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Smokin Joe

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Everything posted by Smokin Joe

  1. I think the fact that he stopped when he realized that the procedure was too complicated for his skill set and experience was a good thing. Better than continuing and destroying the tooth. But I would be upset also if I wasn't given an explanation and recommendation where to go. Don't blame you for going elsewhere. I have only used him for implants and am happy with them. I don't use him for other dental work. He has done many implants, probably in the hundreds at least. Implants are very routine now and in my opinion are simpler than a root canal. I'll continue using my dentist at BPH for everything else though.
  2. When working in Laos my employer was an Australian company so my income/tax statement was in English. I reported it as income on the Line for wages as income and again as negative income on the "Other Income" line putting the 2555 as the source. I was paid in USD so no conversions to do either. I never submitted my income statements with my return since they weren't US W-2's. There were never any issues with the IRS but Sheryl's info about using the form 4852 seems to be the correct way to do it. I had never heard about the 4852 Form until seeing Sheryl's post. AFAIK there is no reason to submit your Thai documents with your return, just use the 4852 and 1116 and make sure to keep all Thai docs with your tax records for the next few years. As far as the physical presence test to use the 2555 it looks like you could use the 12 month period of Mid-May 2023 - Mid-May 2024. That would be only the 15 day period you were in the US in August. There are no penalties for filing late if you don't owe any tax. Tax professionals are not all expensive. I have used one in Florida the last two years. The return for 2023 was done for $100
  3. To file a 2555 the number of days you can be in the US is 35, not 31. But assuming you were over 35 days in the US you would probably need to file Form 1116 to claim the foreign tax credit along with the 1040. When I worked in Laos all I received at the end of the year was an annual pay statement from the company I worked for. It stated how much I was paid for the year and how much of my pay was deducted for Lao tax. My accountant used that to file my 1040, 1116, and 2555 forms. I had other US earned income so I had to file a 1040 every year regardless.
  4. Maximum valid lease is 30 years. Putting an auto renew clause in the contract is just marketing BS, it can not be enforced. You would lose your property at the 30 year mark.
  5. 14k posts and knows nothing about re-entry permits. Wow!🤣
  6. Never mind. I answered my own question. My Doctor has me taking well above what is generally recommended. I did have Vitamin D deficiency on my test results and I also have Type II Diabetes when he made the recommendation. The next time he checked Vit D levels I was at a proper level. Sorry Sheryl. I wasn't questioning your knowledge but thought it might have been a typo.
  7. Did you drop a zero? The Vitamin D that my Doctor in the US recommended is 5000 IU (125mcg) per tablet. Twice a day
  8. Yep. Just another case of someone not knowing the difference between Sweden and Switzerland.
  9. Cosplay Club on 3rd Road. Never been myself, but looks like an interesting concept. Cosplay Club Facebook Page
  10. Dr. Warin on Central Pattaya Rd is 30k Baht for an implant. Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital is about 40-45K IIRC. I had two implants done by Dr Warin about 4-5 years ago and will be getting one more next month. Photo of Dr. Warin's Office
  11. The incident took place march 16th, five days ago. Just how fast does the legal system work in your country.
  12. Maybe the guy who says he got 400 days is confused. Possibly he applied for the extension 35 days before it was due. He would then get a new extension that was good for 400 days from when he applied but only 365 days from when the current extension ends.
  13. Maybe this is in response to Thais being charged $211 NZD for an NZ Tourist Visa
  14. The NZ license must specify that it is good for motorcycles and be accompanied by the IDP Sec 42 Motor Vehicle Act In case of a driver who is an alien temporarily permitted to reside in the Kingdom under the law on immigration may possess a driving license under section 42 bis while driving in the Kingdom. In this case there shall be accompanied such driving license with the document prescribed in the existing Convention or Agreement between Thai Government and the Government of such country for producing immediately to the competent official45.
  15. Exactly. Without the video the picture alone proves nothing except that he was holding a gun.
  16. I agree that VA disability may not be a classified as a pension but I believe that the DTA would still exempt it because of these two articles. The primary consideration IMO is that it is from government service. Not everything has to be specifically mentioned. The phrases "...other similar remuneration..." and "Remuneration, other than a pension,..." can cover a lot. ARTICLE 20 Pensions and Social Security Payments 1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 21 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration paid to a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. ARTICLE 21 Government Service 1. a) Remuneration, other than a pension, paid by a Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to an individual in respect of services rendered to that State or subdivision or authority shall be taxable only in that State. BTW my military retirement pay for 20 years active duty service is not called a pension either.
  17. The photo does not show the one with the gun making it safe. Although that MAY have been what he was doing, the photo, in know way, shows that. The photo would be the same if he was racking the slide to make sure it had a round in the chamber so it would be ready to fire.
  18. I use Jomtien and have been doing online reports since before Covid and have never ha any issues. Always worked fine. Last couple of time approval came back same day. I'm a little concerned about the next one though. I just received the reminder email saying it was due on April 1st. I'm not sure if it's an April Fools joke or not.
  19. Yes. US Social Security can not be taxed by Thailand. My US Military Pension and Social Security are the only funds I will transfer to my Thai bank account so I have no concerns about the new rules. Neither are taxable by Thailand. All Double Tax Agreements are available on the Thai Revenue Dept website. https://www.rd.go.th/english/766.html
  20. I don't know of any country where resisting arrest is considered self defense.
  21. Sorry to break it to you but oil was not made from dinosaurs. That is one of those silly statements that only gullible fools believe.
  22. Your VA Disability is a Govt Pension and can not be taxed by Thailand per the DTA.
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