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Everything posted by YorkshireTyke

  1. I want to convert a new LG front load washing machine to be coin operated in Surin. Anyone have any contacts to do this?
  2. Clearing Unpaid Traffic Fines: What You Need To Know | Thaiger (thethaiger.com) Shows the bullsh*tters on this thread.
  3. Sounds nice but we don't want to venture into Patts if we can avoid it. Probably no further than Marcos mentioned above.*
  4. Me and Thai lady school teacher friend are staying in Jomtien for 4 days near Soi Welcome so looking for a few suggestions of average priced restaurants for lunch and dinner, Thai and farang food. Maybe one slighly upmarket restaurant for dinner one night. I know of Cheap Charlies where I would go for brekkie if I'm on my own but a bit nicer ambience for us to dine together, she's not really a bar person and doesn't normally drink alcohol. Thanks for any suggestions.
  5. Is there more than one Richmond Bar, isn't it in Soi Welcome ? I would ask in Soi Welcome bars and Soi Wat Boon bars.
  6. As above, say registered letter to the UK. I sent one to Conister Bank a few weeks ago. I usually use the PO in the basement of Bluport near the motorcycle park, not usually any queues.
  7. How much per month please and do they have catchup, essential for UK TV
  8. Not ranting, you posted about how reliable they are, I replied to your post.
  9. Reliable sources my a*se, it's still going strong 4 years after that post. Cops knocking at your door for using an android box ?? Wow paranoid or what. Buy a box from Lazada, hundreds to choose from.
  10. Try hdprime. 380 Baht per month for many, mainly UK TV channels, all the sport, I use it for football. 3 days catch-up TV, 99 % reliable which is what I need for EPL. Good support when needed, email them for a free trial. Only pay monthly so the most you can lose is 380 Baht if not satisfied. I've been using them for years.
  11. Or Phuket.
  12. They belong to the girls..................................
  13. 3 years isn't recently. Many people didn't which is why I told my SIL not to pay but she had to pay it when she went to tax the car. Recent tickets as she's only had the car since January this year.
  14. KhunLA, how recent is very recent as you speak for Smike? 2 months ago?, 5 months? My SIL didn't pay her fine, I told her no problem, in May she went to pay the car tax and had to pay the fine so either SMike is bullsh*tting to support his earlier comment, or it was before the new regs or maybe he's just special....................
  15. How recent ? Not since the new regs came into force.
  16. Hdprime, 380 Baht a month, all football, EPL, CL, etc plus UK channels and some other countries, 3 day catch-up, good quality, responsive supplier. Ask them for free trial
  17. Oh yes there is! Anyone else with recent unpaid traffic fine tried to renew their tax?
  18. Anyone make their own yoghurt ? I do like a yoghurt, fruity or plain, but very rarely buy them. Today I was in a small deli type place and they had big cartons, 500g of plain or ones with fruit added. I bought one with raspberry and it was very nice but at 120 Baht a tad expensive to buy a few times a week so it got me thinking about making my own. I've had a quick look on the internet about how to do, I know milk is involved but I've no idea of the cost (I also know there's a bit of a shortage at the mo). So does anyone make it, is it easy (I'm lazy) and is it signicantly cheaper than shop bought ? The one I bought has fooddeliverybangkok.com on the label. Thanks for any replies and advice.
  19. Just came across this..................... Sim Thep Thor 15Mbps Unlimited | Lazada.co.th Fake? 999 Baht..............
  20. Do AIS have anything? The True 6Mbps is only 400 Baht cheaper than unlimited so I may go for the True Thor anyway if I can't get a better deal.
  21. What is the 6mbps mean please? Unfortunately I missed the deadline for the Thor sim with the discount. I do have internet at home so it's only to use to browse FB, use Line etc when I am away from the house. I don't download or watch movies etc
  22. Hey Bruno What is the current best sim for internet occasional usage away from home? My one expires on the 4th. The one I had was perfect for my usage, I don't download anything on my phone or watch movies etc Anyone else know of current offers? I looked at recent thread but everyone seems to be bickering about unlimited and speed tests !
  23. My advice is whichever you choose insist on a free trial first and monthly payment, I tried a few over the last few years and all buffer/freeze, especially during live football. I have been using HDPrime for about 5-6 years now, I have tried others but all fly by night poor quality sh*t from individuals trying to make a quick buck. HDPrime for TV from UK and other countries, all EPL football, all sky sports channel and far more than you would ever watch, 3 day catchup which is important for UK TV. All for 380 Baht per month, pay monthly with True slips from 7/11. Email them for a free trial, they usually oblige. What you do need is up to date equipment to watch on, don't be using a android box or old laptop with Android 7 or windows 7 etc. A good android box with 5g, 4GB and android 11 will be just over 1,000 Baht. Thats my tenpenneth worth, a free trial cost you nothing. Another option is go to a bar where they have uninterrupted TV coverage and ask who their supplier is. Keep us informed if you find a better supplier.
  24. I haven't got any termites, the spray is a preventive measure. What I'm saying is the google translate doesn't mention termites, it sounds more like a pesticide? Product Name : Turdus Common Name : Fipronil 5% W/V EC Benefits: Prevent and eliminate vegetable wireworm, cotton anchor borer, tobacco threadworm, Indra buffalo threadworm. Creeping worm, cauliflower, anchor borer weevil aphids, aphids, thrips Jumping aphid Cotton mite, red mite Crops used cotton, sugarcane, potatoes Tobacco, soybeans, onions, peppers, cruciferous vegetables, grapes, corn and other crops are insecticides and mites. How to use : 200 cc/200 liters of water or 30-40 cc/20 liters of water. Also all the ones mentioned only come in 1 litre bottles, I don't think the pesticide companies only buy 1 litre bottles, however, I have found 5 litre bottles also in Homepro online of the Chaindrite stuff. TERMITE KILLER CHAINDRITE STEDFAST 30SC 5L (homepro.co.th)
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