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Smokin Joe

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Everything posted by Smokin Joe

  1. The section of Thai law regarding the use of a foreign is Section 42 of the Motor Vehicle Act and has been posted on the forum multiple times. Title 3 - Driver's license Section 42. A driver shall be licensed and shall, while driving or controlling other driving trainee in driving, possess driving license and a copy of vehicle registration certificate for producing immediately to the competent official, except the driving trainee under section 57. In case of a driver who is an alien temporarily permitted to reside in the Kingdom under the law on immigration may possess a driving license under section 42 bis while driving in the Kingdom. In this case there shall be accompanied such driving license with the document prescribed in the existing Convention or Agreement between Thai Government and the Government of such country for producing immediately to the competent official45. [The word “vehicle” is amended its spelling in Thai version under section 3 of the Vehicle Act (No. 12), B.E. 2546 (2003).] Section 42 bis 46. In the case where there is a bilateral agreement between the Government of Thailand and a foreign Government concerning reciprocal recognition of domestic driving licenses, an alien temporarily permitted to stay in the Kingdom under the law on immigration having a driving license issued by the competent official or a driving society recognized by the Government of the country under such bilateral agreement may use the driving license of such country in driving in the Kingdom in accordance with the category and type of vehicle specified in such driving license; provided that the existing Conventions and/or Agreements between the Government of Thailand and the Government of such country and all the provisions relating to the obligations of a driver under this Act must be complied. 45 Section 42 paragraph two is added by the Vehicle Act (No. 8), B.E. 2530 (1987). 46 Section 42 bis is added by the Vehicle Act (No. 8), B.E. 2530 (1987).
  2. I did know that at least, although at the time I may not have really understand what big-block meant. I wish I had stuck that in a barn and left it there for 30 years or so and then retrieved it to have it restored. I sold it for a few hundred dollars instead.
  3. GTO's have been mentioned in a few posts. I had a friend who had one when we were in High School in 1974 while I had a Chevelle SS with a 396 in it. In all these years since I have never known what GTO meant. Finally looked it up and was pretty surprised. GTO - Grand Turismo Omologato (Grand Touring Homologated). Then I had to Google Homologated. I may be the only one here that didn't know that. But a much worse example of my car knowledge was when I bought a BMW 325 i convertible when I retired from the military. I had always wanted a convertible, and wanted a 4-seater. I was taking a buddy for a ride soon after the purchase and he said something about "Bavarian Motor Works". I looked confused because I didn't know that that was what BMW stood for. I took a lot of ribbing for that.
  4. I agree with Mr. Chicken legs. It's very possible that the two marks close together are two separate bites and the location is just a coincidence. That would have been a very big spider.
  5. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  6. Same way as before. If you have the laminated number just go straight on into the main bldg to the far end of Station 8. I just did mine May 2nd and picked it up May 3rd.
  7. That number of 20 million sounds excessive. A quick google of demographics indicates that there are only about 25 million women between 15-65 range.
  8. Thailand ratified the 1968 treaty on May 1st 2020 Countries That Signed 1968 Vienna Treaty
  9. I just received mine three days ago so yours may be in transit. They were more organized at City Hall this year. I just paid my bill yesterday, in and out in 10 minutes.
  10. You should start reading Thai language news instead of only reading English language news.
  11. $125 is a lot of money for a fake license. A genuine one is much cheaper.
  12. The DLT site is not current. The info may be good, as far as it goes, except the IDP from the 1968 Vienna Treaty is also available and not even mentioned. Thailand joined that treaty on May 1st, 2020. The 1968 IDP is good for three years. The OP should have the option for either IDP. The UK ratified the 1968 Vienna Treaty in 2018.
  13. Actually you should be grateful that we allow the language to continue to be called "English". We could have renamed it to "American" long ago.
  14. My first time in Thailand was during a Cobra Gold exercise back in the 1900's. I think '81 or '82. Having a splendid time was encouraged back then as long as you stayed out of trouble. IIRC our briefing before being turned loose was something like this. Don't do anything to add to the population Don't do anything to subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, the newspaper, or in jail. If you do end up in jail, establish dominance immediately.
  15. I think you combined Endodontist and Orthodontist. You would want an Endodontist
  16. You mean when he accosted her by hitting her in the hand with his face?
  17. None of that has anything to do with Thailand. Thailand is not in Europe. And the part about the language of the license was removed from the treaty in 2011. And the only national language in Thailand is Thai so doubly irrelevant.
  18. It's not that that the info is wrong, just incomplete. If a country ratified both the 1949 and 1968 treaties only the 1968 is listed. generally that is the best option since the 1968 IDP is valid for three years. When they designed the chart I think they were just too lazy to consider trips that involved driving in multiple countries. But if you were going on a holiday that went to Spain, Korea, Japan, and Thailand you would want a 1949 IDP because Thailand is the only one of those that ratified the 1968 treaty. I was surprised to see that your link showed that the 1926 IDP was needed for Mexico and Somalia. It checks out.
  19. Thailand accepts both the 1949 and 1968 IDP's.
  20. Everything after the 1st sentence is wrong. Thailand DID ratify the 1968 Vienna Treaty on May 1st, 2020 Parties to 1968 Vienna Convention The link is to the current United Nations Treaty Database When Thailand ratified the 1968 Treaty they did not cancel their participation in the 1949 Treaty. Parties to 1949 Geneva Convention The link is also to the current United Nations Treaty Database Look it up
  21. You should also suggest that meat eaters be required to read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. It has been known to turn meat-eaters into vegetarians.
  22. I love that clip fro Yellowstone. Great rebuttal to the non-meat eaters whose primary motivation is that they don't want to kill anything.
  23. It would be interesting to see a legitimate poll taken. I am an average person, I've never hunted but am not opposed to it. I have no desire to personally kill an animal. But if it was required to kill a cow or pig occasionally I would have no problem doing it. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I am never going to switch to fake meat.
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