps and lots of drugs. Now living in Singapore I'd been to the 'Four Floors of Whores' aka Orchard Towers, but thats just like visiting Disneyland, this all seemed much more real. There me and Mrs G could go, she got to chat with the girls and cheap drinks, and generally fun night with eye candy and live music But it's a totally different 'business' model from prostitution in the West. A lot are supporting families back in the village, and at the end of the day so long as nobody gets hurt, good luck to 'em
  5. I think a lot of us are like that Never had any Master Life Plan, just rolled with whatever the universe threw at me. Kinda worked out ok curiously enough
  6. Well he lives in Pattaya. It's little like being in Cancun. A part of the US which just happens to be in Mexico!. Pattaya is, well I was going say part of the UK, but maybe nowadays more Moscow By the Sea, or Beijing- Super-Mare (take that Brits lol), take your pick!
  7. I think most of these get these as we get older, I know I do. I mainly get them on my forearms, they fade in a week or so. I wouldn't worry about it
  8. Well I've never been to a rugby match and doubt I ever will. As for the song itself, I've sung along with with it, and until now never even associated it with any thing bad, it was/is just a song. Folks watch porn and for the most part just know it's fantasy. Same with music, you sing along but doubt many people are mentally influenced by it Somebody thinking up this stuff must have too much time on their hands at work
  9. It really doesn't matter. As part of the medical exam at Bumrungrad he'll be given all the required shots regardless of whether he has had them as a kid or not. My wife was in the same situation So I wouldn't spend any time trying to track them down
  10. Thing is, this kind of discussion will always devolve into stereotypes, which in general don't apply to the majority The fat humorless Germans The drunken rowdy Brits The loud Americans ......and on and on It's amazing really how the Western world has survived given all these serious character flaws in our national DNA!
  11. FB is a total pain in the ass. I only have it to keep up with old friends. The only time I ever get tagged is when my idiot wife tags me in some restaurant pic I use messenger with real friends, but keep a low profile and your fine. Curiously my wife who just can't herself to post way too much of her life, get ton's of random friend requests with telltale 'zero friends'
  12. Just buy travel insurance it's not that expensive, especially if you already have pvt Thai insurance
  13. So the old girl had her 55th birthday today, so I'm thinking of teaming up with a local restaurant for the Senior Citizen, 4pm buffet and a hooker special
  14. Well thats sort of true. My native languages swirl in my head, whereas my learned languages I consciously translate. But as to why Spanish is my default angry choice I have no idea. English is usually my default language, especially after my parents are now long gone. I'll talk to a couple of Colombian ladies at work in Spanish and sometimes my daughters, but it's maybe 10% Of course my daughter when totally pi****sed off with her boyfriend or the kids are being a pain will always speak to me in Spanish just to annoy the bf
  15. There is a wonderful episode of Frasier where he thinks he delivering his son's bar mitzvah speech in Hebrew. yet does it in Klingon
  16. I wasn't trying to insult you at all, but clearly your skin is a tad thinner than mine. Painting an entire population with a single brush stroke is a bit rich. We all come in different flavors which in a country of 250m can be pretty varied for sure. But more than likely you are a Brit, and as a devout Anglophile I love you guys but you do have some baggage yourselves in terms of 'reputation' I think it's only only the Canadians who come out as Whiter than White Boy Scouts!
  17. For the non Spanish speakers, thats a word we dare not write here in English lol
  18. Oh I have over years accepted the concept of total silence in the face of a tirade! But I think the point of my post is why us polyglots will will revert to one of our languages when angry or just generally pis****ed off. I'm not even conscious of it. If angry at my wife I'll shout in Spanish, even though I know she doesn't understand a word, and she indeed will give the total silent response
  19. I loved the 'speaks English' as a fatal tell as a bar girl. My wife grew up in Chicago, sounds a lot like me, but with an obnoxious Midwest twang. But now I know she must be a bar girl, thinking of putting her out on the streets to earn a few extra bucks!
  20. So my family is multilingual Me; English, Spanish(my two native languages) Mandarin Thai and Lao Mrs G; Thai Lao and English Daughters; English and Spanish Son; English, Mandarin, Thai and Lao But what happens when things get ugly? When I was little we tended to speak a mix of English and Spanish at home, but as soon as my Mom got angry I could dollars to donuts guarantee she would be railing on me or my Dad in Spanish I do the same with my daughters. We usually speak English, but when I get mad, it's Spanish. My wife usually will speak either English or Thai, but rile that girl up and it always devolves into a Lao tirade. This probably doesn't afflict most of you, but for any polyglots out there, fascinating if inexplicable stuff
  21. Well thankfully we both go to work. Together 24 hours a day, I'd be hiding the kitchen knives!
  22. Well I wouldn't deny that, I won't deny rolling my eyes watching the 60 something with the 20 something slopping a rug rat around the mall. But there are some of us of comparable age that do make it. 20+ odd years now. She still frustrates the hell outta me, and I drive her crazy. But here we are. We're both in our twilight years, she's all menopausal and running outside to try to cool down, and I'm just old and grumpy. But somehow we still love each other, so Thai/farang love can be pretty normal, if that makes sense
  23. Well don't confuse porn with real life Most adults can watch porn and realize it's not real, it's akin to watching scifi, I like it but i know it's not real. I do worry however that young boys and girls now have access to todays porn and it gives them a very distorted sex education
  24. Never underestimate the middle/old aged male brains ability to ignore the obvious when sex is involved!
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