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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. A girl from a nail salon (one of the hundreds in Pattaya) that I know and talked with at her shop, goes for 32 yr currently, last year she was 36 yr. Her real age is 42 (should be 43 this year).
  2. What you show in the picture is an explanation from Bangkok Bank (stamped and signed) that the code for the transfer has changed. Even though I would expect that immigration understands that, you might better take this and the updated bank book and ask beforehand. Might save you extra effort for additional documents. I assume you have a (yearly) confirmation of your payment in English language? Would always take this with me to immigration.
  3. Interesting. Gone unnoticed for me. He was the only passenger on the bus. Wait until the vloggers reports in Chinese 🤣
  4. I don't see them mentioned here ("Allowrie" blend as an example). Anchor is butter. Emborg is butter. Both easily available at every Makro and others.
  5. 80 Baht? That's exceptionally cheap. Villa has it in 500 gr blocks for 269 ฿
  6. Look at the picture with the big truck. See how low these sidewalls are. It wouldn't cost a fortune to add at least a fence/net/rail construction to avoid such tragic loss. And another day it could be a vehicle smashed down on the motorway.
  7. So many cyclist killed over the years. I drive slowly in the village with the dogs but on a highway. No thanks!
  8. U Turn bridge OVER motorway 7. Roads running parallel to motorway 7.
  9. Legit question. "to deposit at another branch"? There is feature named (electronic) transfer. Maybe he is one of the "show me the money, is it still there" types 🤣
  10. Kind of. Do you know "groundhopping"?
  11. Multiple "wifes" and luxury shopping 😁 Guess he found a better hiding place than the "businessman".
  12. This or simply seeing some packet visible. Lucky catch. The nativity of that businessman is hard to believe. If in the car (which I would never do) then in the trunk or well hidden elsewhere.
  13. The unavoidable "insurance job". What kind of insurance is that?
  14. 1.5 m in an "envelope"? 1.5 m makes a reasonable packet. Won't fit in a usual 'glove" compartment.
  15. Oh how bad, Pattaya again How can sane westerners consider such trips?? Some people need the thrill. Ok at least no overcrowding
  16. Good point! Those are the ones that might"rob" you 😁 What is the status of your wife within the family? Parents still live? Older brothers? Older sisters?
  17. Sure. Even village shops have it to protect from theft. But don't spoil your plot with high concrete walls, barb wire, broken glass etc. Have one room that is particularly well locked, grilles on the window and a small safe.
  18. When I first visited the village in 1995 I was shocked and moved about the poor circumstances. But much has changed incl me. Our house from 1997 is now far from the biggest/fanciest around (no pool or extravaganza though). Thailand is one of the countries with the most extreme difference in wealth. And you can see that in the village too. Some live behind card box walls, others in big villas. Thai people accept their fate. My wife is paranoid about security. Traumatized by a violent robbery in Phuket(!) in her younger years. So all windows with massive grilles. Proper locks at massive doors. Our dogs are not the big ones but good for alarm. I don't feel uncomfortable but I also keep a low profile. Different from Thais who love to show/pretend to be wealthy. So many foreigners having nice villas in upcountry. Little to be concerned about. Much more problems in Pattaya (Eastside) for example.
  19. Same for me this morning. Quite confusing. Seems a premature message?
  20. As there was no answer so far, I went to uncharted territory in the Profile menu. Under security there is an option to enable Google Authenticator. Has to be installed on the mobile phone. One of the so call 2FA apps. That's all I can tell now. I am not up to try/test.
  21. Also never noted. In the app?
  22. I use the mobile website and it is only possible to login with username. Just tried. My password is a generated 14 upper/lower character/digits. Unusually short for my customs.
  23. At popular upcountry morlam concerts you might see military police with pump guns 😁
  24. @steve2112 The straightforward option with the app: Login On the bottom line you see "Recipients", tap it Then you see "+ Add recipient", tap it What follows is currency, enter bank details etc. After having added the recipient you can send money to that account (from your currency to the recipients currency).
  25. Headline sounds like from a Muslim country. Drinking ghettos for the disbelievers.
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