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Top EU court seen denying eastern states' refusal to host refugees


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Top EU court seen denying eastern states' refusal to host refugees

By Gabriela Baczynska



Migrants and refugees are seen aboard the Phoenix vessel of the Maltese NGO MOAS in central Mediterranean Sea August 17, 2017. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU's top court is expected on Wednesday to dismiss a challenge by eastern European countries against taking in refugees coming from Africa and the Middle East, a dispute that has divided the bloc.


The Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice (ECJ) is to rule around 0730 GMT on a challenge to EU immigration policy launched by Slovakia and Hungary, and backed by Poland.


EU diplomats expect a resounding defeat of the challenge and that such a ruling could lead to resuming EU talks over an emergency mechanism for exceptionally high arrivals of refugees and migrants.


The issue has been stalled for more than two years and divided the bloc at a time it faces Brexit, security threats and international challenges.


"We expect a clear line from the court. We've been waiting for this to revive talks about the EU asylum system reform," a senior EU diplomat said.


The challengers from the EU's east say the obligatory relocation of asylum-seekers arriving in frontline countries like Greece and Italy via the Mediterranean undermines their sovereignty and endangers their homogenous societies.


They have said the bloc should instead control its external borders better to crack down on illegal immigration.

The EU has taken in more than 1.7 million people from the Middle East and Africa since 2014. But, after a mass influx in 2015, numbers have gone down steadily following the 2016 deal that closed the route from Turkey to Greece, and with the EU stepping up support for Libya to curb arrivals in Italy.


Arrivals in Italy from Libya, the main immigration route to Europe this year, dropped by more than a half in July from a year earlier.




The eastern EU states say they can send equipment and border guards to the bloc's external frontiers but do not want to accept refugees because of security risks after a raft of Islamist attacks in Europe.


Hungary and Poland have refused to host a single person under the 2015 sharing scheme, while Slovakia and the Czech Republic have each taken in only a dozen-or-so.


Even the countries concerned are preparing to lose in the court following an early recommendation to the justices in July.


"We are prepared for a repeat of July," a senior Slovak diplomat said. "We will react by making clear we respect the court ruling. We will also say we still think that's not the way to solve the problem but we'll say we'll go on with relocation."


Western EU states, including Germany, which took in the vast majority of the people who made it into the bloc and which will hold parliamentary elections on Sept. 24, say the easterners cannot be exempted from showing solidarity.


Italy has been calling for taking away from the reluctant easterners some of the generous EU funding they use to catch up with the wealthier West as punishment for their stance on migration.


While the EU has sought in vain come up with a compromise, the court ruling may just force its hand.


"What you hear more of now is that eventually we may just do it with a majority vote as long as there is broad political backing behind this majority," the senior EU diplomat said.


It is a delicate balancing act as putting such a thorny issue to a vote, and possibly passing a migration reform despite opposition from several states, would cause even more bad blood.


"If we push it through above their heads, they will use it in their anti-EU propaganda at home," another EU diplomat said of Poland and Hungary, where the nationalist-minded governments are quick to criticise the bloc.


"But the arrivals are low, we have it more or less under control, so we have to get back to the solidarity mechanism."


(Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska Editing by Jeremy Gaunt)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-06
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Every individual countries population should have the right to choose who is allowed to enter. Shame on the EU bureaucrats. Faceless w ank ers pulling the strings.

These overpaid elites will never have to worry about their wealthy suburb becoming a slum. Immigrants to them are just cheap labour. 

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Do the Eastern European populations not have the right to live in peace? Why would they want to turn their country into what is essentially a war zone? Just look at the mess countries such as Sweden, Belgium and France are in. No-go zones sprouting up everywhere and women are fearful to walk in public places. This whole fiasco is unprecedented in the damage it is causing to the European cultures.

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Legal action is all well and good, but when it comes down to it, the countries concerned do not want migrants and the migrants do not want to live there in the first place, so what is the point - To fight for the rights of migrants to live where they don't want to?

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1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

Every individual countries population should have the right to choose who is allowed to enter. Shame on the EU bureaucrats. Faceless w ank ers pulling the strings.

These overpaid elites will never have to worry about their wealthy suburb becoming a slum. Immigrants to them are just cheap labour. 


30 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Welcome to the EU.  Surrender your sovereignty at the door.


21 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Do the Eastern European populations not have the right to live in peace? Why would they want to turn their country into what is essentially a war zone? Just look at the mess countries such as Sweden, Belgium and France are in. No-go zones sprouting up everywhere and women are fearful to walk in public places. This whole fiasco is unprecedented in the damage it is causing to the European cultures.

I was not aware that these nations were compelled to join the EU. Maybe they didn't read the rules before they joined? As the UK has shown, they are free to leave and do without the subsidies that they now receive from the EU.

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15 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Do the Eastern European populations not have the right to live in peace? Why would they want to turn their country into what is essentially a war zone? Just look at the mess countries such as Sweden, Belgium and France are in. No-go zones sprouting up everywhere and women are fearful to walk in public places. This whole fiasco is unprecedented in the damage it is causing to the European cultures.

On a BBC Question Time program after the Manchester bombing a young muslim woman stood up in the audience and said that community leaders in mosques were preaching that "western values" were destroying islam.


These people want the benefits but don't want the values (laws) that they are forced to live by, they refuse to integrate and create no-go lawless enclaves that are getting bigger and bigger, sorry but that only ends one way, as has been seen throughout history - muslims and Christians are like oil and water, however long it takes these people will want to segregate themselves from the rest and will use violence and terrorism to push their agenda, it is happening all over the world right now - including Thailand  

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:



I was not aware that these nations were compelled to join the EU. Maybe they didn't read the rules before they joined? As the UK has shown, they are free to leave and do without the subsidies that they now receive from the EU.


Look at the fuss the EU is making about Britain leaving. They want to make it a painful process and punish the UK as an example to other potential leavers. It was meant to be a trading block but has become a social experiment. With other cultures and ethnic groups rammed down our throats. 

If it was really about partnership, freedom and equality why are they so incensed at the idea of us wanting to go our own way ? Because they want our money and don't wish us to be a success.  They have created their expensive Utopian failure.. S od them, They have allowed their countries to be overrun with angry young men from poverty and diseased ridden Africa and the middle east. 

But It won't be their privileged families being raped , robbed and infected. Eventually the majority of people will wake up and vote these fools out. So keen to live with Africans and share their culture ? Move to Africa.

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6 minutes ago, smedly said:

On a BBC Question Time program after the Manchester bombing a young muslim woman stood up in the audience and said that community leaders in mosques were preaching that "western values" were destroying islam.


These people want the benefits but don't want the values (laws) that they are forced to live by, they refuse to integrate and create no-go lawless enclaves that are getting bigger and bigger, sorry but that only ends one way, as has been seen throughout history - muslims and Christians are like oil and water, however long it takes these people will want to segregate themselves from the rest and will use violence and terrorism to push their agenda, it is happening all over the world right now - including Thailand  

You've really haven't got a clue about history. For most of it, Muslims were much more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians were of Jews and Muslims. A Christian community thrived and prospered in Arab lands for 2 millenia. The Balkans were ruled by Muslims for several centuries and Christianity thrived. Lots of other examples.

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1 minute ago, Pdaz said:


Look at the fuss the EU is making about Britain leaving. They want to make it a painful process and punish the UK as an example to other potential leavers. It was meant to be a trading block but has become a social experiment. With other cultures and ethnic groups rammed down our throats. 

If it was really about partnership, freedom and equality why are they so incensed at the idea of us wanting to go our own way ? Because they want our money and don't wish us to be a success.  They have created their expensive Utopian failure.. S od them, They have allowed their countries to be overrun with angry young men from poverty and diseased ridden Africa and the middle east. 

But It won't be their privileged families being raped , robbed and infected. Eventually the majority of people will wake up and vote these fools out. So keen to live with Africans and share their culture ? Move to Africa.

So you're saying that the quality of life is worse for citizens of Germany, France. the Netherlands, Scandinavia etc. than it is for citizens of the UK?

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19 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:



I was not aware that these nations were compelled to join the EU. Maybe they didn't read the rules before they joined? As the UK has shown, they are free to leave and do without the subsidies that they now receive from the EU.

Yes they signed up for the free movement of people from other EU countries, what they didn't sign up for was free movement of people from the Middle East and Africa 


The better option was always going to be refugee camps until they can go back to their own countries, and the reason their own countries are in such a state is because various factions of muslims can't even live together and or certain people are in never ending power grabs


Germany dictates


The solution is to build a massive wall round the middle east put them all in there and put a lid on it, then they can sort it out between themselves without the rest of us ever being involved. They don't like western values well they can have their own big continent sized enclosure all to themselves and do just whatever they like.

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28 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:



I was not aware that these nations were compelled to join the EU. Maybe they didn't read the rules before they joined? As the UK has shown, they are free to leave and do without the subsidies that they now receive from the EU.


I don't think it said anywhere in the rules that Germany was in charge of the EU and that the German Chancellor ruled Europe and would make decisions for everyone when it suited her.


None of this would have happened if the EU had ensured those members with out facing borders controlled those borders and if Merkel hadn't made a gaff which was aimed at increasing her own popularity. 


And of course, these same East EU members, she now proposes will be second tier members.

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4 minutes ago, smedly said:

Yes they signed up for the free movement of people from other EU countries, what they didn't sign up for was free movement of people from the Middle East and Africa 


The better option was always going to be refugee camps until they can go back to their own countries, and the reason their own countries are in such a state is because various factions of muslims can't even live together and or certain people are in never ending power grabs


Germany dictates


The solution is to build a massive wall round the middle east put them all in there and put a lid on it, then they can sort it out between themselves without the rest of us ever being involved. They don't like western values well they can have their own big continent sized enclosure all to themselves and do just whatever they like.

Would that be right up to the moment they refuse to sell us oil and buy our weapons? 

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24 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You've really haven't got a clue about history. For most of it, Muslims were much more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians were of Jews and Muslims. A Christian community thrived and prospered in Arab lands for 2 millenia. The Balkans were ruled by Muslims for several centuries and Christianity thrived. Lots of other examples.


Would they be the same Muslim Balkan communities whose descendants supported the Nazis in WW11. Guess they weren't so tolerant to Jews by then.

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26 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So you're saying that the quality of life is worse for citizens of Germany, France. the Netherlands, Scandinavia etc. than it is for citizens of the UK?


No he didn't say that all. It's a very imaginative interpretation of what he did write though. 

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Would they be the same Muslim Balkan communities whose descendants supported the Nazis in WW11. Guess they weren't so tolerant to Jews by then.

Actually, Albanian Jews who managed to make it back to Albania found that all their goods and property had been zealously protected by their Albanian Muslim neighbors.

And then there's this:

"Al-Husseini tried to recruit Balkan Muslims to fight for the Axis but never yielded many—and those quite unreliable. Meanwhile, Muslim leaders in the area preached against such collaboration. Al-Husseini took to preaching over the airwaves and, a few years later, made an infamous 1944 radio broadcast, calling on Arabs to rise up and “kill the Jews wherever you find them.”


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18 minutes ago, Pdaz said:


Look at the fuss the EU is making about Britain leaving. They want to make it a painful process and punish the UK as an example to other potential leavers. It was meant to be a trading block but has become a social experiment. With other cultures and ethnic groups rammed down our throats. 

If it was really about partnership, freedom and equality why are they so incensed at the idea of us wanting to go our own way ? Because they want our money and don't wish us to be a success.  They have created their expensive Utopian failure.. S od them, They have allowed their countries to be overrun with angry young men from poverty and diseased ridden Africa and the middle east. 

But It won't be their privileged families being raped , robbed and infected. Eventually the majority of people will wake up and vote these fools out. So keen to live with Africans and share their culture ? Move to Africa.

There are only three net contributors into the EU, the UK being one of them, it is all about money, it is all about stopping the UK from leaving the EU at any cost, that is the primary objective


The EU (Germany) are trying to stop the UK from leaving the EU, as I have been saying for a while now - they have no interest in making a deal with the UK, they want the UK to walk out of the talks which in turn will test the resolve of the UK - its people and the political landscape hoping that it will implode, it is only in the last few days that the UK has started to call it for what it is in public - a total shambles of stalls - ridiculous demands - dirty tricks - accusations - blame etc etc, the UK has put forward some very reasonable solutions and yet the EU has put forward nothing.........just blaming the UK for the lack of progress, as for the so called exit bill - again the EU is blaming the UK for no progress, well I'm sorry but Brussels need to publish exactly what it is they want in terms of money and make it very clear how they calculated it, it is not up to the UK to make an offer - this is not a car boot sale, if the EU want 100b euro then say so and justify it.

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2 minutes ago, smedly said:

There are only three net contributors into the EU, the UK being one of them, it is all about money, it is all about stopping the UK from leaving the EU at any cost, that is the primary objective


The EU (Germany) are trying to stop the UK from leaving the EU, as I have been saying for a while now - they have no interest in making a deal with the UK, they want the UK to walk out of the talks which in turn will test the resolve of the UK - its people and the political landscape hoping that it will implode, it is only in the last few days that the UK has started to call it for what it is in public - a total shambles of stalls - ridiculous demands - dirty tricks - accusations - blame etc etc, the UK has put forward some very reasonable solutions and yet the EU has put forward nothing.........just blaming the UK for the lack of progress, as for the so called exit bill - again the EU is blaming the UK for no progress, well I'm sorry but Brussels need to publish exactly what it is they want in terms of money and make it very clear how they calculated it, it is not up to the UK to make an offer - this is not a car boot sale, if the EU want 100b euro then say so and justify it.

Where did you come up with this nonsense that there are only 3 net contributors to the EU?

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37 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You've really haven't got a clue about history. For most of it, Muslims were much more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians were of Jews and Muslims. A Christian community thrived and prospered in Arab lands for 2 millenia. The Balkans were ruled by Muslims for several centuries and Christianity thrived. Lots of other examples.

Tell you what, go live in Iran and see how tolerant they are and if you are a woman good luck with that, in the west we have laws and rights that are not tied up with religion - that is the problem right there, their social structure comes from Islam - right out of the book

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When the Eastern bloc decayed, the Eastern European countries have retained their sovereignty. Then all Eastern European countries wanted to enter the EU as soon as possible. Now these countries notice that their sovereignty is limited again.
Nothing against help for real war refugees. A temporary stay can be granted here.
When the danger to life in these war countries is over, a return should take place.

In fact, a sneaky naturalization is carried out by the back door.
What now comes with ships illegally to Europe are 95% economic refugees.
Merkel and Co can not play Mother Teresa here and continue to invite all africa and the middle east to Europe.

Import cheap workers, that is silly, with  youth unemployment rates of 20-30% in the southern EU countries ( Greece, Italy, Spain).
I wonder that the other EU Member States not stronger fight against Merkel's wrong immigration policy.

As a precaution, I have a look at property in Budapest.
Fortunately, I can buy and stay there as an EU member, if the shit hit the fan in my home country.
I prefer Thailand, but it is always better to have some options.

Edited by tomacht8
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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Where did you come up with this nonsense that there are only 3 net contributors to the EU?



This chart shows that Germany and the UK are the biggest net contributors and the Netherlands is also a net contributor. The article says there are nine net contributors out of 28, some very small contributors.




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35 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:



This chart shows that Germany and the UK are the biggest net contributors and the Netherlands is also a net contributor. The article says there are nine net contributors out of 28, some very small contributors.




thanks for confirming that smedly's post was incorrect. and by the way, apparently that number is now 10 net contributors:


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

thanks for confirming that smedly's post was incorrect. and by the way, apparently that number is now 10 net contributors:


my post is not incorrect, just depends on where you look and even if information from above link was correct the others mentioned are not worth mentioning, the UK leaving the EU leaves the other two to make up the difference which they won't, Germany and France are already preparing for the UK leaving by bringing the euro zone closer together by dividing it - two speed Europe lol, you couldn't make it up, unless of course the UK stupidly gives them 100b euro or even 50b or even 20b, it is all about money and who is left holding the bag, ask yourself why after all these years Germany is the only country that is solvent - has the strongest economy (by a country mile) and is the richest.....................why ?...........the answer is obvious 

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1 minute ago, smedly said:

my post is not incorrect, just depends on where you look and even if information from above link was correct the others mentioned are not worth mentioning, the UK leaving the EU leaves the other two to make up the difference which they won't, Germany and France are already preparing for the UK leaving by bringing the euro zone closer together by dividing it - two speed Europe lol, you couldn't make it up, unless of course the UK stupidly gives them 100b euro or even 50b or even 20b, it is all about money and who is left holding the bag, ask yourself why after all these years Germany is the only country that is solvent - has the strongest economy (by a country mile) and is the richest.....................why ?...........the answer is obvious 

"my post is not incorrect, just depends on where you look and even if information from above link was correct the others mentioned are not worth mentioning,"

well then, why not share with us where it is you found this alleged information?

in fact, on a per capita basis, the UK is number 8 out of the 10 net contributors to the EU.


What's more even without counting the UK about half the population of the EU live in countries that are net contributors. Counting the UK it's over 60 percent.



"why after all these years Germany is the only country that is solvent" Really, Germany is the only nation in Europe that is solvent? What does that even mean? Do you mean that all the nations of the EU with the exception of germany can't pay their bills?

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25 minutes ago, smedly said:

my post is not incorrect, just depends on where you look and even if information from above link was correct the others mentioned are not worth mentioning, the UK leaving the EU leaves the other two to make up the difference which they won't, Germany and France are already preparing for the UK leaving by bringing the euro zone closer together by dividing it - two speed Europe lol, you couldn't make it up, unless of course the UK stupidly gives them 100b euro or even 50b or even 20b, it is all about money and who is left holding the bag, ask yourself why after all these years Germany is the only country that is solvent - has the strongest economy (by a country mile) and is the richest.....................why ?...........the answer is obvious 

"my post is not incorrect, just depends on where you look and even if information from above link was correct the others mentioned are not worth mentioning, the UK leaving the EU leaves the other two to make up the difference which they won't, Germany and France are already preparing for the UK leaving by bringing the euro zone closer together by dividing it - two speed Europe"


I agree - at the end of the day the UK is one of the few giving large sums to the EU.


Hence the EU's concern at the UK leaving.

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7 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

"The solution is to build a massive wall round the middle east put them all in there and put a lid on it"


You forgot to mention to fill it up with water..

:The time to do it was 3000 years ago before those 3 afflictions or religiousity were born.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You've really haven't got a clue about history. For most of it, Muslims were much more tolerant of Christians and Jews than Christians were of Jews and Muslims. A Christian community thrived and prospered in Arab lands for 2 millenia. The Balkans were ruled by Muslims for several centuries and Christianity thrived. Lots of other examples.

To tell you the truth, I would rather NOT live in a christian enclave in a muslim society, tolerant or not.


BTw do you know if those christian communities had beer bars, strip clubs, bacon sandwiches or BBQed prawns? Probably not?

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and just to further clarify this EU situation, many have compared the divorce bill the EU are demanding to a marriage divorce, that would be a fair way to look at it if you compared it to a marriage that had 27 people and one decides to leave, that means when all the commitments are divided between the 27 members then the UK is responsible for 3.5% of it, of course they are also due to be compensated for what they have put in in terms of ownership of assets, whether the EU likes it or not - the UK does not owe anything like the ridiculous demand for 100b euro.


also the countries that are refusing to accept migrants are just right, walk into a hospital in the UK and take a long hard look around the waiting area, it is no wonder the NHS is at bursting point

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