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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. Thanks and attched your PDFs cleaned up as best I can Overstay Penalties-1.pdf Terms and Conditions for Stay.pdf
  2. And I thought he was feeling Friskie
  3. Since I was quoted in the initial post I feel I have to put my pennyworth in: 1. Over the years "self" has become more important than "other". 2. This has led (especially westerners) to people becoming more "thin skinned" - anything that threatens their "self image" or "values" and hence their self esteem has to be forcefully rebuffed and given the anonymity of the internet, insults and threats are an easy solution for these insecure people. Be secure in your own values and don't feel threatened if others don't share them - as the Roman Writer Terence said - Quot homines tot sententiae: suus cuique mos. So many men, so many opinions: to each his own way. Polarisation of our society will lead us nowhere except conflict. Whatever happened to debate?
  4. Confused And Trans Why need a vet?
  5. And that improves the cooking of a dough - each to their own
  6. Personally I am not so sure about that - How much longer will 800K Baht be enough? Different Immigration Offices have different document requirements for Visa extensions. The activation of an existing tax rule occured in September 2023 and as far as I can understand applies to that year. But as I said in the original posting clarity, certainty and long termity are not, as far as I can see, part of the culture so it is just that - a (forlorn) wish and I live with it - the alternative is cold, expensive and partnerless
  7. I do - my partner doesn't - after all she is is a traditional Thai country lady and I respect that..
  8. Most places to live have some negatives but I have to say over the last 15 or so years the UK has developed a lot more negatives than Thailand. I only wish that Thailand would develop some clarity, certainty and long termity (yes I know it's not a word - but you know what I mean) towards the ex pat community.
  9. Because you're not there? Reminds me of an old Oxford University Graduate Exam question which was: Is this a question? Answer given by examinee. Yes if this is an answer. Apparently got him or her a double first! So well done Lee65 you're up there with the best!!!!
  10. If you look at the Etymology of the word - probably from German dialect nit not + English wit So whilst I strongly disagree with insulting anyone on the forum I do perceive that some posters do display a distinct lack of a sense of humour or "wit"
  11. Time to renew - last year I seem to recall I had to sign a form completely in Thai (I think it was about understanding the issues with not complying with the rule - but not sure. I can't seem to find this doc online anyone know where I can find it? Also just to be sure what documents/forms do you have to supply now when applying (eg do you need the notice of where you are staying form completed etc?) Thanks
  12. More and more I see a world where people complain about, admonish, insult, ostracise, people who don't have the same views as them. The line between "Moderation", "Censorship" and the imposition of ones own values on others is a tricky one to navigate.
  13. Apologies, I was refering to Gaviscon Guardium which I had used in Europe. Guardium acid reflux control 20mg gastro-resistant tablets, contains Esomeprazole. Always read the label.
  14. That's what cheap wine does for you! - of course you are correct - and sober I hope
  15. Isn't that a form or omeprazole?
  16. As long as food for the goose is food for the gander
  17. Like all cheap wine after the 5th glass it tastes fantastic Also I saw some "French" wines in Tesco - when you read the labels on the reverse of the bottle on two different alleged Vintners they both read the same with the same grammatical and spelling mistakes well I can't find one for "sham".
  18. Tomato Chutney and pressure cooking my beef ready for: Chinese beef curry and a few beef and onion pies.
  19. So where is the arrival area going to be now - it seems a bus station without one is severly handicapped!
  20. I think they work by using the latent heat of vapourisation ie when you evaporate water it cools the air around it. As suck they probably cool somewhat but I suspect they will raise the humidity in the room.
  21. I an suprised - a Passport has no address and only confirms your nationality not your residence
  22. For me these books still have good plots but don't hang togeter quite so well as a story. Also Series 2 Reacher on Prime did not impress me at all - but I hope they try again. I also Like the Connelly Books - Bosch and the Prime Series
  23. Age brings many "gifts" most of them unwanted and boredom is probably one of the least threatening since you can address it without doctors, operations or pills everyday. In the 60's there was a popular book by Sanuel Beckett called "Waiting for Godot" which I see as an allegory for old age and the inevitable consequence - here's a synopsis. Waiting for Godot, tragicomedy in two acts by Irish writer Samuel Beckett, published in 1952 in French as En attendant Godot and first produced in 1953. Waiting for Godot was a true innovation in drama and the Theatre of the Absurd’s first theatrical success. The play consists of conversations between Vladimir and Estragon, who are waiting for the arrival of the mysterious Godot, who continually sends word that he will appear but who never does. They encounter Lucky and Pozzo, they discuss their miseries and their lots in life, they consider hanging themselves, and yet they wait. Often perceived as being tramps, Vladimir and Estragon are a pair of human beings who do not know why they were put on earth; they make the tenuous assumption that there must be some point to their existence, and they look to Godot for enlightenment. Because they hold out hope for meaning and direction, they acquire a kind of nobility that enables them to rise above their futile existence. Being bored whilst waiting for the inevitable surely must be a waste of those precious days.
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