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Pattaya urine drug tests all around the city, why ?


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Time, date and location of these piss tests would assist with working out whether there's a city wide effort or just some localized, night time or early morning checks in the 'usual locations'. I doubt they are chasing after the weekend shoppers at Central or even the ones stumbling out of WS pre-dawn but the Thai nightclubs and karaoke's in north Pattaya and Third may be a target-rich environment. It's a low-hanging fruit sort of thing.

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They are looking for meth users. I know a guy who last week was tested in Chiangmai ,was positive for meth and paid 15,000 baht. It was that or off to court for a possible 40,000 fine and a few weeks in the can. They had been watching him for some time. When you stop and think about it, it is one way of not filling up the legal system and jails that waste time and money plus gives the poorly paid cops a living. The bad guy is punished. The one I know did a big tour of mates to find 15 grand. Not a western approach but seems to work??

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18 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

They are looking for meth users. I know a guy who last week was tested in Chiangmai ,was positive for meth and paid 15,000 baht. It was that or off to court for a possible 40,000 fine and a few weeks in the can. They had been watching him for some time. When you stop and think about it, it is one way of not filling up the legal system and jails that waste time and money plus gives the poorly paid cops a living. The bad guy is punished. The one I know did a big tour of mates to find 15 grand. Not a western approach but seems to work??


>>>>>> Not a western approach but seems to work?? <<<<<<


So he stopped doing drugs?

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13 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


>>>>>> Not a western approach but seems to work?? <<<<<<


So he stopped doing drugs?

Most likely he had to up whatever illegal or shady activity he was doing in order to pay for his drugs so as to be able to fund his payment to the cops. THis is the way addiction works.

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53 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


>>>>>> Not a western approach but seems to work?? <<<<<<


So he stopped doing drugs?

He probably did not stop using drugs. But it worked at not filling jails with dropkick losers who live for drugs. How many drug users fill U S jails? When out they mostly go right back to it. A total waste of time and millions better spent elsewhere. See?

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50 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

Most likely he had to up whatever illegal or shady activity he was doing in order to pay for his drugs so as to be able to fund his payment to the cops. THis is the way addiction works.

The war on drugs has failed. I don't know the answer but locking up millions of small time players is not one of them. Make it a medical condition instead of a criminal condition with health services aimed at helping people to get off the merry go round might offer some hope.  Jail for sick drug addicted people is not the answer.

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20 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

He probably did not stop using drugs. But it worked at not filling jails with dropkick losers who live for drugs. How many drug users fill U S jails? When out they mostly go right back to it. A total waste of time and millions better spent elsewhere. See?

????? See??????


Promoting olice corruption to prevent jails from overflowing is all I see in your approach.

Digging a hole to fill another hole.





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16 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

The war on drugs has failed. I don't know the answer but locking up millions of small time players is not one of them. Make it a medical condition instead of a criminal condition with health services aimed at helping people to get off the merry go round might offer some hope.  Jail for sick drug addicted people is not the answer.

Now that makes sense.


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2 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

They are looking for meth users. I know a guy who last week was tested in Chiangmai ,was positive for meth and paid 15,000 baht. It was that or off to court for a possible 40,000 fine and a few weeks in the can. They had been watching him for some time. When you stop and think about it, it is one way of not filling up the legal system and jails that waste time and money plus gives the poorly paid cops a living. The bad guy is punished. The one I know did a big tour of mates to find 15 grand. Not a western approach but seems to work??

Only meth or whatever lights up the tube?

Curious on 2 fronts.. Was it the police or military or both together? And where did this happen in Chiang Mai?

Odd they caught a foreign guy.

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2 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

They are looking for meth users. I know a guy who last week was tested in Chiangmai ,was positive for meth and paid 15,000 baht. It was that or off to court for a possible 40,000 fine and a few weeks in the can. They had been watching him for some time. When you stop and think about it, it is one way of not filling up the legal system and jails that waste time and money plus gives the poorly paid cops a living. The bad guy is punished. The one I know did a big tour of mates to find 15 grand. Not a western approach but seems to work??

To round it out I have heard they hit up Zoe along time ago and not so much just in the past the old Mandalay club that is now new and has name changed. Was your friend even a foreigner or was actually Thai? Understood is an easy or semi easy way for them to make money, but also brownie points with the old supreme being in command.

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True story, me and a friend were walking back from Soi Cowboy, pretty early in the AM was approached by 2 cops near a stand f trees with urine cups in hand.  Broken english  'Pee-pee', I looked at my friend, we are drug free, and said okay "drop 'em"  I wasn't wearing underwear at the time, let my shorts drop to the ground, bare ass started to pee - cops yelling me "NO  NO  NO pick up pick up"  so I dropped the bottle and picked up my shorts.   They were yelling "Bai Bai"  my friend just said "I can't believe you did that"  my response was 'they would have found yaba in our piss, we would have to pay a huge fine - this was all I could think of.  Thais across the street were laughing I think at the police, not at the bare ass farang.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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50 minutes ago, JayBird said:

Legally, in Thailand, are the police allowed to stop you and demand a sample? What happens if you refuse? Legally speaking, not asking what will actually happen as the two may be different.

Yes, you refuse and they can take you to the station, they can force blood tests and you WILL  be found with drugs in your system.  Better to comply if you are drug free, if not, try to pay your way out of it............the American Embassy visits people all the time in jail that shouldn't be there, but are because they were hard headed.  Druggie or not, you will lose in Thailand

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19 hours ago, thailandroadblock said:

Do they sometimes send people to court to pay the 2000 fine or everybody pay on the spot ?


Just wondering...


Why are you worried ?  Just stay drug free , they won't fine you for drinking beer.







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1 hour ago, johnmcc6 said:

The war on drugs has failed. I don't know the answer but locking up millions of small time players is not one of them. Make it a medical condition instead of a criminal condition with health services aimed at helping people to get off the merry go round might offer some hope.  Jail for sick drug addicted people is not the answer.

Given that druggies are possibly the main group of petty criminals stealing stuff in western countries to buy more filth, I want them locked up so they can't steal my stuff. The other option is to just give them all the drugs they want. Works in Portugal.


BTW, I don't see why the hard done by taxpayer should have to fund services for people too stupid to say no, when they get addicted. It costs me far too much to see a GP now, so I'd be extremely PO if druggies were getting service for free when pensioners can't.

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