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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. The Indian IT specialist might have a choice. But unskilled laborer from Thailand? The pressure is big to escape the poor life here.
  2. You mention it. What irresponsible idiots build flat wide race tracks through densely populated areas. Absolutely no need. Be it 2nd rd in this case. Beach Rd is often too busy. Another example where the country is 50 years behind. When traffic is dense the racing is over anyway. But beware of the night.
  3. Artem Avdeev 99% sure Russian "big biker". Bitter irony. Russian tourist coming to Thailand to be killed on the road by another Russian.
  4. Indeed. Hotel prices and occupation please follow. Checked this morning and wasn't that easy. It's obvious where such article highlights come from. Not allowed to comment.
  5. As above. Just found another source in Thai saying 6 PM to 6 PM 🙄
  6. The topic title is quite incomplete. The election is on Saturday Feb 1st. So ban is from Friday 31st, 5 PM to Saturday Feb 1st 5 PM. So the weekend binge drinking is saved.
  7. A Google translate from German embassy: Could bet I read similar on the Swiss consulate site.
  8. The nerd acting as health minister in Germany ordered school closures against expert advice. Only one of his high-handed lockdowns against expert advice. And he is still in office. Resistance against critical review is strong.
  9. Typical reaction of the clueless to an open source project. Chinese crap, infected, tracking ... Would this cause a significant crash for US tech stocks? Who laughs last laughs best.
  10. Stupid tradition. At least it fits the prejudice about Chinese. Money money money .. Do you put banknote bundles under the Christmas tree 😄
  11. There are endless tips on update problems. Don't know what applies to you. Have you tried this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/troubleshoot-problems-updating-windows-188c2b0f-10a7-d72f-65b8-32d177eb136c (what a joke that not even links to Microsoft work😖)
  12. But it supports update to newer version as others described and millions of user do routinely. Otherwise the world would have heard of. Why it won't on your system? Is your license or installation method "different". Had a proper license? Used any workarounds to install on a non compliant PC?
  13. Winds deferred from Bangkok? Strong winds over the gulf.
  14. Already much improved although stronger winds seems to avoid Bangkok.
  15. It's stormy outside! Strong winds from the north east, And see the result: Cross your fingers the winds will make it all over.
  16. Is your home country license a single document combined for car and motorbike? In this case why should cost for translation double? I think you are being ripped off.
  17. If you have a valid IDP for car and motorcycle stamped then I doubt that a translation of your home country license is necessary. 8000 Baht, hell that's a nice pocket money. Two licenses at the office done on your own is 505( ?) Baht.
  18. With your plans there is no concern about safety. Violence against foreigners exist but in the majority of cases it's not arbitrary/ unprovoked. Often foreigners on drugs/alcohol. Some loose their temper when drunk. Not good. Drunkards are an easier task for robbing. Not so different from everywhere in the world. And that is what it makes to the news. Living 13 years in an upcountry village and never been threatened/physically attacked. Real concerns: Dangerous traffic. Don't get in a road rage! That can turn extremely violent. Your wife will know. Months long air pollution like now.
  19. They seem allowed and even work as seen in your post. Links to "non major" sites (no list known) are ripped to text by the forum SW. To me it's not clear what this brilliant piece has to do in Soapbox? Is she panicking after the election result??
  20. 370 km, 3800 Baht, good price.
  21. Max 3200 would be cheap. Tom Taxi is competitive and wants 3500 from Suv. to Ko Chang pier. That's 300 km.
  22. Absolutely. Not every city taxi (driver) will/can accept such tour unprepared.
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