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Update law 90 days report

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I just received a mail from the french embassy. It seems the law change from today.




It says that every resident must report to their local immigration office maximum 24 hours after every trip outside thailand...


If we fail to do it, we might face a 14000THb fine





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14 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

seems phuket specific. 

Maybe or maybe not... let's see if other immigration offices send instructions to embassies.


If it's really phuket specific, the question is why phuket and not other places in thailand.

Edited by bruno1990
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If they indeed do nation wide 24hrs is not a heck of a lot of time and of course getting to immigration in your home town to do so may not be the easiest. But, does that also mean you can only come back from international travel and then MUST go home asap or you are in the wrong against the law? Normally I always spend a few days in Bangkok with my wife's family. This law makes no sense and is worrisome. This is in-fact a Human Rights issue!

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2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Lots of incorrect info in that blog post from the consulate in Phuket and it is really nothing new.

The big one is that it  has nothing to do with 90 reports.

The fine mentioned is way above the max fine for not reporting your residence by doing a TM30 form within 24 hours. The max fine is 2000 baht for an individual according to the immigration act.

For 90 day reporting and not submitting a change of address it is 5000 baht max.

Thanks for clarification but it seems pretty clear for me.


It says foreigners who hold a non immigrant visa, must, after each trip oversea, report to their local immigration office with a proof of residency (house contract ect...) within 24 hours, If not, they will face a 14000Thb fine.


Now, this information come from from the french honorary counsul of phuket. I met him several times, and i cannot believe he could send so wrong informations.


Here is the mail :


Chères et Chers compatriotes,

L’Immigration de Phuket vient de rafraichir un ancien texte de Loi : Toute personne  résidante légalement à Phuket après un voyage à l’étranger, doit se présenter aux bureaux de l’Immigration afin de confirmer son retour et son lieu de résidence ; ceci dans un délai de 24 heures maximum.

Une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à 14 000 baths (quatorze milles baths) sera appliquer aux contrevenants.

Présentez-vous avec votre contrat de location, ou tous types de documents précisant votre lieu de résidence à Phuket.
Vous pouvez retrouvez cette information sur notre page



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6 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

If they indeed do nation wide 24hrs is not a heck of a lot of time and of course getting to immigration in your home town to do so may not be the easiest. But, does that also mean you can only come back from international travel and then MUST go home asap or you are in the wrong against the law? Normally I always spend a few days in Bangkok with my wife's family. This law makes no sense and is worrisome. This is in-fact a Human Rights issue!

i agree with you. This law seems to be a non sense. It leaves us only few hours after a long journey to run to the local immigration office...But in the same time, it would not be the first time thai immigration enforce very strange laws, or at least enforce in the wrong way these laws...

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17 minutes ago, bruno1990 said:

It says foreigners who hold a non immigrant visa, must, after each trip oversea, report to their local immigration office with a proof of residency (house contract ect...) within 24 hours, If not, they will face a 14000Thb fine.

The TM30 residence report has to be done with 24 hours of arrival at the residence under section 38 of the immigration act.

The 90 day reporting is under section 37.

These are the max fines for those sections. No where near 14k baht (not bath as written in the blog post).


Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be
punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for
each day which passes until the law is complied with.
Section 77 : Whoever fails to comply with the provision of Section 38, shall be punished with a fine not
exceeding 2,000 Baht. If said person is a hotel manager, he shall be punished with a fine from 2,000 Baht
to 10,000 Baht.

See: Immigration Act B.E. 2522 English translation

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19 minutes ago, bruno1990 said:

It says foreigners who hold a non immigrant visa, must, after each trip oversea, report to their local immigration office with a proof of residency (house contract ect...) within 24 hours, If not, they will face a 14000Thb fine.

I though the property owner was the one who has to report a farang staying at their property and the fine is the owners responsibility? Nothing to do with farang. Or is that incorrect?

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35 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

If they indeed do nation wide 24hrs is not a heck of a lot of time and of course getting to immigration in your home town to do so may not be the easiest. But, does that also mean you can only come back from international travel and then MUST go home asap or you are in the wrong against the law? Normally I always spend a few days in Bangkok with my wife's family. This law makes no sense and is worrisome. This is in-fact a Human Rights issue!

When I report for my TM-30 in Jomtien (language is mixed with TM-28 rules to make the foreigner look responsible, but using the 30-form), I bring receipts for where I stayed after entering the country, explaining any days between date-of-entry and date-of-reporting.  Sometimes my "hotel" for the last night is an overnight bus-ticket.  Never had a problem with this if I report the first day they are open after arriving back home.


9 minutes ago, sinbin said:

I though the property owner was the one who has to report a farang staying at their property and the fine is the owners responsibility? Nothing to do with farang. Or is that incorrect?

What it comes down to, is if you want something from your immigration office, You Pay, or you don't get any service (extension, 90-day report, etc).  Most landlords are clueless to when you come and go, and would have no idea anyhow, so it's a bit illogical to make them 'responsible'.  Perhaps they could be blamed for not making the first "arrival" report, coinciding with the lease-start.  Hotels and gueshouses are something else -- I have no idea when/if my hotels report me, but Immigration (Jomtien) only counts from the time I get home.

Edited by JackThompson
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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

it's a bit illogical to make them 'responsible'

It sure is. My wife was made to pay 500 Baht  for not reporting my stay within the deadline. No receipt given at Buriram IO. It is now required that the TM 30 acceptance notice receipt is stapled to a page in your passport.  And on top of this Buriram, for one, is not doing online 90 day reporting, so I'm told. How much more sh1t do we have to take?


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47 minutes ago, stubuzz said:

I tried to submit a TM30 and my local office wanted the house owner to do it. I explained it was impossible as he lives 900km away, but they still wanted the owner to do it.

He can do it online same as hotels etc. Or can he?

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1 hour ago, bruno1990 said:

Thanks for clarification but it seems pretty clear for me.


It says foreigners who hold a non immigrant visa, must, after each trip oversea, report to their local immigration office with a proof of residency (house contract ect...) within 24 hours, If not, they will face a 14000Thb fine.


Now, this information come from from the french honorary counsul of phuket. I met him several times, and i cannot believe he could send so wrong informations.


Here is the mail :


Chères et Chers compatriotes,

L’Immigration de Phuket vient de rafraichir un ancien texte de Loi : Toute personne  résidante légalement à Phuket après un voyage à l’étranger, doit se présenter aux bureaux de l’Immigration afin de confirmer son retour et son lieu de résidence ; ceci dans un délai de 24 heures maximum.

Une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à 14 000 baths (quatorze milles baths) sera appliquer aux contrevenants.

Présentez-vous avec votre contrat de location, ou tous types de documents précisant votre lieu de résidence à Phuket.
Vous pouvez retrouvez cette information sur notre page



I don't think this means you have to report to Phuket immigration within 24 hours of your return to Thailand but rather within 24 hours of your return to your residence in Phuket! Not the same thing!!!

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5 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

I don't think this means you have to report to Phuket immigration within 24 hours of your return to Thailand but rather within 24 hours of your return to your residence in Phuket! Not the same thing!!!

It's not his job to report full stop.  The property owner has to do the reporting. Not farang job.

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10 minutes ago, sinbin said:

It's not his job to report full stop.  The property owner has to do the reporting. Not farang job.

My point is that, whoever it is who has to report - farang property owner or Thai property owner, the French text is not explicit that they have to report within 24 hours of arrival back in Thailand. It suggests rather that it's within 24 hours of arrival back in Phuket. But it's not 100% clear (only about 90%) so someone could no doubt clarify this with the French Consul or even with Thai Immigration in Phuket ...

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1 hour ago, TerryLH said:

"You Pay, or you don't get any service (extension, 90-day report, etc)."


You pay to do 90 day reporting?

The title of this thread - and possibly the article it is based on - is misleading / inaccurate.  You don't have to do a "90-day report" unless and until you stay in the country over 90-days.  The "report in 24 hours" could refer to TM-28 or TM-30, which have been blurred-together in some immigration offices, though they use the TM-30 form, and have been reported to throw-away a TM-28 people attempt to submit.   But, this being Thailand, the policy and fine can vary widely from one office to another - with some not requiring it at all.


The fine people have reported paying is 1600 to 5000 THB (sometimes less if "no receipt" - per above).  Threats of higher fines may be made if a person protests (per previous reports here) being required to pay a fine for a change in policy they never heard of, and which was never mentioned before on previous visits going back years - but I haven't seen a report of anyone being forced to pay over 5000 THB in the end.

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2 hours ago, glegolo said:

Hahahaha France...... Viva la France, Europes Thailand...  Have no clue about anything in particular the english language...



Well, to be fair, nobody knows what's going on, even in Thailand. There have been whole threads dedicated to this subject over the last 6 months. I have heard (on this forum) that a number of people have been fined at the Jomtien Immigration office.

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1 hour ago, sinbin said:

 How much more sh1t do we have to take?



As much as they throw at you until you decide to leave. There's nothing that can be done about it, so the easiest way is just to comply and have a laugh about it. 

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I got hit with a fine about 2 years ago at Nan immigration. I only went there to transfer stamps from my old passport to my new one and then they asked about my address. I had lived in the same house for over 10 years but the owner had never submitted the foreigner staying at her home because, 1. It is a crock, 2. why would a Thai know about this as it is not widely know, unless they own apartments/hotels or live in a tourist city. 3. I got hit with the fine, not the owner as I was the person in front of them. I argued a little stating that this was not my responsibility but you can all guess their response. You farang you pay, they were trying to get more than the 2,000 stated but I stood my ground and would only give them that amount. Trying to get a receipt for the payment was also difficult but finely they did write me one.   

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

 What it comes down to, is if you want something from your immigration office, You Pay, or you don't get any service (extension, 90-day report, etc).   


I have never had to pay for service at the local immigration office. 90-day reporting takes 5 minutes and yearly extensions 10 - 15 minutes. I only pay the extension fee.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I have never had to pay for service at the local immigration office. 90-day reporting takes 5 minutes and yearly extensions 10 - 15 minutes. I only pay the extension fee.

To clarify - you pay what they say you must for the TM-30 fine, whether the law 'really says' it is your responsibility or not, or you get no service for whatever else you need from the office. 


Those who never go to the immigration office for anything (extensions, 90-day reports, etc) can ignore the TM-30 business entirely without consequence, as they don't check/enforce compliance of this on your way out of the country (yet).

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4 hours ago, bruno1990 said:

Thanks for clarification but it seems pretty clear for me.


It says foreigners who hold a non immigrant visa, must, after each trip oversea, report to their local immigration office with a proof of residency (house contract ect...) within 24 hours, If not, they will face a 14000Thb fine.


Now, this information come from from the french honorary counsul of phuket. I met him several times, and i cannot believe he could send so wrong informations.


Here is the mail :


Chères et Chers compatriotes,

L’Immigration de Phuket vient de rafraichir un ancien texte de Loi : Toute personne  résidante légalement à Phuket après un voyage à l’étranger, doit se présenter aux bureaux de l’Immigration afin de confirmer son retour et son lieu de résidence ; ceci dans un délai de 24 heures maximum.

Une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à 14 000 baths (quatorze milles baths) sera appliquer aux contrevenants.

Présentez-vous avec votre contrat de location, ou tous types de documents précisant votre lieu de résidence à Phuket.
Vous pouvez retrouvez cette information sur notre page




The French text says nothing about the notification of arrival of a foreigner at the residence of the person making the notification (with the TM.30)

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