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Trump hits back at Clinton, with a golf ball, on Twitter


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38 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Wow!  I must assume you are non-American but you have gone into a spiel that one normally attributes to an American who has the same feelings.  Well done, very original, thanks for enlightening me.  I have never seen so many adjectives used in two short paragraphs, and from someone who has probably never met the man.  Again, thanks for highlighting why there is such a divide in the world.  :wai:

You think it's necessary to meet a President in order to characterize him? Especially one who has courted publicity almost his entire life and now shares his tweets with the world? And there's lots of vile ones in there. The golf thing may be his latest. But he's had enough time since to come up with more.

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12 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Just another question if I might?  If someone has a differing opinion why is there the need to respond in such a manner?  We all know that it has been stated that she won the popular vote but this, unfortunately, has no relevance in the way the POTUS is elected.  She is who she is and is not now, nor  will she ever be, the POTUS.  :wai:

You see this typical type of response from the leftie liberal minority. They revert to name calling and insults fairly rapidly. They really need to improve their argument, not increase the level of name calling.


I think what irks them the most is that the (lefty) media, the Hollywood 'stars', various singers and media tarts etc thought they had the election in the bag. What they forgot or chose to ignore was the voice of the silent majority who decided to make themselves heard. It doesn't happen very often as a lot of people let the loonie left hog the limelight - until something really important to them comes along like a Presidential election.

Trump out campaigned Clinton hands down. She politicked in safe democrat areas to rousing support from the faithful - but that's not the way elections are won - particularly in this case. Clinton took the people for granted, a fatal mistake in politics as she has found out.

Trump got the silent majority of it's collective arse and won. Simple as that in my opinion.

A different Republican campaigning in the 'accepted normal manner' would have lost to Clinton - no doubt about it.


Does anyone know how many of the nightie shredding movie stars and singers actually moved to Canada as they weeping proclaimed in the media shortly after King Donalds coronation?


I'm an Aussie so I don't have skin in the game. This is merely an interested observers take on the situation.

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18 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

You see this typical type of response from the leftie liberal minority. They revert to name calling and insults fairly rapidly. They really need to improve their argument, not increase the level of name calling.


I think what irks them the most is that the (lefty) media, the Hollywood 'stars', various singers and media tarts etc thought they had the election in the bag. What they forgot or chose to ignore was the voice of the silent majority who decided to make themselves heard. It doesn't happen very often as a lot of people let the loonie left hog the limelight - until something really important to them comes along like a Presidential election.

Trump out campaigned Clinton hands down. She politicked in safe democrat areas to rousing support from the faithful - but that's not the way elections are won - particularly in this case. Clinton took the people for granted, a fatal mistake in politics as she has found out.

Trump got the silent majority of it's collective arse and won. Simple as that in my opinion.

A different Republican campaigning in the 'accepted normal manner' would have lost to Clinton - no doubt about it.


Does anyone know how many of the nightie shredding movie stars and singers actually moved to Canada as they weeping proclaimed in the media shortly after King Donalds coronation?


I'm an Aussie so I don't have skin in the game. This is merely an interested observers take on the situation.

This type of name calling?  I refer to your own post which has some actual name calling such as- 

"leftie liberal minority"

"media tarts"

"loonie left"


"nightie shredding movie stars"


My apologies for getting your name wrong- I was doing it from memory.  I corrected it in moments after realising my mistake.


EDIT- to reply more accurately to Si Thea01- I don't consider saying someone's behaviour is pathetic is over the top when it is clear that their comments are just that.  It's hardly flaming.  All the best :)



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4 minutes ago, Slip said:

This type of name calling?  I refer to your own post which has some actual name calling such as- 

"leftie liberal minority"

"media tarts"

"loonie left"


"nightie shredding movie stars"


My apologies for getting your name wrong- I was doing it from memory.  I corrected it in moments after realising my mistake.



Apology accepted.

Some of the quoted text is not from my posts.

I use the terms loony left in a generalised manner and not as a personal attack on another forum member.

I believe this is acceptable according to TVF rules and does not constitute flaming.

If it does then I unreservedly withdraw them.

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20 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

You see this typical type of response from the leftie liberal minority.

They revert to name calling and insults fairly rapidly.

They really need to improve their argument, not increase the level of name calling.

I think what irks them the most is that the (lefty) media, the Hollywood 'stars', various singers and media tarts etc thought they had the election in the bag. 

It doesn't happen very often as a lot of people let the loonie left hog the limelight -

until something really important to them comes along like a Presidential election.

Does anyone know how many of the nightie shredding movie stars and singers actually moved to Canada as they weeping proclaimed in the media shortly after King Donalds coronation?


"They revert to name calling and insults fairly rapidly.

They really need to improve their argument, not increase the level of name calling."


the leftie liberal minority

the (lefty) media

and media tarts

the loonie left

nightie shredding movie stars and singers



Grand Hypocrisy illustrated in one post.

Well done!


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8 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Thank you...please read the post above yours.

The portion of my quote that was not from you was my quote from Si Thea01.  All the insults I quoted came directly from you as can be seen from my post if you care to examine it.  My point was that there were no insults in my post, unless you consider my use of the word 'pathetic' as some kind of insult, yet you responded with a number of insults as shown above while criticising me by reference to Si Thea01's post.  I suggest it's time to give up while you're behind.

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1 minute ago, Slip said:

The portion of my quote that was not from you was my quote from Si Thea01.  All the insults I quoted came directly from you as can be seen from my post if you care to examine it.  My point was that there were no insults in my post, unless you consider my use of the word 'pathetic' as some kind of insult, yet you responded with a number of insults as shown above while criticising me by reference to Si Thea01's post.  I suggest it's time to give up while you're behind.

or you get a posting holiday.

Please read Scotts'.....advice.

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2 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

or you get a posting holiday.

Please read Scotts'.....advice.

I am explaining the waters that you have desperately tried to muddy.  If that involves a ban so be it, but you should not be allowed to obfuscate and troll in this manner.  I have nothing further to say on the matter as I do actually respect the mods and am not the one baiting or trolling.


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1 minute ago, Slip said:

I am explaining the waters that you have desperately tried to muddy.  If that involves a ban so be it, but you should not be allowed to obfuscate and troll in this manner.  I have nothing further to say on the matter as I do actually respect the mods and am not the one baiting or trolling.


see post #66

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A Look Inside the Hate-Filled Twitter Accounts That President Trump Retweeted

"President Donald Trump retweeted posts from two Twitter accounts Sunday —

both of which have histories of hate-filled posts including anti-Muslim sentiments."


"Trump retweeted a video, which was posted by a user with the handle "Fuctupmind" Sunday morning, that depicted him striking Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball."


"Trump also retweeted several images on Sunday from an account with the handle @Team_Trump45 that depicted the influence of his "Make America Great Again" agenda."



The occupier of the White House spends his time alone in the wee hours, 

cruising racist, bigoted, Twitter accounts for inspiration.



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That woman is so pathetic.  Just a bitter harpy who didn't receive the dues to which she thought she was entitled.  'Now hawking her lame excuses and shrill rhetoric in print for some extra coin.  And to think, taxpayer money will be spent by public libraries to put the rank propaganda on their shelves.  I wonder if nutjobs like Stephen Colbert, Alec Baldwin and Whoopi Goldberg will have to pay for their copies.   I'm guessing Bernie Sanders will have to pay for his - lol!



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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

No. You voted for trump. Make all the lame excuses you want. You voted for trump.

No excuses, I was hoping Trump would not have been a candidate. I was a Ted Cruz supporter. But, I could not bear  the thought of looking at or listening to Hillary Clinton for 4 years. 

 Just curious Mr. Jingthing, why are your comments so bitter? Are you really such a bitter person?

I hope that one day you find peace again. If you hate Trump so much, why do you devote so much time to him?

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2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

That woman is so pathetic.  Just a bitter harpy who didn't receive the dues to which she thought she was entitled.  'Now hawking her lame excuses and shrill rhetoric in print for some extra coin.  And to think, taxpayer money will be spent by public libraries to put the rank propaganda on their shelves.  I wonder if nutjobs like Stephen Colbert, Alec Baldwin and Whoopi Goldberg will have to pay for their copies.   I'm guessing Bernie Sanders will have to pay for his - lol!



Did you read the book? If not, how do you know that she is "...hawking her lame excuses and shrill rhetoric...?"

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12 hours ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump's unpresidential presidency keeps hitting new lows

"That message -- a trollish attempt at humor with overtones of violence against women -- went out to Trump's 38.5 million Twitter followers and turned a Sunday expected to be focused on the President's preparations for the United Nations General Assembly meetings this week into a now-familiar White House circus."


"The simple fact is this: With every passing day, it becomes more and more clear that Trump not only will never act "presidential" but also seems to revel in taking the very word -- and concept -- and dragging it through the mud."


"Since winning the White House, Trump's promises of a presidential pivot have become fewer and farther between as he appears to have more fully embraced his Internet troll persona."



Well said.

A pathetic isolated elderly man with the mind of a trolling child.


This misogynist never will get over the fact that he lost to a woman by three million votes.

Yea and his wife says she will combat internet bullying. lol   I guess living with the most lying individual in history rubs off on all family members.  Just observe what they say and do. lol What an immoral family.  And his regime allows this b/c Republi-clans are not interested in American values. They only want power/wealth/ and to hate everything not White.

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1 hour ago, habanero said:

No excuses, I was hoping Trump would not have been a candidate. I was a Ted Cruz supporter. But, I could not bear  the thought of looking at or listening to Hillary Clinton for 4 years. 

 Just curious Mr. Jingthing, why are your comments so bitter? Are you really such a bitter person?

I hope that one day you find peace again. If you hate Trump so much, why do you devote so much time to him?

I don't know if you saw the emmys. Maybe you should take a look at the opening act.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know if you saw the emmys. Maybe you should take a look at the opening act.

I saw that and it was exactly as you described, the opening act. Given what this woman has done for the past 3 decades you want to accept that she was not acting.  It was one of her greatest acting parts and you fell for it.  Goes along the same lines as all the two bit players who want to carry on  like  sore losers they have shown themselves to be.  Given you spend so much time finding different ways to hate and be bitter toward the POTUS it is a wonder you have time for anything else.  Maybe one day you will wake up and smell the roses. :wai:

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1 minute ago, Si Thea01 said:

I saw that and it was exactly as you described, the opening act. Given what this woman has done for the past 3 decades you want to accept that she was not acting.  It was one of her greatest acting parts and you fell for it.  Goes along the same lines as all the two bit players who want to carry on  like  sore losers they have sown themselves to be.  Given you spend so much time finding different ways to hate and be bitter toward the POTUS it is a wonder you have time for anything else.  Maybe one day you will wake up and smell the roses. :wai:

I believe that the opening act for the Emmys was Stephen Colbert's musical bit. Apparently your obsession with Clinton has warped your memory.

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20 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

45 will be the most hated individual in the world. He will be thought of similarly as Hitler.

45 will be the most laughed at so called  " white american alpha male" in history - ever - period 

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12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You think it's necessary to meet a President in order to characterize him? Especially one who has courted publicity almost his entire life and now shares his tweets with the world? And there's lots of vile ones in there. The golf thing may be his latest. But he's had enough time since to come up with more.

IMO Putin wants him to diminish POTUS and America thus elevating himself i.e. Putin and Russia. It seems to me 45 loves Russia/ Putin more than U.S. and Americans. He is the scourge of the world. I hope he is gone soon. I will celebrate.

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On 9/18/2017 at 8:44 AM, julietx said:

I think it's great how trump has ripped up the rule book on conforming to the usual presidential mold.


and thank god we don't have to look at that nasty old hag for the next 4 years.

 I agree with your comment .Many people who voted for Trump did so because  of the alternative .American's who want change are being poked about this 24/7,including the President! HC should go about taking care of her Grand Kids and leave the poking to the other side of the aisle that helped her loose.

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On 9/19/2017 at 8:39 AM, selftaopath said:

Yea and his wife says she will combat internet bullying. lol   I guess living with the most lying individual in history rubs off on all family members.  Just observe what they say and do. lol What an immoral family.  And his regime allows this b/c Republi-clans are not interested in American values. They only want power/wealth/ and to hate everything not White.

Lincoln was Republican and he helped end slavery in America.Your hate for Trump is deep rooted .Is it because of this that you demonize all republicans? 

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