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Trump to scrap protection for 'Dreamers,' give Congress six months to fix


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Trump to scrap protection for 'Dreamers,' give Congress six months to fix

By Steve Holland



Rocio, a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program recipient shouts with supporters during a rally outside the Federal Building in Los Angeles, California, U.S., September 1, 2017. 


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has decided to scrap a programme shielding immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children from deportation but will give Congress six months to craft a bill to replace it, sources familiar with the situation said.


The president decided to delay enforcement of his decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA programme, to give Congress time to devise an alternative, the two sources said on Sunday.


DACA, an Obama-era programme, protects nearly 800,000 young men and women, often called "Dreamers" from deportation.


The decision, to be announced on Tuesday, will seek to placate both sides in the immigration debate at a time when the president is also grappling with North Korea's nuclear programme and Houston's recovery from Hurricane Harvey.


Senior White House officials discussed the policy rollout on Sunday.


As a candidate, Trump pledged to immediately scrap the programme but he has run into stiff opposition, including from senior members of his own party.


House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan urged President Donald Trump on Friday not to rescind the Obama-era programme. Ryan was joined by Senator Orrin Hatch, also a Republican.


That said, Trump's base will likely be far from happy about the president's decision to leave open the option of a legislative fix. Rep. Steve King, a hawk on immigration and an Iowa Republican, tweeted his opposition to the plan on Sunday night.


Trump made a crackdown on illegal immigrants a centrepiece of his 2016 election campaign and has stepped up deportations since taking office in January. But business leaders say immigrants make important economic contributions and that ending the programme would hit economic growth and tax revenue.


(Reporting by Steve Holland, writing by Diane Bartz; Editing by Andrew Hay)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-04
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Yes, it's for the "children."  Like this one.


Federal immigration officials admitted this week that the suspect in the February slayings of four people in Charlotte, N.C., was granted special immigration status – shielding him from deportation two years ago despite being listed in a federal database as a gang member.



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Most DACA recipients arriv d as innocent kids and many cannot be reasonably deported, no language skills, no connections, etc. They should be given amnesties but their parents and others guilty of smuggling them in MUST be punished.

Stripped of any citizenship and deported or jailed and fined.

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Rescinding DACA would be the meanest of the Trump administration's mean anti-immigrant actions


"What these wrongheaded and inhumane measures have in common is profound ignorance of the on-the-ground realities of immigration and labor markets."


"It would rob more than 800,000 young people brought to this country by their parents of the chance to lead fully productive lives."


"And rather than causing DACA recipients to “self-deport” — the fantasy solution to unauthorized immigration cherished by conservatives — it would just push them underground."


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7 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

This shows once again how petty and vindictive Trump really is: he hates Obama with a vengeance and just wants to scrap, repeal and undo everything that Obama has done, even when many in his own party (like Ryan) disagree with him. 

Seems to me he is putting this part of the immigration matter in the hands of Congress where it should be to begin with.  It's time Congress took up the whole immigration issue and dealt with it.   Note that Trump has opposition from his own party on the matter so he is laying it right in their lap. Seems like a tactical move to get Congress doing something.  They will be forced to hammer out a solution that they will have to vote on and be counted. Obviously Democrats what this to continue and so do a number of Republicans so let them just pass legislation which Trump would probably sign.  Seems like a smart move to get Congress off their stupid asses.

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trump -- liar, liar, pants on fire.







Opinion: President Trump said he'd 'deal with DACA with heart,' but it was a lie

"We are going to show great heart," President Donald Trump said at a news conference in February when asked about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. "We are going to deal with DACA with heart." If you believed that for a second, you were a fool.




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12 hours ago, iReason said:

Rescinding DACA would be the meanest of the Trump administration's mean anti-immigrant actions


"What these wrongheaded and inhumane measures have in common is profound ignorance of the on-the-ground realities of immigration and labor markets."


"It would rob more than 800,000 young people brought to this country by their parents of the chance to lead fully productive lives."


"And rather than causing DACA recipients to “self-deport” — the fantasy solution to unauthorized immigration cherished by conservatives — it would just push them underground."


Yea and will undoubtedly lead to resentment/hatred extending past pathetic 45 to America at large. 45 assists ISIS recruitment. He has no redeeming qualities.... NONE. The Liar in chief is destroying democracy/America.

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2 hours ago, RobFord said:


I agree. They are good.


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Alarm bells went off when I saw a tweet that said 100% have no criminal record. And it should have set them off in you, too. There are some that do have a criminal record but it is lower than for  native born Americans.

We estimate that DREAMers had an incarceration rate of 0.98 percent in 2015 compared to a native-born incarceration rate of 1.12 percent, a DACA-ineligible illegal immigrant incarceration rate of 0.38 percent, and a legal immigrant incarceration rate of 0.24 percent (Figure 1). The native-born incarceration rate is 14 percent higher than the DREAMer incarceration rate, while DACA-ineligible illegal immigrants and legal immigrants have the lowest rates of all. 




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On 9/4/2017 at 2:10 PM, zydeco said:


The article you cite above specifically says that the suspect in that case should NOT have been eligible for immigration protection, if the feds had followed the actual rules under the current program. The fact that they failed to do so shouldn't be blamed on the law itself.




Rangel-Hernandez never should have received the protective status and likely would have been deported had U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services followed proper procedures and protocols, federal officials said in a letter Friday to Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who had been questioning the case.


In 2013, Rangel-Hernandez applied for and was granted the special protective status, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, despite the fact that he was listed in a federal crime database as a known gang member.

It’s unclear whether his background check failed to discover the record in the database or whether an adjudicator approved the application despite knowledge of the gang ties.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com


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19 hours ago, selftaopath said:

Yea and will undoubtedly lead to resentment/hatred extending past pathetic 45 to America at large. 45 assists ISIS recruitment. He has no redeeming qualities.... NONE. The Liar in chief is destroying democracy/America.

I am dumbo on common computer slang. Please explain to dumbo what 45 and 555 means? And how can  computer slang numbers "destroying democracy/ America". And do you mean all America, or just a a few antagonistic states of a smallish proportion of the whole of "America"? Just asking.

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I am dumbo on common computer slang. Please explain to dumbo what 45 and 555 means? And how can  computer slang numbers "destroying democracy/ America". And do you mean all America, or just a a few antagonistic states of a smallish proportion of the whole of "America"? Just asking.

You probably don't realize it but the rest of the world doesn't hold your leader in any great esteem.

He'd saying that may start to extend past your leader to ALL Americans.

Just saying.

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15 minutes ago, RobFord said:


You probably don't realize it but the rest of the world doesn't hold your leader in any great esteem.

He'd saying that may start to extend past your leader to ALL Americans.

Just saying.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


You have totally misunderstood me. Someone posted a remark about "America". Are you so vain that you do not

understand that "America" is more than the disunited states. There is a north and south.  And other countries that are part of "America"  As to who is in control of any country, state, city or whatever, they like your current "leader" in "America",have lost the meaning of democracy... Just saying...

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3 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Doesn't his administration has more pressing issues to deal with?


Liberals are not my cup of tea, but he really seems to be on a mission of enacting useless policies.

If only the repeal of DACA were useless. Actually, it's economically harmful to the USA. Demographically, they very much resemble the H-1B visa holders: highly skilled immigrants. https://www.cato.org/blog/economic-fiscal-impact-repealing-daca

And because they're young, they'll help pay for the government ordained benefits of an increasingly large percentage of retired Americans.

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I have friends who live in a state bordering Mexico.   They are very anti-immigrants and strong supporters of Trump, but that's changing.   


A lot of these young Dreamers work, at least part time, at the local restaurants and fast food chains.   As they have moved on, their jobs have been taken over by 'true Americans', who can't take an order, can't clean, can't really do much of anything.   



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