I was out of the country for 187 days in 2024 (to wait and see how the changes panned out)
I have until June to see if I need to do it again (I'm counting the days)
I have had it for several years and it's adequate for my needs providing some English speaking channels.
However, in the last few months I am having issues with "No program imformation" for many channels both on the EPG and when you select a no program channel you can't even see how far into the program it is. Does any other 3BB user have this issue or should I ask for a new box?
That reminds me - many may years ago in the trendy 60s one of my favourite tipples was Martini and lemonade (that being dry Vermouth and lemonade as Vermouth was/is? marketed in the UK as Martini)
As part of my job at the time I went to New York and in a bar I asked for a Martini and lemonade - the barman gave me a strange look and when I started to drink it I gave him a strange look back!
And before any smart ass posts a response - yes we lived happily ever after (not really)
I'm due a 90 day on Feb 19th and a retirement extension March 5th.
How far in advance can I do the retirement extension I'd like to do both at the same visit.
And in case it's relevant - Korat
And have the forms changed in year ie do I need to re download from last year.
FBI investigators are also part and parcel of the American system (flawed or otherwise) but some of them were on a list and some of them were fired.
Hell has no fury like a trump crossed
We have had a busy few weeks cooking ranging from sausage (English and Chorizo), pork pie, shumai, goyza, pea and ham soup, multi seed bread, bacon, ham (when I get time I'll do a collage) but today it's strawberry jam donuts and sundried tomatoes
If that is correct.
I know its not within the spirit (forgive the pun) of the law/rule but ....
If you must (not you personally) buy the alcohol at the bar the day before and drink it the next day.