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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. To get back to the OP The problem you have to overcome is this. You say get a visa to visit you in the US. In back of the CO's mind is that once in the US she doesn't leave and basically by-passed the normal immigration process. If you are indeed in the US, living full time in Thailand would have been better, although not a golden ticket by any means, I know from bitter experience
  2. Get real boys, you honestly think a girl half your age is in any way attracted to you physically? Money talks. Does any anyone actually think Melania is actually attracted to Trump? Of course not, Melania is just a HiSo hooker, difference in Thailand is you're working with a lot less money and the girls need to cash out quick
  3. Valid point. In my wife's circle of Thai friends, there is one other lady along with my wife who came in as legal immigrant visa. All the rest B2's overstayed, ended up marrying a local guy, adjustment of status, you know the story. So, I get the dilemma of the CO when they are making a tourist visa decision
  4. It's a frikkin crap shoot. I thought before we were married it was a slam dunk for a visa to just go for vacation to see my daughter who had just had a baby. She had professional job, money in the bank, house, of course she was denied! For others it seems to fly though with half those requirements. We never tried again for a tourist visa and just went full immigration which sailed though, wasn't going to waste another Dollar on a tourist application. Now, I work for United Airlines and i see a lot of Thai tourists, but pretty much they are are all on group tours, which I think is the key
  5. Well there are some very distinct populations of farangs in Thailand. We all know the sexpat mongers who frequent the usual hangouts The real expats who actually work in Thailand, usually in Bangkok Older guys who end up marring a farm girl half his age and moving to the village Guys who met their spouse overseas and move to Thailand. I'll admit I'm in the latter one. Thought it would be fun after we married in Singapore Mrs G fought tooth and nail about it wanted to move to the US. Of course she was right 10 years and I was done, now Thailand is was it is a vacation destination
  6. This is very curious. I work for United, and for the past few weeks I have seen, what I would say are an abnormal number of bag tags going from Rapid City to Tirana. Half of me hopes it's expat's fleeing the country, not Albanian gang lords
  7. Of course we are forgetting that $5 at the food court, thats where all the action happened!
  8. Well on the topic of online dating, thats the way of the world now. My three kids, two American one Thai all do it. I think the idea of picking up someone in a bar as we did in the old days is almost repugnant to them. Both my youngest daughter and Thai son hooked up through some dating app, got Grandkids outta it so I'm happy Eldest daughter, she's a basket case relationship wise, online or bar hook up
  9. Ahh those were the days of my youth
  10. Thats the key phrase 'I loved the old malls' I'm 65 and the mall was a well established teenage hang out. They were a great place. The anchor stores, Macy's, Sears, JC Pennys etc, felt glamorous, and it was all great fun. Flash forward 40 odd years, and things have changed. As online bit into the brick and mortar business things began to change. The anchor stores began to contract or change. Sears, who I am eternally grateful for, for giving me my first credit card, gone. Couple of years back I went into a Macy's, which used to be considered fairly high end. It reminded me more of a TJ Max, certainly a shadow of what it once was, and malls can look very sad So a lot of malls, and retailers are on life support I can't deny I along with millions of others have contributed to this decline, sat at home, few mouse clicks and wait for UPS just made it too easy
  11. Well this all tied in to the death of the Mall. The restaurants well more a case of corporate incompetence, especially in the case of Red Lobster. But I have to admit I haven't been in a mall for years, and gotta admit I much prefer buying online pretty preferable to traipsing around a mall
  12. I'd go with that. I worked with my wife for a about a year before we started all the naughtiness. So we were friends before the 'naughtiness' started Maybe I'm just simplistic but for me at least it's the feeling of being comfortable around someone that makes things last. You are there if they are sick, you can hang out in your underwear, maybe it's just the 'no need to perform' you can just be you And maybe one size doesn't fit all but the above scenario seems to have worked for us
  13. Hmm, Selena is attractive, not beautiful but still attractive, and i would say a great actor. I would say in the show she's the perfect Mabel Now Sazz, that takes it to a whole another level
  14. I say familiarity has a lot to do with longevity. None of us have the body we had 20, 30 years ago, and as for sex, same thing not the horn dogs we were back then. But you become comfortable with another person in your life. You can laugh at the same things, enjoy the grandkids, you can even fart and think it's funny. So going the distance is getting past initial sexual attraction and moving to a longer much more sustainable relationship
  15. Well I'll let you into a secret about teaching English in Thai schools. My son after we moved from Singapore went to what was billed as the best International school in Khon Kaen. He was obviously totally fluent in English, but I'd read the corrections to his homework and it was laughable. The 'English' teacher herself could barely speak English, and talking to her I'd switch to Thai just to have a understandable conversation
  16. Language and integration are two different things. My whole family is bilingual or multilingual. I speak English Spanish Mandarin Thai and Lao and I'm fluent in all. My kids too. Did what all multilingual families do. Dad speaks only one set of languages and Mon the others. They end up speaking them all. Now 'learnt' languages and integration are two different things. My childhood languages are English and Spanish and I can flip between them in my head without a thought and yes I'm integrated into the society I was born. My learned languages means I can communicate, but I translate in my head, not the same as native language and I'm not sure that ever makes you truly integrate And if you aren't multilingual it's very hard to explain the difference between how your brain deals with core languages and learned ones
  17. I know a lot of you don't like it, but I'm almost at the end of season 4 of 'Only Murders in the Building' I love it, good hearted fun, easy to watch and i love the characters. This season to add to Selena Gomez add Eva Longoria, whats not to like
  18. Well Mrs G will cook what she 'knows' I want to eat, with own twist. We do have some ding dongs on the fact I strangely want some more greens and color at dinner, but she's the cook and gets a little bit aggravated if I want to step in and 'advise' She calls it her 'secret menu' Again joys of being married to a Thai
  19. On the food thing, a couple of pages ago. In Thailand I eat Thai food 100% In the US I don't think my wife has ever eaten Western food at home, only at restaurants. Then we get in the terrible argument that sometimes I do want to eat western food at home, but she's got this weird thing that she wants cook for me and not let me cook what I want. My wise lekung son said to me recently "when in Thailand you do the Thai thing for Mom. In America you do what the Hell she tells you" The joys of being married to a Thai!
  20. It never fails me the naiveté of folks when it comes to insurance. Health 'insurance' Medicare or whatever you have in your country for older folks in the West isn't insurance it's a State backed guarantee. Real health insurance is like car insurance. Have a couple of claims and watch that annual premium increase. Private health insurance inside Thailand is the same. Raw, real insurance. My wife had a ruptured fallopian cyst which resulted in sepsis, required emergency surgery to save her life. After that rider on our policy to exclude all gyno problems. So travel insurance, same thing and it gets to a point where you just can't get it. My Dad in in the last years of his life just couldn't get travel insurance to visit me in Thailand because of age and pre-existing conditions It's the same thing all aging expats in Thailand face. Age and pre-existing conditions can make any insurance either unaffordable or just impossible to get as the risk for the insurance companies increase
  21. I kinda resonate with the comment. I'm a total American Anglophile, and I have loved British comedy in the past. Fawlty Towers, which is the best Blackadder Goes Forth, Gavin and Stacy you can't beat them. Now I'm a naughty boy and I use DNS masking to watch UK channels. Maybe it's just my age but I just don't find a lot of modern British comedy that funny anymore Oh, and unlike a lot of my fellow Americans I never found Benny Hill funny
  22. Well there are three kinds of guys who get hooked up with Thai women. Some of us get hooked up early through work or whatever, similar ages and it tends to look like a typical relationship in the West, will it last, who knows. Then you you get to what I think are the more problematic relationships. You're right right some older guys come for a couple of weeks, and it's pay for play. The sadder one's are the older fellas who will come for a couple of weeks, fall in 'love' with a gal half their age, sell up everything and move to Thailand. That's when it really is the 'recipe for disaster'
  23. I must admit you are right there, and kids, especially girls know the trick. I would have my teenage daughters mow the lawn. They quickly learned if they did a totally half ass***ed job, I just say, screw it and do it myself. Humans in general are a devious lot!
  24. So my take on this is substantially younger woman, older man, total recipe for disaster and car wreak emotionally and financially. And a point about that. When things go south when you're younger, you're working and more importantly you have time to recover. Things go south when you're 60+, you just don't the resources and more importantly the time to recover the loses. Now we get on to thing where I both struggle and laugh.. Thai women 'know' how to treat a man. Now me and Mrs G are 55/65 so we're up there and sex isn't what it used to be, but still good, but that aside. She's a pretty Westernized woman having grown up in Chicago. But cooking, she will fight hammer and tongs about NOT letting me cook. Maybe there is something in the DNA about her getting pleasure out of cooking for me. On other aspects of recreating the 1950's, she's pretty OK letting me do the laundry lol
  25. Well, immigrant and tourist, totally different balls of wax. For a tourist visa, you are not even part of it, she's applying in her own right, no need for any ID from you. Immigrant visa, totally different and a wad of ID's and docs required
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